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Stankec nastavak

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AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH jbt vrh ahahah [roflmao][roflmao][roflmao][roflmao][roflmao]

Mehaničke karakteristike dobijene ispitivanjem mašinskih delova izrađenih od nehomogenih materijala pod dejstvom statičke zatežuće sile približno odgovaraju mehaničkim karakteristikama standardne epruvete.

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"drapi je i ne pitaj Bog te stvorio." hahahhahahahhaa

ali kad promeni zvuk glasa... :D

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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hahaha mada kapiram da ima ovakvih milion samo je ovaj dobio svojih 10 minuta slave :)

pa ko zna koliko je trajala emisija. ko zna shta je sve nalupao... :)

Edited by Formica

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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