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Alchemy skill 300 guide


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Component Minimum Amount Estimated Amount

Peacebloom 60 (3 stacks) 60 (3 stacks)

Silverleaf 60 (3 stacks) 60 (3 stacks)

Mageroyal 15 (1 stacks) 20 (1 stacks)

Briarthorn 80 (4 stacks) 90 (5 stacks)

Stranglekelp 40 (2 stacks) 50 (3 stacks)

Bruiseweed 30 (2 stacks) 35 (2 stacks)

Wild Steelbloom 5 (1 stacks) 10 (1 stacks)

Kingsblood 30 (2 stacks) 40 (2 stacks)

Liferoot 30 (2 stacks) 40 (2 stacks)

Goldthorn 45 (3 stacks) 50 (2 stacks)

Khadgar's Whisker 15 (1 stacks) 20 (1 stacks)

Sungrass 60 (3 stacks) 70 (4 stacks)

Blindweed 30 (2 stacks) 35 (2 stacks)

Arthas' Tears 20 (1 stacks) 25 (2 stacks)

Golden Sansam 40 (2 stacks) 60 (3 stacks)

Mountain Silversage 20 (1 stacks) 30 (2 stacks)

Getting from 1 to 50

Getting from 1 to 50 is easy enough. Make 60 minor healing potions. This should get you to skill 60. You need at least skill 55 for the next step, so don't worry if you didn't get to 60. Keep the minor healing potions, you will need them later.

Once you hit 50 talk to the appropriate trainer to become Journeyman Alchemist. You have to be level 10 to become Journeyman Alchemist.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 0 to 50.

Skill Yellow Grey Item Components From - To Components needed

1 55 95 Minor Healing Potion 1x Peacebloom,

1x Silverleaf,

1x Empty Vial 0 - 60 (60) 60x Peacebloom,

60x Silverleaf,

60x Empty Vial

Getting from 50 to 125

Use the minor healing potions made earlier to make lesser healing potions to get to 110. If you didn't reach 110, make elixirs of wisdom until you do.

At 110 you can train the healing potion recipe. Make those until skill 125

Once you hit 125 talk to the appropriate trainer to become Expert Alchemist. You have to be level 20 to become Expert Alchemist.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 50 to 125.

Skill Yellow Grey Item Components From - To Components needed

55 85 125 Lesser Healing Potion 1x Minor Healing Potion,

1x Briarthorn 60 - 110 (50) 50x Minor Healing Potion,

50x Briarthorn

90 120 160 Elixir of Wisdom 1x Mageroyal,

2x Briarthorn,

1x Empty Vial 105 - 110 (5) 5x Mageroyal,

10x Briarthorn,

5x Empty Vial

110 135 175 Healing Potion 1x Bruiseweed,

1x Briarthorn,

1x Leaded Vial 110 - 125 (15) 15x Bruiseweed,

15x Briarthorn,

15x Leaded Vial

Getting from 125 to 200

Make some more healing potions to get to skill 140. Make lesser mana potions to get to 155, greater healing potions to get to 185 and elixirs of agility to get to 200.

Once you hit 200 talk to the appropriate trainer to become Artisan Alchemist. You have to be level 35 to become Artisan Alchemist.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 125 to 200.

Skill Yellow Grey Item Components From - To Components needed

110 135 175 Healing Potion 1x Bruiseweed,

1x Briarthorn,

1x Leaded Vial 125 - 140 (15) 15x Bruiseweed,

15x Briarthorn,

15x Leaded Vial

120 145 185 Lesser Mana Potion 1x Mageroyal,

1x Stranglekelp,

1x Empty Vial 140 - 155 (15) 15x Mageroyal,

15x Stranglekelp,

15x Empty Vial

155 175 215 Greater Healing Potion 1x Liferoot,

1x Kingsblood,

1x Leaded Vial 155 - 185 (30) 30x Liferoot,

30x Kingsblood,

30x Leaded Vial

185 205 245 Elixir of Agility 1x Stranglekelp,

1x Goldthorn,

1x Leaded Vial 185 - 200 (15) 15x Stranglekelp,

15x Goldthorn,

15x Leaded Vial

Getting from 200 to 265

Make some more elixirs of agility to get to 210. Make elixirs of greater defense until 215 and then make superior healing potions until 230. Make elixirs of detect undead to get to 250 and elixir of greater agility to get to 265.

This table shows the different recipes used to get from 200 to 265.

Skill Yellow Grey Item Components From - To Components needed

185 205 245 Elixir of Agility 1x Stranglekelp,

1x Goldthorn,

1x Leaded Vial 200 - 210 (10) 10x Stranglekelp,

10x Goldthorn,

10x Leaded Vial

195 215 255 Elixir of Greater Defense 1x Wild Steelbloom,

1x Goldthorn,

1x Leaded Vial 210 - 215 (5) 5x Wild Steelbloom,

5x Goldthorn,

5x Leaded Vial

215 230 270 Superior Healing Potion 1x Sungrass,

1x Khadgar's Whisker,

1x Crystal Vial 215 - 230 (15) 15x Sungrass,

15x Khadgar's Whisker,

15x Crystal Vial

230 245 285 Elixir of Detect Undead 1x Arthas' Tears,

1x Crystal Vial 230 - 250 (20) 20x Arthas' Tears,

20x Crystal Vial

240 255 295 Elixir of Greater Agility 1x Sungrass,

1x Goldthorn,

1x Crystal Vial 250 - 265 (15) 15x Sungrass,

15x Goldthorn,

15x Crystal Vial

Getting from 265 to 300

Although you can get to 300 using the elixir of detect demon recipe, the gromsblood needed is expensive when bought from the auction house so i decided to use vendor available recipe's to get from 265 to 300.

Get the superior mana potion recipe from Ulthir in Darnassus or Algernon in Undercity and the major healing potion recipe from Evie Whirlbrew in Everlook.

Make superior mana potion to get to skill 285 and major healing potions to get to 300.

Congratulations, you now have 300 skill in alchemy.

This table shows the different recipes that are avaible through vendors to get from 265 to 300.

Skill Yellow Grey Item Components From - To Components needed

260 275 315 Superior Mana Potion 2x Sungrass,

2x Blindweed,

1x Crystal Vial 265 - 285 (20) 30x Sungrass,

30x Blindweed,

15x Crystal Vial

275 290 330 Major Healing Potion 2x Golden Sansam,

1x Mountain Silversage,

1x Crystal Vial 280 - 300 (20) 40x Golden Sansam,

20x Mountain Silversage,

20x Crystal Vial

copy paste sa sajta http://www.xs4all.nl/%7Ebrt/wow/guides/skillupalchemy.html


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jos nisam probao da izucavam alhemiju ali cini mi se da se isplati,

opasne stvari tu mogu da se naprave

a da ne pominjemo da herbalizam na visem nivou koji je potreban da se radi alhemija

omogucava da se domognes nekih stvarno vrednih biljaka

i tako od bastovana napravis bankara [:D]

You receive loot: [Frostmourne]

Frostmourne receives loot: [Your soul]

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A sta ce vam gaidovi za ovakve stvari? Mislim, odes kod trenera, naucis recepte, odes na AH kupis sta treba, napravis dok moze crveno i/ili zuto, onda naucis nove recepte itd

But I doubt there's a journey planned for me - As I own every moment of my life

And the blessed they shall call it blasphemy - But I know what I think is right

Still the sun and the stars will shine for me - For the pure I will fight

For no king I will die - For my thoughts I will live

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