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Domaci ut2004demo server

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Moj ISP je postavio ut2004demo server na adresi

Treba vam patch 3334 za full igru ili ut2004-demo3334 (oko 300mb)

Mislim da se najvise igra Onslaught.

Inace ako sami udjete na server ubacuje se bot dok se neko ne pojavi.

Game monitor je na http://www.game-monitor.com/GameServer/212...NET_UT2004.html

Uzivajte [;)]

btw Mozda bi i stavili stari UT, ali nema dovoljno zainteresovanih : (

-It is said that the first time Takamatsu saw Judo he was horrified. This was because they bend their backs during their techniques.

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a shta, za ut2k4 kao ima dosta zainteresovanih? :)s

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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aj malo olskul UT-a...

ja cu sad, kad skinem neki ut filmic, da probam da se nakacim, cisto da vidim kakav mi je lag, i koliko sam zardjao [:D]

pa ono, mogli bi da opicimo nesto.. ja se vise ni ne secam onih servera domacih... znam da je nesto davno davno bilo na dreniku, jel to postoji ???

i igra li iko vise u srbiji UT osim naroda koji se ovde pojavljuje ???

Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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ma, znas ti da ja mislim na one and only UT ;]

ovi drugi me ne interesuju, posto ja to ne bi mogao da poteram na ovoj mojoj kantici ^_^

eventualno onaj odma posle originala, bese to 2k3 ???

ali i tu mi trebaju jebene optimizacije, i masakr svih mogucih detalja...

a.. da RUR digne neki UT serv [?]


Ko je nub ne budi mu drug.

I mean you harm.

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