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Nemci nam zavrnuli slavinu ! Sankcije !


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Sve je zbog Radovana Karadjica ! ili da ga isporucimo ili ima da lagujemo samo tako !

1: ( 0.228ms pmtu 1500

1: soho ( 7.611ms

2: ( 7.430ms

3: ( 68.847ms

4: slavija2.madnet.co.yu ( 20.128ms

5: ( 18.545ms

6: c6509-oc768.beotel.net ( 72.291ms

7: ( 26.274ms

8: ( 51.441ms

9: ( asymm 10 57.326ms

10: ( asymm 11 53.833ms

11: ( 154.551ms

12: ae-22-54.car2.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 157.952ms

13: telia-level3-te.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 219.227ms

14: ffm-bb2-link.telia.net ( asymm 15 172.859ms

15: prs-bb2-pos7-0-0.telia.net ( asymm 18 1594.630ms

15: prs-bb2-pos7-0-0.telia.net ( asymm 18 1431.441ms

16: prs-b2-pos11-0.telia.net ( 1418.583ms

17: prs-tc-i2-link-telia.net ( 1112.863ms

13: telia-level3-te.Frankfurt1.Level3.net ( 219.227ms

14: ffm-bb2-link.telia.net ( asymm 15 172.859ms

15: prs-bb2-pos7-0-0.telia.net ( asymm 18 1594.630ms

Evo lepo pise ovde ! A sto je najgore ne mogu da se zalim na forum.wow-europe.com forumu jer ne mogu da ga otvorim !!!!

Xavius laguje

Frostmane laguje

Dragonmaw laguje

Jel ima neko problema na ostalim serverima ?

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lol, ako je zbog Karadzica onda muche pogreshnu raju (

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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  Serbia said:
I telekomov link ka Njemackoj je bio jako otezan zbog nekih radova koji su se malo oduzili zato je bilo nwmoguce prici nekim stranicama a igranje WoW-a je bilo u zoni SF :)

Jedino igraci preko Verata nisu osetili nistga posto su oni nezavisni od naseg telekoma.

Against forum rules :) REKLAMIRA VERAT :D

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