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Plot Outline: A drama about the lives of a crew of professional criminals.

Ray "Car" Liotta .... Bobby Stevens (3 episodes) (2006)

Virginia Madsen .... Hope Stevens (3 episodes) (2006)

Simon Baker .... Jeff (3 episodes) (2006)

Franky G .... Joe (3 episodes) (2006)

Amy Smart .... Annie (3 episodes) (2006)

Jonny Lee Miller .... Tom (3 episodes) (2006)

Valarie Rae Miller .... Macy (2 episodes) (2006)

Shta drugo retji...

pogledao sam pilot i ... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Ujaaa greemmmliiineeee...

Oh no! We're all gonna die!!

WE'RE SAVED!!!I'm screw'd!

"Mi smo uvek tu - RUR Gerila"

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i jel valja?

"Worst Pilot ever..., 19 September 2006

Author: firlikmd from United States

This show was absolutely horrible. You'd think that Ray Liotta, Virginia Madsen and Amy Smart would make this show exciting. Honestly, I've had more fun watching paint dry. The plot developed too slowly and when it was time for the heist, I had no reason to pull for the main characters. I mean seriously, ransom assassinations, dead team members, fake rapes, bombs everywhere. Hope they didn't blow their load on this episode... This show has been over-hyped and over-budgeted and it is sure to under-perform in the ratings. Another dud... Well done, CBS. You'd have been better off coming up with CSI Toledo or CSI Podunk than this lowly piece of crap."




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ovo samo nastavlja trend prelaska nekadashnje A ekipe (ili granichnih a-b sluchajeva) sa filma na tv jer ilmovi se u toj meri piratizuju da su serije mnogo bolji izvor kesha...jer kad je pre koliko vec godina tom kruz zaboravio da snimi ijedan film a antony edwards uzimao 1.2 mill po epizodi imali smo sluchaj da je gus zaradio vishe kesha od maverika...tada je sve pochelo =o))

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jebote Kole, da nisam pratio te priche i da sam osrednje pametan lik samo bih blenuo ko tele u sharena vrata i reko "ko je ovaj freakin genious??"... ovako opushteno, razumemo se :D olo

elem, skroz je gledljivo i dobro, to shto ovaj se nasro jer nije dobio sex od zhene to veche pa je izfrustriran morao da gleda seriju, to je njegov problem... jelte... :))

Ujaaa greemmmliiineeee...

Oh no! We're all gonna die!!

WE'RE SAVED!!!I'm screw'd!

"Mi smo uvek tu - RUR Gerila"

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Odgledah napokon. Sta da kazem, produkcija je filmska, glumci su odlicni, ovaj pilot je mogao opusteno film da bude. Ovo je Liotin kambek samo takav. Pilot je odlican, ok, nije savrsen, ali brutalan. Nema ono kao mi smo fini lopovi. Muzika je dobra i delovi kada je nema su odlicno ukomponovani. Sve je dobro. Nadam se da ce potrajati barem kao Thief.


nema vise zezanja


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