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Ako neko moze da mi objasni?!?!?! Da li su ovi momci iz Ravena toliki kreteni i neznalice pa da zaseru u kodu za multiplayer, pizdim vec sat vremena. Kupio sam original da bih igrao Quake i na stranim i na nasem serveru mi izbacuje 999 ping. Znaci vraca me uvek i ne mogu da igram. Inace imam ADSL 256/Beotel. Procitao sam u drugim temama da ljudi imaju problem, a nigde resenja. Skinuo sam 1.3 patch. U cemu je caka? Da li ima neko univerzalno podesavanje da to vise ne radi?!?!?

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Set this to 1 to monitor your connection, a small graph will appear in the lower left hand side of your HUD.

The first line is related to your graphics card updating displayed frames in time with received gameworld updates from the server. It will be green if frames are being rendered in time with the world updates. If it has a lot of yellow then gameworld updates are not being displayed and are being dropped. In this case you may wish to tweak your visual settings to raise your average framerate. Another option is to adjust net_clientPrediction by very small values until the line is mostly green. Note that if you are using a value below 1 for net_clientPrediction the first line of the graph may be mostly yellow. See net_clientPrediction section for more information.

com_showAsyncStats Set this to 1 to monitor your connection, this provides an alternative to net_clientLagOMeter.

Out rate shows your upstream bandwidth usage in bytes per second. If this exceeds the upstream bandwidth for your connection try reducing net_clientUsercmdBackup.

In rate shows your downstream bandwidth usage in bytes per second. Do not set this higher than your connection allows. Related to the cvar net_clientMaxRate.

Packet loss shows the percentage of packets that have been lost due to a problem with your connection. If you have a very high packet loss change ISP or increase the value of the cvar net_clientUsercmdBackup. See note about upstream of 64 Kbps and net_clientUsercmdBackup in the net_clientUsercmdBackup section.

Client Prediction shows the current amount of client side prediction. Use this to help you adjust the cvar net_clientPrediction.

net_clientUsercmdBackup Determines how may duplicate movement/action commands are sent, range is 1 to 5 and is 5 as default. If a packet gets lost then a 'backup' command may still be received. You can reduce upstream bandwidth usage by lowering this at the expense of possibly losing a movement/action packet.

NOTE: Quake4 can easily saturate an upstream connection of 64 Kbps or less. Reduce net_clientUsercmdBackup wherever possible.

net_clientPrediction Adjusts client side prediction so that your client predicts gameworld updates such as player movement. Defaults to 10 milliseconds and it is best to leave this setting alone if you are not experiencing problems.

Increasing this value adds additional client side prediction which may help if you have problems with gameworld updates from the server not being rendered in time. If this is the case try increasing net_clientPrediction to a small positive value of 5,10,15,20, 25 or 30, never higher. See net_clientLagOMeter for an explanation of how to determine if gameworld updates are not being rendered in time.

If you have a stable connection, feel that Quake4 is over compensating and/or your projectile (rockets, bullets etc.) are not hitting despite you feeling they are on target you may wish to decrease net_clientPrediction to 1.

Negative values are not recommended online except in extreme circumstances, for LAN play you may wish to set net_clientPrediction to 0.

net_clientPredictGUI To be confirmed

Toggles whether the client initially decides if an object has been interacted with / picked up. With this set to 1 sometimes you may think you have interacted with / picked up an object when you have not. Value is currently a protected cvar once in a multiplayer game.

net_clientMaxRate Similar to the rate settings in Quake2/3 in that it controls packets so that your downstream connection bandwidth does not get saturated. Set as bytes per second. Defaults to 10000 for ISDN, 16000 for ADSL/Cable and 25600 for LAN.

If you always get a 999 ping despite having reduced net_clientMaxRate it is most likely that your upstream connection is saturated. See note in the net_clientUsercmdBackup section for more information.

Servers limit maximum rate so there really is no point in setting it higher than the server you are playing on allows.

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Podeshavanje veze za internet igranje:


Stvar je u tome da q4 loshe radi na adsl-u. Drugi problem je shto adsl ima slab upload koji q4 jede, npr. 256kbit adsl ima 64kbit upload.

Ostalo su uglavnom podeshavanja veze, imaju parametri koji se kucaj u konzoli (ili podeshavaju u meniju) dok ti ping ne padne na normalu.

Ja sam ranije imao problema ali sa 1.3 mi je veza izgleda "legla" (ping 12-20), koristim kablovski 386/192kbit.


mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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Q4 ima zakucan up od 60 paketa sto znaci da na 64k upload ne mozes da igras i tu je kraj . gotovo (mozda dok jednog dana ne izbace patch u kojem ces moci da odredjujes maxpackets)! Jedino da probas packet dropper program (nadji ga na esreality.com) ali to je ako bas zelis da igras q4 a nemas para za 512/128 ...

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