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srpski gild?


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Nenene ne napushtam ja WoW (pu pu pu pomeri se s' mesta)

Ja sam samo rekao da me mrzi da se opet drkam i jurim guild, kao posle Syndrome-a, pa zaradi dkp (jebote imao sam 5k kad se guild raspao [V])...ne mogu to ponovo.

Sad cu malo da pikam WSG i AB dok me i to ne smori i onda u penziju valjda. [:)]


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Eh, izgleda da me HyS-ov warlock CL bash i ne gotivi neshto...nemam pojma zashto dodushe, ali nadam se da cu da upadnem [:D]

Anyway idite spamujte moj topic da budem na vrhu ^_^

mozesh li mi reci njegov nik .. kako beshe je ishao nesto sa N i H slovima cini mi se

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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eee koji bedak ... znachi da je stara garda propala .. on je slovenac koliko se secam ( nisam siguran ) ... imao sam 3 x vishe dkpa od njega :) mada bio je ok lik ...

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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odbio ga je jonzi rutinski bas sami sinoc gledao site.. mislim sta reci :) da ne puste svetog tarabica. nego gle taraba pucice i rexxarci pa mozemo da napravimo neku nasu sprdnju :) ko ga jebe...

� by Ivan_

alen je van konkurencije.

� by Ignis Dei

Alen mora da bude van konkurencije, jer je Macan

� by Alen

nije bitna strela nego indijanac.

Baseball Club Beograd96

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