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odavno skinuo ... jedan od retkih dobrih paladin filmova ~~ ... mozda i jedini dobar ^^ mada imam vishe spell dmga od njega ali nemam meteor trinket :)

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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bolesno lepo izgleda i predivno uklopljeno u kombo koji koristi .. mada je idiot sto nema shield nego grancicu onu :D

btw zasto samo na druidu ?:D

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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da taj trinket je pizdarija.. ali cudno je to da sav taj +dmg koji on ima ide u taj trinket... wtf zar nije +spell dmg samo na njegove madjije?

.......O Pepelguzi ovo bila je balada

Ka*ala se dok je bila mlada.

Sad je nesto ostarila, u plucima je gusi

ali svome princu jos presrecna pusi.

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mislio sam da je linkovao direktno na movies site tamo imaju sve likove

sve sto vidish ( velike critove ) to radi preko judgemnt of commanda i holy shocka ( sa divine favorom ima 100 % crit )

sam je rekao da nije taj trinket udardio vishe od 700 dmg u celom filmu

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Pa vidi se da je imba kad moze da naredja 2 warra i chini mi se locka, nisam siguran sta je bila su 2 majmuna tamo!Mada da su oni neki igraci-nisu!I vidi se koliko je lik zrtvovao sve za taj spell dmg jer je udario warra macem 70!?!?!?(ili pala i inace toliko udari [:D] )!Ali stvarno jebe kevu!



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Yes sad ja mogu da kukam "uuuu nerf ally" ^^

Have you ever noticed that it's only 'perfect' people who are murdered or killed in horrific accidents?

"He was the perfect son" or "She was the perfect daughter."

"Such a tragic accident they were the perfect family."

"They died together, the perfect couple till the end."

Makes me glad I abuse my kids and beat up my wife.

Kind of makes me immortal.

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Ako ima judgement onda mu je oko 700-800ap u zavisnosti od ostalih itema ... a oruzje koje on koristi ima dmg 47-127 ( http://www.thottbot.com/?i=51948 healing mace ) i udara warriora koji ima dmg reduction 50 % .. tako da uopste me ne cudi to sto udara tako malo .

Uostalom on se 100 % fokusirao na spell dmg tako da na svakih 30 sec moze da radi ovo sto radi ... naravno da pod uslovom da ga ukake criticali . Ap mu je totalno nepotreban ... mana regen intelekt i povrh svega spell dmg .

Mada ovaj stil igre vishe podseca na elementa shamana ... opet mnogo bi mu bolej bilo da je zrtvovao 100 spell dmga i da nosi 2 hand neki ... posto ima seal of command , ali dobro ...

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Evo cisto da opishem o cemu se radi tamo ... ( u prvom fajtu u arathi basunu na lumber millu ima priestov buff na sebi i berserk , sto je malo bolesno ) kada krene prvi put i kaze fire ovim redom nanosi dmg

prvi udarac 223 to je od celog judgement set bonusa zamislite na foru svaki put kada shaman baci shock ili mag fire blast da imash josh jedan malo dmg koji udara za 66 zasebno od bacene magije ( moze da kritikaluje naravno ) samo sto ovde zbog bolesnih buffova udara malo vishe ^^ posle toga usledjuje ono sto je stvarno bacio a to je judgment of comman to je tih 2257 ( sa svim ovim buffovima moze mnogo vishe preko 2.5 sigurno mada ovde je udario minimalni pocetni dmg ) posle ide mali 707 dmg od meteora i na kraju ide holy shock 1600 dmg ( 100 % crit shansu je iskoristio ) .

U teoriji kada bi imao bilo koje 300 dmg + oruzje mogao bi da izvuche i dual critical soc proc to bi moglo da bude od 1500 - 2500 dodatnog dmg , ali dobro to cemo da ostavimo kada ja napravim filmic :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Pa vidi se da je imba kad moze da naredja 2 warra i chini mi se locka, nisam siguran sta je bila su 2 majmuna tamo!Mada da su oni neki igraci-nisu!I vidi se koliko je lik zrtvovao sve za taj spell dmg jer je udario warra macem 70!?!?!?(ili pala i inace toliko udari  )!Ali stvarno jebe kevu!


ubio je shamana ( vidi se onaj jbeni totem :P warra i locka tbh ) udario ga je 78 maceom a i sta ako mu je toliki dmg? jel naziv filma spell dmg pala ili melee dmg pala? :X

Bilo bi lepo kad bi citao malo ostatak pre postovanja udjo!BTW ne postoji nesto kao melee dmg pala!


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