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Naravno da ce rog sa TF da pravi fin damage, al' to ne znachi da realno rog treba da nosi neshto takvo kada je ochigledno koliko takav mach bolje dodje nekom tenku.

TF ima jako mali Max damage, tako da postoji dosta ljubichastih oruzija koja rade isti ili barem priblizno isti damage kao on kad njime vitla rog.

Mislim ta slichica damage metera iz MCa je slatka al' nishta ne pokazuje... okachi damage meter sa nekog boss fighta. Npr. Ebonroc, chist dps za rogove bez afk faktora :)

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ne mozes da zabranis ... hmmm

Naravno da paladin ne treba da uzme ashkadi pre warriora zato sto ce warrior sa istim da napravi mnooogo veci dmg ... ali zato treba paladinu praviti hand of ragnaros .. ako hoce da se pravi naravno .... Svaki sword prvo svi warriori imaju prednost onda paladini , dok kod maceova je obrnuto prvo pale pa onda warovi .. mada warrorvi nikad i ne uzmu maces ... guilda koja da epic sword prvom paladin ili preskoci warriora ... mnogo gubi ako nista drugo ...

mada ono ... ja sam zadovoljan sa hearld of woe oooodlican mace i to je to .. nije dobar ni blizu kao ashkadi naravno ali opet dok ne dobijem hand of ragnaros posluzice :)

btw nije los ni onaj hammer of jinze blabla iz aq 40 ... 30 spell power 70,1 cini mi se dps ... stavish + 30 spell dmg na to josh i bog te veselio , mada je ruzan mlogo :):)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Ma meni se vishe svidja ashkhandi od sulfurasa kad ga nosim, veci mi je whirlwind dmg a i u PvPu derem kao blesav, sulfuras mi je nekako mnogo spor mada je fireball fin kad procuje, sad evo u sredu pravim TF pa cemo da vidimo shta je bolje, TF ili ashbringer, jedva chekam da probam...

Kako je ovo zvuchalo ss ? :P

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poenta je sto sporije oruzje a velik dps = velik gornji dmg = ogroman soc ... a za ahskadi sto se tiche ... on je sword ... a najbolji spec za warriora je sword spec :)

btw ashbringer ?! lolz to je nemoguce imati ... 80.2 dps imaju ga samo GMovi ... koliko ja znam a ne znam mnogo :)

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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  • 2 months later...

poredjenja radi... claw of the black drake ili cts su mnogo bolji za rogua of tf-a ...

tf iskljucivo warrior weapon, MT primarno mada fury warrior moze da napravi xtra dps sa tim..

Freestyler taj rogue pravi toliko dps zato sto ima 1k ap-a unbuffed, ne zato sto nosi tf

btw De1Rekt0n, dunemaul alijansa ? :)

Edited by space - ghost



We defend. We stand. We show that as one. United. We destroy. Their god will fall !

When we all rise up... the sky's gonna light up !

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Sad zatvori oci, warrior je uzeo magma tempered boots koje daju + healing :P

Posto su svi paladini bili u minusu sa DKP :)

pa vidish to je glupo i razliku je se od guilde do guilde ... to bi kod nas opet islo paladinu .. ali ko ga jebe ionaku su sranje u poredjenju sa ashkadijem i josh koliko mroash da se cimash da ga napravish etc da ne govorim sto sword spec > mace etc :)

u pravu je space ghost ... nije to do TF ... main tank oruzje najbolje u igri trenutno i to ubedljivo :)

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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zato sto je mnooogo brzo = dojaja i zato sto ono sranje sto baca non stop onaj vrtlog pravi bolestan agro , ne znam koliko bolestan ali sam cuo da je bolestan :) sigurno bolji od 1-2 sundera i to se deshava non stop ima isto dobar proc rate i brzo oruzje gg :) ne znam tako sam samo cuo ne posedujem ga ... josh uvek ;)

e sada ako radi onaj attack speed reduction na bosove onda je josh bolje ^_^

Edited by StormScion

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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haha <3333 i ima skriveni bonus 35 % shanse da napravi onaj chaj :)))

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Erm, prednost TFa je u poison buildu zato shto je brz >________<

main hand speed je kompletno nebitan, mac moze da ima speed 20 ako oces, poenta je da rogue bije na energiju, - sinister strike ili hemo, tako da poisone nanosis kada koristis energiju.. bitno da je ima dmg ... speed je bitan samo na offu



We defend. We stand. We show that as one. United. We destroy. Their god will fall !

When we all rise up... the sky's gonna light up !

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http://shadowpanther.net/rogueweapons.htm ....

>>>Max non crit SS @ 1000 AP<<<

TF: 397

AQR: 452

Damage difference: +55

DPS difference: -13.8 DPS

>>>Max crit SS @ 1000 AP<<<

TF: 913.3

AQR: 1039.6

Damage difference: +55

DPS difference: -31.6 DPS

>>>Total SS DPS contribution assuming 25% crit rate with no aggression in combat tree<<<

DPS: Crit DPS + Non-crit DPS

DPS: 31.6*0.25 + 13.8* 0.75

DPS: 7.9 + 10.39

DPS difference: -18.3 DPS

>>>White DPS<<<

TF: 85.9

AQR: 60.4

DPS difference: +25.5 DPS

>>>Instant Poison VI DPS<<<

TF: 13.7

AQR: 9.3

Difference: +4.4


TF leads by: 11.6 DPS

I proc je oko 20%..

Edited by WoLf4LiFe
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nebitno ... blizard je to napravio za tanka kao sto je ashkadi napravljen za dps warriora ... iako mogu da ga nose i ostale standarndo .. najvishe dobija tank ...

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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