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Neoptimizovano sranje jbno...

Instalirao, pechovao, krekovao, nachekao se dok se uchitalo, odigrao 5 minuta, popizdeo i obrisao.

FZ: I have a message to deliver to the cute people of the world...if you're cute, or maybe you're beautiful...


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lol sta se desava....

prilikom promene grafike ili detalja igra izbaci obavestenje da moras da restartujes istu da bi se promene aplicirale.... ja kliknem YES, on kao krene da restartuje igru, izadje iz nje, baci me na desktop... i nista... ponovo startovao exe... medjutim prijavljuje greske neke...

i provalim da gothic3.exe vec radi (u taskbaru) i trosi 100mb rama kao... :) end task > start ...i sve je radilo.

isto mi se desilo prilikom izlaska iz igre na alt + f4

Get smart or die dumb!

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Ej, a kako da pokrenem igru? Imam naku, đavo će ga znati koju verziju, na disku ima RAZOR1911 folder, sa crackom (3 fajla) i patchom (50 i kusur mega). Kako god da iskombinujem redosled stavljanja kreka/peča na igru, uvek mi izbacuje error "The application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem". Reinstalirao sam ga već tri puta i svaki put isto. Inače, ovaj error se javlja kada igru poku

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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uf brate... 35. sam level (:

imate na www.gothic3.com.. pa na gothic community, gothic3 forums... ima neki Tech support deo, ima par korisnih tweakova...

jedan koji je meni dosta pomogao je u g3.ini fajlu da promenim:

Anyway, here is one more performance tweak I found:

- ResourceCache.u32SpeedTreeMaxMemUsage_High=100000

If you use high settings it is highly reccomended that you change the above value by adding a 0 in the end, because this may be the reason of many crashes while saving and/or after extended play time.

The correct value would be this:


Get smart or die dumb!

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Intel D 2.66 GHz


Probao sam svako podesavanje. Jedino sto se promeni je sam izgled igre, seckanje u svakom slucaju je isto. Osim naravno kad ubacim u ini one vrednosti za apsolutni maximum. Tad bas krene da secka. E sad, posto su izbacili saopstenje gde priznaju da su stoka i da im je zao sto su izabrali ovaj tok radnji, receno je da neke stvari nemogu da se isprave. Drugi patch ce biti posvecen samoj igri dok ce tek treci da mozda sadrzi neki fix za memoriju.

Od ostalih stvari koje spadaju u kategoriju "Najveci promasaj pri pravljenju igre" su:

- modeli za orkove, stari zi G1 i G2 su mnogo mnogo bolji.

- mehanika borbe, stari sistem je bio "potpis" Gothic serijala, sad su ga usrali sto se mene tice

- nedorecenost u pocetku price, u slucaju G2 si imao hronoloski sled dogadjaja, spasio te Xardas iz pecine, izgubio si sve vestine pa moras izpocetka. Racunam da ako sam vec naucio da derem vuka a izmedju tad i sad se nista apokalipticno nije desilo JA JOS TREBA DA ZNAM DA DEREM VUKA.

Ima jos, igra se malo ali me izgubila volja, smesno je igrati bez 2GB memorije minimum.

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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  Seth Fix said:
Racunam da ako sam vec naucio da derem vuka a izmedju tad i sad se nista apokalipticno nije desilo JA JOS TREBA DA ZNAM DA DEREM VUKA.

Ne mogu oni da znaju da si ti nauchio da deres vuka. To se jedino moglo resiti pomocu importovanja lika, ali s obzirom na izmene izmedju G2 i G3 verovatno je bilo tesko ostvarljivo. [:p]

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Hi Community !

Many speculations for an upcoming release have been made - now here it is, the new patch !


Or just download it with the update tool.


Build 1.08


- Several crash bugs fixed

- Performance increased

- Combat AI for several monsters improved/simplified (e.g. boar)

- Lots of AI Fixes ( Murderer Reaction from party member fixed, AI comments improved)

- Sleeping NPC's AI reactions improved

- Camera Control: Inverting the X-axis is now saved

- Lensflare/Sun doesn't shine through mountains and buildings anymore

- Rhobar and Zuben are dead after defeating them

- Revolution mechanics improved

- Lester does now talk even when not sitting at the campfire

- Epilogue fixed

- "No mission success after 2 times "not enough gold" fixed

- Vak and Gonzales are now still there after a revolution

- There are now more weapons at traders and in chests

- Annoying NPCs from Faring arena removed

- Story and Missions in Al shedim improved. (Lester,Saturas,Wutras,etc...)

- Snorre's ancestor stone fixed

- All problems of Hogar and the southern Orcs fixed

- Ronar Trading fixed

- Less monsters/Orcs in Nordmar

- Vibald is now carrying explosive arrows

- Bogir dialog fixed

- Osmund dialog fixed

- Crossbow handling improved

Additionally Patch 1.08 includes all changes from the Release Update (1.07).


Old savegames are still compatible.

sad... jedino pitanje je da li je moguce pechovati krekovanu igricu


Get smart or die dumb!

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