dvnityCker Posted June 2, 2006 Report Share Posted June 2, 2006 Predstavnici FBI-a zatrazili su na sastanku od vodecih americkih internet provajdera da cuvaju podatke svojih pretplatnika, te da FBI moze pristupiti tim podacima u slucaju potrebe, a za borbu protiv terorizma, decje pornografije i sl.. ono sto mene brine jeste to da ovim putem FBI moze da napravi veliku kampanju za borbu protiv internet piraterije, jer bi se lakse moglo pratiti ko i kada skida piratski materijal.. ceo clanak: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « The FBI wants U.S. Internet providers to retain Web address records for up to two years to aid investigations into terrorism and child pornography, a source familiar with the matter said. The request came during a May 26 meeting between U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI Director Robert Mueller with top executives at companies like Google Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Time Warner Inc.'s AOL. "I think there is less of a willingness to passively go along with this type of request than there might have been a year ago," said the source, mentioning the recent uproar over a report that telephone companies had provided call records to the National Security Agency. A Justice Department spokesman confirmed the meeting but was not immediately available to comment on how long law enforcement officials wanted the records retained. "This meeting was an initial discussion for the attorney general to gather information and to solicit input from Internet service provider executives on the issues associated with data retention," said spokesman Brian Roehrkasse. The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said Gonzales presented blurred images of child pornography and explained why he thought retaining data was important to those investigations. At issue was Internet protocol addresses. When one industry executive questioned how long the government wanted the records kept, Mueller said for two years and that the data would also be used for anti-terrorism purposes, said the source. The Justice Department has tangled before with Internet companies over gaining access to records, subpoenaing search data from Google to defend an online pornography law. The government cut the size of its demand and Google acquiesced. In that instance, Microsoft and Yahoo Inc. had turned over search information after receiving assurances that no specific customer data was involved. The IP address is key to unlocking what users do online, what sites they visit what terms they search, whom they e-mailed and what they downloaded, the source noted. Internet providers usually change the address data within several days to several weeks. Two big high-speed Internet service providers, Verizon Communications and Comcast Corp., also attended the meeting last week, the source said. The Justice Department spokesman said Internet companies would retain the information and the government would only gain access to the records through legal means such as a subpoena. "Internet service providers would retain the information," Roehrkasse said. If Congress is going to be asked to pass legislation ordering Internet providers to retain data they won't be asked for the content of that data but rather addresses where e-mails were sent and sites that were visited, Roehrkasse said. Recommendations are expected to be submitted to Gonzales in the next several weeks, according to another source. Data retention is a "complicated issue with implications not only for efforts to combat child pornography but also for security, privacy, safety and availability of low-cost or free Internet services," said Microsoft senior security strategist Phil Reitinger. Google spokesman Steve Langdon said proposals by the U.S. and the European Union on data retention "require careful review and must balance the legitimate interests of individual users, law enforcement agencies and Internet companies." The Justice Department's chief privacy officer yesterday met with a group of officials from rights groups including the Electronic Privacy Information Center, the Center for American Progress, the Cato Institute and the Center for Democracy and Technology, Roehrkasse said. The American Civil Liberties Union was also invited but did not attend, he said. Other Justice Department officials were meeting with victims rights groups and law enforcement groups to discuss the same issues. Quote The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stalja Posted June 2, 2006 Report Share Posted June 2, 2006 (edited) Ja mogu da skinem film, odgledam isti, bacim u recycle bin i opet mi zakonski ne mogu nishta? Dok ja ne budem imao zaradu od istog, ja ne krshim zakon. Onaj ko distribuira isti treba biti krivichno gonjen , a ja kao pojedinac samo koristim priliku. Edited June 2, 2006 by stalja Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest account 5 Posted June 2, 2006 Report Share Posted June 2, 2006 Ja mogu da skinem film, odgledam isti, bacim u recycle bin i opet mi zakonski ne mogu nishta? Dok ja ne budem imao zaradu od istog, ja ne krshim zakon. Onaj ko distribuira isti treba biti krivichno gonjen , a ja kao pojedinac samo koristim priliku. ← Word ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dvnityCker Posted June 2, 2006 Author Report Share Posted June 2, 2006 kazes da je legalno imati mp3 novog albuma britney spears na kompu bez racuna i legalno kupljenog cd-a? Quote The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shekk Posted June 2, 2006 Report Share Posted June 2, 2006 Actually... no. Ti si to svoje gledanje filma po njihovim shvatanjima "ukrao" i duzan si im makar bioskopsku kartu, kao i pare za svaki mp3 koji imas a ne posedujes originalni CD etc... Quote jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest Posted June 3, 2006 Report Share Posted June 3, 2006 a i kod većine p2p sistema ne možeš da skineš film bez da ga istovremeno distribuiraš.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stalja Posted June 3, 2006 Report Share Posted June 3, 2006 (edited) Par pitanja: U tom sluchaju, zashto postoje uopshte p2p ako se zna shta se distribuira preko dotichnog? Zashto windows media player ima opciju da se ripuje sa audio cd-a kad to moze da se zloupotrebi u ilegalne svrhe? Zashto itunes nudi mnogo nize cene svojih pesama u odnosu na izdavache? [to je chist monopolizam] Zashto mi telekom nije iskljuchio signal, a za ovih godinu i po makar dvaput nedeljno koristim voip preko skype, a voip preko adsl-a je izrichito zabranjen? To ti je ko kad kupish ukraden auto. Nece da te bacaju u zatvor, vec ce da ti konfiskuju isti [shto u sluchaju p2p nema]. Imash i one silne pretnja nashih provajdera kako ce da se iskljuche signal korisnicima ukoliko ne prestanu da skidaju muziku, programe i igre sa p2p-a. Simple, ako ti se pruza prilika da skinesh for free zashto to ne bi radio? Edited June 3, 2006 by stalja Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZerBah Posted June 3, 2006 Report Share Posted June 3, 2006 "Problem" je mnogo veci nego shto se misli - naprimer svi misle da je piraterija najrazvijenija u Rusiji ili Kini, shto naravno nije tachno - razgovarao sam sa mnogim ljudima iz Amerike i Kanade i svi kazu da kod kuce imaju bar nekoliko piratskih programa (da ne govorim o audio/video fajlovima). Chak postoje i firme koje koriste piratski softver. Tako da ono - mogu oni da se bore s tim koliko hoce, ali piraterija ostaje sigurno. Quote А в чем сила, брат? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stator Posted June 3, 2006 Report Share Posted June 3, 2006 Jedino kako se moze suzbiti piraterija je ako ogranice SVIMA na ovome svetu internet protok na 1 GB mesecno i 1 prazan cd/dvd kosta 10 $ Mada postoji jos jedno zlo koje se kuje u tamnim planinama mordor... ovaj amerike :) DRM ako ono zazivi nece nam biti svejedno... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucky Posted June 3, 2006 Report Share Posted June 3, 2006 U tom sluchaju, zashto postoje uopshte p2p ako se zna shta se distribuira preko dotichnog? Zashto windows media player ima opciju da se ripuje sa audio cd-a kad to moze da se zloupotrebi u ilegalne svrhe? Zashto itunes nudi mnogo nize cene svojih pesama u odnosu na izdavache? [to je chist monopolizam] 1. Zato sto p2p nije predvidjen samo za piratizovanje, vec razmenu fajlova svakolike vrste. Tvoj home-video, slike sa letovanja, kompozicije od tetke violinistkinje etc etc. 2. Imas pravo da napravis backup originalnog diska koji posedujes, kao i da bi ga slusao "preko hdda". Isto tako mozda si napravio neki studijski album, pa hoces da ga prebacis u mp3. 3. Zato sto se putem itunesa ne placa distribucija, pakovanje, prazni diskovi, stampa... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dvnityCker Posted June 3, 2006 Author Report Share Posted June 3, 2006 Mada postoji jos jedno zlo koje se kuje u tamnim planinama mordor... ovaj amerike :) DRM ako ono zazivi nece nam biti svejedno... ← da DRM.. prvi put sam saznao za DRM kad sam ribi pokusao da posaljem MMS sa mojom slikom.. dobio sam negativan odgovor od telefona.. DRM image, can't send.. onda sam malo vise istrazio o celoj prici i video da se moze zakuvati nesto od toga.. mada kontam i kad bi razvili tu tehnologiju za redovnu upotrebu, opet bi se nasao neki korejanac da pronadje nacin da je ubije, te bi to pokazao svima na svetu Quote The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stalja Posted June 3, 2006 Report Share Posted June 3, 2006 1. Zato sto p2p nije predvidjen samo za piratizovanje, vec razmenu fajlova svakolike vrste. Tvoj home-video, slike sa letovanja, kompozicije od tetke violinistkinje etc etc. 2. Imas pravo da napravis backup originalnog diska koji posedujes, kao i da bi ga slusao "preko hdda". Isto tako mozda si napravio neki studijski album, pa hoces da ga prebacis u mp3. 3. Zato sto se putem itunesa ne placa distribucija, pakovanje, prazni diskovi, stampa... ← 1. Uz svaki torent pishe lepo txt o istom [tipa kakav je kvalitet snimka, koji format za muziku, o albumu i sl.] 2. Imam, ali opet to mogu da vratim na disk i prodajem. 3. Postoje i drugi servisi koji funkcionishu ko itunes al opet nemaju tolike male cene za pesme. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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