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Well i started this account on this server for people that want to know more about me.People from Serbian game and music forums know me as SATAN or SATAN-iz-Batajnice.As far as im concerned i have no shame of pionting out my opinion.That resulted in dosen of bans from forums and a lot of fights.:) I like fighting i like when i chrush someones skull,or when i chop people with my knife.Don't get me vrong.I don't stab or beat up people just because i like it.No!I only mess up those who get on my nerves.And of course im not Super man.Definilty not.I got my ass kicked more than several times.And still i don't know where this all violence will lead me but "I don't wanna live forever" :). Well if you want to know what am i like as person,well ask people how know me or contact me... Kill your mother and rape your dog! fuck these corporations and their fucking record stores, I don't want my fucking paycheck feeding money whores these bastards flood the market with their fabricated shit, and laugh as this pathetic fucking music gets them rich... stay the fuck, right out of my life, I don't need your, fucking advice, you don't know what, our shit is all about, so don't even try to figure it out, fuck your spice girls and your fucking pearl jam, its all a bunch a shit, I say, fuck it, fuck your dave matthews and your fucking rem, you god damned bitch, fucking clueless!!!

nemam shta da dodam

Get smart or die dumb!

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imam i ja photoshop da mu ga dam malo po glow-u ;)


i think i almost saw a nipple :)))

Edited by gruja


gruja novi alen

ko bi, po vama, trebalo da bude poznat i javna ličnost, a nije, iz ovog ili onog razloga?

evo, ja ću za početak navesti dvojicu: kojot i gruja.


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i think i almost saw a nipple :)))

mogu da ti prepricam kakva je za 10 evra!

al onda bih posle morao da te peglam u fazonu "otkud ti znas kako mojoj ribi izgleda bradavica?"

Edited by kruko

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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