voodoo_ Posted November 16, 2006 Author Report Share Posted November 16, 2006 U Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pekarman Posted November 16, 2006 Report Share Posted November 16, 2006 Nisam igrao toliko ali da nisi ti upalio Stronghold a ? :) Quote Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted November 16, 2006 Author Report Share Posted November 16, 2006 Jok more, eto me na kraju acta 2 :) Priča se fino razvija tokom acta 2, dok je a1 ba Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Peregrine Posted November 16, 2006 Report Share Posted November 16, 2006 meni nece dvesta stvari da radi tipa ja kad kastujem neku magiju jednom hoce da se pojavi ono sranje kao gde cu da kastujem jednom ne pa ili kastuje tako negde ili kastuje i nishta se ne desi i tako... ljupka igra. To za kastanje se i meni desavalo dok nisam skontao sta je u pitanju . Uvek sam kliktao na neprijatelja da vidim koliki mu je health i onda sam zaboravljao da ga deselktujem. I onda kad ti oces nesto da summonujes on nece zato sto ti je target taj neprijatelj a ne mozes preko njega da summonujes. Isto vazi i za buffove, ne moze na njega da ih bacas i onda te lik samo iskulira i ne radi nista. Quote "There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted November 16, 2006 Author Report Share Posted November 16, 2006 Ne znam za vas, al ja Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G!!! Posted November 17, 2006 Report Share Posted November 17, 2006 koji je max lvl. ? edit. 20 je vrh Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KadeshiAmbassador Posted November 17, 2006 Report Share Posted November 17, 2006 (edited) Treba da dobijem igru u ponedeljak, a ispiti se blize...'bem te zivote : ( eh malo je 20 lvl posle ekspanzija za prvi deo Edited November 17, 2006 by Zoltrix Quote -It is said that the first time Takamatsu saw Judo he was horrified. This was because they bend their backs during their techniques. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dvnityCker Posted November 17, 2006 Report Share Posted November 17, 2006 to mi je sranje i u balduru sto su limitovali lvl, gomila expa propadne na kraju Quote The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wulfgar Posted November 17, 2006 Report Share Posted November 17, 2006 Koji ste jebeni munchkin-i... lvl 20 je previshe. Za igru koja tvrdi da ima 30-40 sati gameplay-a lvl 7-8 bi trebao da bude maksimum, a ne da se nedostatak sadrzajnosti i (u ovom sluchaju) povremeno neshvatljivo retardiran dizajn nadomeshcuje ubar-kewl!!1! magijama, stotinama hp-a i shtatijaznam chime... Quote Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika. Pr0 wifebeaters know. Never give up. Never give in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted November 18, 2006 Author Report Share Posted November 18, 2006 Kresno sam se s Elanee hohoho Pri kraju postaje ekstremno zajebano... već sam u par borbi radio load jedno 3-4 puta... ako ovako nastavi, moraću da di Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pekarman Posted November 19, 2006 Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 Znaci ko KOTOR, kako kojoj povladjujem tako cu da je obalim a? Biram Neesku *jos pod uticajem DM-a*. Kad vec rece konzola, ima i ona komanda da dizes reputaciju kod ljudi koje vodis, sta mislis jer postoji opcija da podignes jos nekoj pa pravite grupnjak ? :) Quote Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted November 19, 2006 Author Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 Pa sad ne znam, ovo je bilo pred sam napad na tvrđavu, dovukla me samog na zidine kao ne Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G!!! Posted November 19, 2006 Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 haha noliferi nijedni :P znachi rimantika je josh uvek prisutna... meh chak i sirovim napumpanim fajterima fali svileni dodir mirisnih kovrdza venerinog brega :P no arguing on that Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted November 19, 2006 Author Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 Pre Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G!!! Posted November 19, 2006 Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 da i tamo prochitah koliko su mocne craftovan stvari, tj da ne mozes kupiti takve... medjutim... meni je craftovanje smaranje u ovoj igri, ne znam zasto mislio sam da ce sve biti mnogo technije i zanimljivije... btw vudu nameravas li drugi put da ga igras Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wulfgar Posted November 19, 2006 Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 (edited) @voodoo Svilengaco. @Dzidzi Ja josh nisam naishao ni na jednu knjigu recepata gde ima neshto shto vec nema u prodavnici. Ili shto nije bezveze. Edited November 19, 2006 by Wulfgar Quote Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika. Pr0 wifebeaters know. Never give up. Never give in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G!!! Posted November 19, 2006 Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 otkud znam to sam procitao po forumima evo neceg, a ako te zanima skoro sve potrazi na gugletu Neverwinter Nights 2 Crafting Recipes, vrlo obimno Armors Armor of Acid Resistance 10 Requirements: Spellcaster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Faint Earth -Jacinth -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 10 points of Acid Damage Armor of Acid Resistance 20 Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Earth -Rogues Stone -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 20 points of Acid Damage Armor of Acid Resistance 30 Requirements: Spellcaster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Earth -Kings Tear -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 30 points of Acid Damage Armor of Fire Resistance 10 Requirements: Spellcaster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Faint Fire -Jacinth -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 10 points of Fire Damage Armor of Fire Resistance 20 Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Fire -Rogues Stone -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 20 points of Fire Damage Armor of Fire Resistance 30 Requirements: Spellcaster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Fire -Kings Tear -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 30 points of Fire Damage Armor of Cold Resistance 10 Requirements: Spellcaster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Faint Water -Jacinth -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 10 points of Cold Damage Armor of Cold Resistance 20 Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Water -Rogues Stone -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 20 points of Cold Damage Armor of Cold Resistance 30 Requirements: Spellcaster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Water -Kings Tear -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 30 points of Cold Damage Armor of Electrical Resistance 10 Requirements: Spellcaster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Faint Air -Jacinth -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 10 points of Electrical Damage Armor of Electrical Resistance 20 Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Air -Rogues Stone -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 20 points of Electrical Damage Armor of Electrical Resistance 30 Requirements: Spellcaster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Air -Kings Tear -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 30 points of Electrical Damage Armor of Sonic Resistance 10 Requirements: Spellcaster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Faint Power -Jacinth -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 10 points of Sonic Damage Armor of Sonic Resistance 20 Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Power -Rogues Stone -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 20 points of Sonic Damage Armor of Sonic Resistance 30 Requirements: Spellcaster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Power -Kings Tear -Resist Energy Spell Properties: -Absorbs First 30 points of Sonic Damage Abjuration Armor (Bugged, Should be Deflection armor, Deflect Arrows bonus feat) Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Air -Faint Power -Jacinth -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -Bonus Feat-Spell Focus Abjuration Armor of Fortification (bugged, Should also be immunity to sneak attacks) Requirements: Spellcaster level 13, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Radiant Earth -Glowing Power -Blue Diamond -Banishment Spell Properties: -Immunity to Critical Hits Stone Armor (Bugged, Doesn't Work!) Requirements: Spellcaster level 18, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Radiant Power -Blue Diamond -Stone Skin Spell Properties: -Damage Reduction 10/Adamantine Stealth Armor Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Water -Fire Opal -Invisibility Spell Properties: -Hide Skill +5 Improved Stealth Armor Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Water -Star Sapphire -Invisibility Spell properties: -Hide Skill +10 Greater Stealth Armor Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Water -Blue Diamond -Invisibility Spell Properties: -Hide Skill +15 Silent Moves Armor Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Water -Fire Opal -Silence Spell Properties: -Move Silently +5 Improved Silent Moves Armor Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Water -Star Sapphire -Silence Spell properties: -Move Silently +10 Greater Silent Moves Armor Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Water -Blue Diamond -Silence Spell Properties: -Move Silently +15 Arcane Armor (Bugged, Should be Spell Resistance 15) Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Fire -Weak Power -Star Sapphire -Spell Resistance Spell Properties: -Armor has -40% spell failure Improved Arcane Armor (bugged, Should be Spellresistance 18) Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Radiant Fire -Glowing Power -Blue Diamond -Spell Resistance Spell Properties: -Armor has -30% spell failure Greater Arcane Armor (Bugged, Should be Spellresistance 21) Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Radiant Fire -Radiant Power -Beljuril -Spell Resistance Spell Properties: -Armor has -20% spell failure Armor of Speed Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Air -Weak Power -Blue Diamond -Haste Spell Properties: -Cast Haste level 10 3/day Armor +1 Enhancement Requirements: Spellcaster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Faint Earth -Obsidian -Light Spell Properties -Armor Bonus 1 Armor +2 Enhancement Requirements: Spellcaster level 6, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Faint Earth -Diamond -Light Spell Properties -Armor Bonus 2 Armor +3 Enhancement Requirements: Spellcaster level 9, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Weak Earth -Faint Power -Emerald -Light Spell Properties -Armor Bonus 3 Armor +4 Enhancement Requirements: Spellcaster level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Earth -Faint Power -Star Sapphire -Light Spell Properties -Armor Bonus 4 Armor +5 Enhancement Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Any Armor -Glowing Earth -Glowing Power -Blue Diamond -Light Spell Properties -Armor Bonus 5 Weapons Deflection Weapon (bugged, Spellcaster level 1, if you use Mage Armor) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Earth -Diamond -Mage Armor or Shield of Faith Properties: - AC Deflection Bonus 1 Improved Deflection Weapon (bugged, Spellcaster level 1, if you use Mage Armor) Requirements: Spellcaster Level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Glowing Earth -Emerald -Mage Armor or Shield of Faith Properties: -AC Deflection Bonus 2 Greater Deflection Weapon (bugged, Spellcaster level 1, if you use Mage Armor) Requirements: Spellcaster Level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Radiant Earth -Blue Diamond -Mage Armor or Shield of Faith Properties: -AC Deflection Bonus 3 Weapon of Speed Requirements: Spellcaster Level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Air -Weak Power -Obsidian -Blue Diamond -Haste Spell Properties: -Cast Haste level 10 3/day Weapon +1 Enhancement Requirements: Spellcaster level 3, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Faint Air -Obsidian -Light Spell Properties: -Attack +1, Damage +1 Weapon +2 Enhancment Requirments: Spellcaster level 6, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Faint Air -Diamond -Light Spell Properties: -Attack +2, Damage +2 Weapon +3 Enhancement Requirements: Spellcaster level 9, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Air -Faint Power -Emerald -Light Spell Properties: -Attack +3, Damage +3 Weapon +4 Enhancment Requirements: Spellcaster level 12, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Glowing Air -Weak Power -Star Sapphire -Light Spell Properties: -Attack +4, Damage +4 Weapon +5 Enhancment Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Glowing Air -Glowing Power -Blue Diamond -Light Spell Properties: -Attack +5, Damage +5 Weapon of Beast Bane Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Faint Water -Faint Power -Star Sapphire -Light Spell Properties: -2d6 damage against Beast Weapon of True Chaos Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Faint Air -Faint Power -Canary Diamond -Inflict Critical Wounds Spell Properties: -2d6 damage against Lawful Weapon of True Law Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Faint Earth -Faint Power -Jacinth -Inflict Critical Wounds Spell Properties: -2d6 damage against Chaotic Weapon of Pure Evil Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Faint Fire -Faint Power -Star Sapphire -Inflict Critial Wounds Spell Properties: -2d6 damage against Good Weapon of Pure Good Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Faint Water -Faint Power -Diamond -Cure Critical Wounds Spell Properties: -2d6 damage against Evil Disruption Weapon Requirements: Spellcaster level 14, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Glowing Water -Glowing Power -Jacinth -Undeath to Death Spell Properties: -On Hit Slay Undead DC 14 Flaming Weapon (bugged, Spellcaster level is 1) Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Fire -Ruby -Fireball Spell or Flamestrike Spell Properties: -1d6 Fire Damage Frost Weapon Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Water -Star Sapphire -Ice Storm Spell Properties: -1d6 Cold Damage Shock Weapon Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Air -Canary Diamond -Lightning Bolt Spell or Call Lightning Spell Properties: -1d6 Electrical Damage Acid Weapon Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Earth -Emerald -Melfs Acid Arrow Spell Properties: -1d6 Acid Damage Poison Weapon (bugged, Caster level is 1, Doesnt Work!) Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Earth -Emerald -Poison Spell Properties: -1d6 Poison Damage. Keen Weapon Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Earth -Ruby -Lightning Bolt Spell or Call Lightning Spell Properties: -Doubles Critical Threat Range of Weapon Vampric Weapon Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Weak Fire -Weak Power -Ruby -Enervasion Spell Properties: -Vampric Regeneration +1 Improved Vampric Weapon Requirements: Spellcaster level 11, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Glowing Fire -Glowing Power -Canary Diamond -Enervasion Spell Properties: -Vampric Regeneration +3 Greater Vampric Weapon Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Radiant Fire -Radiant Power -Beljuril -Enervasion Spell Properties: -Vampric Regeneration +5 Resistance Weapon (Bugged, Doesnt Work!) Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Magic Arms and Armor Materials: -Faint Earth -Faint Power -Obsidian -Resistance Spell Properties: -All saves +1 Bracers Bracers of Armor +1 (bugged, Caster level should be 2) Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Earth -Obsidian -Two Iron Ingots -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -AC +1 Bracers of Armor +2 (bugged, caster level should be 4) Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Earth -Diamond -Two Iron Ingots -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -AC +2 Bracers of Armor +3 (bugged, caster level should be 6) Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Earth -Canary Diamond -Two Iron Ingots -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -AC +3 Bracers of Armor +4 Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Earth -Jacinth -Two Iron Ingots -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -AC +4 Bracers of Armor +5 Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Earth -Blue Diamond -Two Iron Ingots -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -AC +5 Bracers of Armor +6 Requirements: Spellcaster level 12, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Earth -Rogues Stone -Two Iron Ingots -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -AC +6 Bracers of Armor +7 Requirements: Spellcaster level 14, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Earth -Beljuril -Two Iron Ingots -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -AC +7 Bracers of Armor +8 Requirements: Spellcaster level 16, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Earth -Kings Tear -Two Iron Ingots -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -AC +8 Bracers of Ogres Strength (bugged, Caster level should be 2) Requirements: Spellcaster Level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Fire -Ruby -Two Iron Ingots -Bulls Strength Spell Properties: -Strength +2 Cloaks Cloak of Resistance +1 (bugged, Caster level should be 3) Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Earth -Obsidian -Two Leather Hides -Resistance Spell Properties: -All saves +1 Cloak of Resistance +2 Requirements: Spellcaster level 6, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Earth -Diamond -Two Leather Hides -Resistance Spell Properties: -All saves +2 Cloak of Resistance +3 Requirements: Spellcaster level 9, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Earth -Canary Diamond -Two Leather Hides -Resistance Spell Properties: -All saves +3 Cloak of Resistance +4 Requirements: Spellcaster level 12, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Earth -Jacinth -Two Leather Hides -Resistance Spell Properties: -All saves +4 Cloak of Resistance +5 Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Earth -Blue Diamond -Two Leather Hides -Resistance Spell Properties: -All saves +5 Nymph Cloak +2 (bugged, Caster leve should be 2) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Water -Diamond -Two Leather Hides -Eagles Splendor Spell Properties: -Charisma +2 Nymph Cloak +4 (bugged, Caster leve should be 4) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Water -Star Sapphire -Two Leather Hides -Eagles Splendor Spell Properties: -Charisma +4 Nymph Cloak +6 (bugged, Caster leve should be 6) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Water -Rogues Stone -Two Leather Hides -Eagles Splendor Spell Properties: -Charisma +6 Nymph Cloak +8 Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Water -Beljuril -Two Leather Hides -Eagles Splendor Spell Properties: -Charisma +8 Cloak of Displacement Requirements: Spellcaster level 3, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Air -Blue Diamond -2 Leather Hides -Displacement Spell Properties -Cast Displacement level 10 3/day Mantle of Spell Resistance (bugged, should be spellresistance 21) Requirements: Spellcaster level 9, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Fire -Radiant Power -Kings Tear -Two Leather Hides -Spell Resistance Spell Properties: -Spell Resistance 20 -Only usable by wizard or sorcerer Boots Boots of Speed Requirements: Spellcaster level 7, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Air -Weak Power -Star Sapphire -Leather Hide -Haste Spell Properties: -Caste Haste level 10 3/day Boots of Striding +2 (bugged, Caster level should be 2) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Earth -Diamond -Leather Hide -Bears Endurance Spell Properties: -Constitution +2 Boots of Striding +4 (bugged, Caster level should be 4) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Earth -Jacinth -Leather Hide -Bears Endurance Spell Properties: -Constitution +4 Boots of Striding +6 (bugged, Caster level should be 6) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Earth -Rogues Stone -Leather Hide -Bears Endurance Spell Properties: -Constitution +6 Boots of Striding +8 Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Earth -Beljuril -Leather Hide -Bears Endurance Spell Properties: -Constitution +8 Amulets Amulet of Natural Armor +1 (bugged, Caster level should be 3) Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Earth -Sapphire -Iron Ingot -Bark Skin Spell Properties: -Natural Armor Bonus +1 Amulet of Natural Armor +2 Requirements: Spellcaster level 6, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Earth -Emerald -Iron Ingot -Bark Skin Spell Properties: -Natural Armor Bonus +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +3 Requirements: Spellcaster level 9, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Earth -Faint Power -Jacinth -Iron Ingot -Bark Skin Spell Properties: -Natural Armor Bonus +3 Amulet of Natural Armor +4 Requirements: Spellcaster level 12, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Earth -Weak Power -Blue Diamond -Iron Ingot -Bark Skin Spell Properties: -Natural Armor Bonus +4 Amulet of Natural Armor +5 Requirements: Spellcaster level 15, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Earth -Weak Power -Beljuril -Iron Ingot -Bark Skin Spell Properties: -Natural Armor Bonus +5 Periapt of Wisdom +2 (bugged, Caster level should be 2) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Water -Diamond -Iron Ingot -Owls Wisdom Spell Properties: -Wisdom +2 Periapt of Wisdom +4 (bugged, Caster level should be 4) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Water -Star Sapphire -Iron Ingot -Owls Wisdom Spell Properties: -Wisdom +4 Periapt of Wisdom +6 (bugged, Caster level should be 6) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Water -Rogues Stone -Iron Ingot -Owls Wisdom Spell Properties: -Wisdom +6 Periapt of Wisdom +8 Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Water -Beljuril -Iron Ingot -Owls Wisdom Spell Properties: -Wisdom +8 Lesser Amulet of Health Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Water -Weak Power -Obsidian -Iron Ingot -Remove Disease or Poison Neutralization Spell Properties: -Disease Immunity -Poison Immunity Amulet of Health (bugged, Caster level should be 10) Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Water -Glowing Power -Canary Diamond -Iron Ingot -Remove Disease or Poison Neutralization Spell Properties: -Disease Immunity -Poison Immunity -Level/Ability Drain Immunity Greater Amulet of Health (bugged, Caster level should be 15) Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Water -Radiant Power -Blue Diamond -Iron Ingot -Remove Disease or Poison Neutralization Spell Properties: -Disease Immunity -Poison Immunity -Level/Ability Drain Immunity -Regeneration +1 Talisman of Pure Evil (bugged, should be Medallion of Though) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Water -Weak Power -Canary Diamond -Iron Ingot Properties: -Charisma +3 -Wisdom +3 -Only Usable by Evil -Spell Resistance 12 Greater Scarab of Protection Requirements: Spellcaster level 18, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Fire -Radiant Water -Radiant Power -Blue Diamond -Iron Ingot -Deathward Spell Properties: -Death Spell Immunity -Level/Ability Drain Immunity -Spell Resistance 20 Helms Headband of Intellect +2 (bugged, Caster level should be 2) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Fire -Diamond -Iron Ingot -Fox Cunning Spell Properties: -Intelligence +2 Headband of Intellect +4 (bugged, Caster level should be 4) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Fire -Star Sapphire -Iron Ingot -Fox Cunning Spell Properties: -Intelligence +4 Headband of Intellect +6 (bugged, Caster level should be 6) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Fire -Rogues Stone -Iron Ingot -Fox Cunning Spell Properties: -Intelligence +6 Headband of Intellect +8 Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Fire -Beljuril -Iron Ingot -Fox Cunning Spell Properties: -Intelligence +8 Belts Belt of the Frost Giant +4 (bugged, caster level should be 4) Requirements: Caster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Fire -Blue Diamond -Leather Hide -Bulls Strength Spell Properties: -Strength +4 Belt of the Frost Giant +6 (bugged, caster level should be 6) Requirements: Caster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Fire -Beljuril -Leather Hide -Bulls Strength Spell Properties: -Strength +6 Belt of the Frost Giant +8 Requirements: Caster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Fire -Kings Tear -Leather Hide -Bulls Strength Spell Properties: -Strength +8 Belt of Agility +2 (bugged, Caster level should be 2) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Faint Air -Diamond -Iron Ingot -Cats Grace Spell Properties: -Dexterity +2 -Freedom of Movement Belt of Agility +4 (bugged, Caster level should be 4) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Weak Air -Star Sapphire -Iron Ingot -Cats Grace Spell Properties: -Dexterity +4 -Freedom of Movement Belt of Agility +6 (bugged, Caster level should be 6) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Glowing Air -Rogues Stone -Iron Ingot -Cats Grace Spell Properties: -Dexterity +6 -Freedom of Movement Belt of Agility +8 Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item Materials: -Radiant Air -Beljuril -Iron Ingot -Cats Grace Spell Properties: -Dexterity +8 -Freedom of Movement Rings Ring of Wizardry 1 (bugged, Caster level should be 3) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Faint Air -Obsidian -Iron Ingot -Fox Cunning Spell Properties: -Extra level 1 arcane spell slot Ring of Wizardry 2 (bugged, Caster level should be 5) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Weak Air -Obsidian -Iron Ingot -Fox Cunning Spell Properties: -Extra level 2 arcane spell slot Ring of Wizardry 3 (bugged, Caster level should be 7) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Weak Air -Faint Power -Canary Diamond -Iron Ingot -Fox Cunning Spell Properties: -Extra level 3 arcane spell slot Ring of Wizardry 4 Requirements: Spellcaster level 9, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Glowing Air -Weak Power -Star Sapphire -Iron Ingot -Fox Cunning Spell Properties: -Extra level 4 arcane spell slot Ring of Wizardry 5 Requirements: Spellcaster level 11, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Radiant Air -Glowing Power -Blue Diamond -Iron Ingot -Fox Cunning Spell Properties: -Extra level 5 arcane spell slot Ring of Divine Power 1 (bugged, Caster level should be 3) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Faint Air -Obsidian -Iron Ingot -Owls Wisdom Spell Properties: -Extra level 1 Divine spell slot Ring of Divine Power 2 (bugged, Caster level should be 5) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Weak Air -Obsidian -Iron Ingot -Owls Wisdom Spell Properties: -Extra level 2 Divine spell slot Ring of Divine Power 3 (bugged, Caster level should be 7) Requirements: Spellcaster level 8, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Weak Air -Faint Power -Canary Diamond -Iron Ingot -Owls Wisdom Spell Properties: -Extra level 3 Divine spell slot Ring of Divine Power 4 Requirements: Spellcaster level 9, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Glowing Air -Weak Power -Star Sapphire -Iron Ingot -Owls Wisdom Spell Properties: -Extra level 4 Divine spell slot Ring of Divine Power 5 Requirements: Spellcaster level 11, Craft Wonderous Item) Materials: -Radiant Air -Glowing Power -Blue Diamond -Iron Ingot -Owls Wisdom Spell Properties: -Extra level 5 Divine spell slot Misc. Items Brooch of Shielding Requirements: Spellcaster level 1, Craft Wonderous Items Materials: -Faint Power -Sapphire -Two Iron Ingots -Mage Armor Spell Properties: -Cast Shield level 1 3/day Gem of Seeing Requirements: Spellcaster level 10, Craft Wonderous Items Materials: -Weak Air -Kings Tear -True Seeing Spell Properties: -Cast True Seeing level 10 1/day Robe of the Archmagi Requirements: Spellcaster level 14, Craft Wonderous Items Materials: -Radiant Fire -Radiant Water -Radiant Air -Radiant Earth -Glowing Power -Kings Tear -Leather Hide -Iron Ingot -Mage Armor or Shield of Faith Spell Properties: -Ac Bonus +5 -Spell Resistance 20 -Bonus Feat Spell Penetration -All saves +3 Scabbard of Keen Edges Requirements: Spellcaster level 5, Craft Wonderous Items Materials: -Faint Earth -Wood Plank -Keen Edge Spell Properties: -Cast Keen Edge level 5 1/day Mephasms Necklace (bugged, Doesnt Work!) Requirements: Spellcaster level 1, Craft Wonderous Items Materials: -Glowing Fire -Faint Power -Star Sapphire -Gold Necklace -Darkness Spell Properties: -??? Mephasms Charm 1 (bugged, Doesnt Work!) Requirements: Spellcaster level 1, Craft Wonderous Items Materials: -Glowing Power -Ruby -Darksteel Ingot -Darkness Spell Properties: -??? Mephasms Charm 2 (bugged, Doesnt Work!) Requirements: Spellcaster level 1, Craft Wonderous Items Materials: -Glowing Fire -Sapphire -mithiril Ingot -Darkness Spell Properties: -??? Mephasms Charm 3 (bugged, Doesnt Work!) Requirements: Spellcaster level 1, Craft Wonderous Items Materials: -Faint Power -Faint Fire -Blue Diamond -Iron Ingot -Darkness Spell Properties: -??? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
voodoo_ Posted November 19, 2006 Author Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 btw vudu nameravas li drugi put da ga igras Naravno, za jedno pola godine :D @voodoo Svilengaco. Videću tebe kad dođe Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uveta Posted November 19, 2006 Report Share Posted November 19, 2006 Hm, za sad mi fajtevi ne predstavljaju toliku poteskocu, obicno su 2 fajerbola i pomahnitali patuljak resenje za svaku situaciju. Cudi me da su borbe pred kraj toliko zajebane. Uostalom, videcemo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G!!! Posted November 23, 2006 Report Share Posted November 23, 2006 igrate li :) koje vam je omiljeno orudje :P Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
qwert00 Posted November 23, 2006 Report Share Posted November 23, 2006 igrate li :) koje vam je omiljeno orudje :P ne igramo,vise:) jel posle act1 igra malo vise "zahtevna" po tezini? ovaj act1 nije bas apsolutno lak,ali def. nije izazovan bastard sword + katana:)a sad nisam igrao dugo da bih imao neko dobro oruzje:) Quote C programmers never die. They are just cast into void. C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G!!! Posted November 23, 2006 Report Share Posted November 23, 2006 meh i ja imam malo vremena tu sam negde pred kraj prvog akta, koliko prochitah mnogo je izazovnije kako igra odmiche.... u ostalom tu je nivo tezine koji se uvek moze mrdati levo desno :) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wulfgar Posted November 23, 2006 Report Share Posted November 23, 2006 Po stoti put - igra je retardirana. Ovaj put bih se pokenjao na influence system, ali necu, poshto svi igrate i nema potrebe se bilo shta objashnjava. Blizim se kraju Act-a 1 (ili se bar ja tako nadam) koji se slobodno moze nazvati "IWD minus zabava". Narochito mi se dopalo kad su mi naturili lika u druzinu. Ph4t l3wt je prosto da padnesh na bulju od smeha. Na sve strane +1, +2 i "imenovane" varijante. I tako... Quote Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika. Pr0 wifebeaters know. Never give up. Never give in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
uveta Posted November 24, 2006 Report Share Posted November 24, 2006 Na sve strane +1, +2 i "imenovane" varijante. I tako... Ovo je istina, jedva da sam zavrsio sa prvim actom a vec mi se preliva inventar od imba stvarcica. Pitam se tek kako ce kasnije biti, verujem da cu morati da nadjem neki shtek za sve to. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
G!!! Posted November 24, 2006 Report Share Posted November 24, 2006 shtek? pa ja sve prodajem.... koji ce mi djavo sve... igra je kotorolika sto se sistema tice... to je i bilo u najavi... ko je ocekivao baldurs gate zajebo se... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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