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4 dana in game = lvl 60


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sta reci ... lik je lood ...

elem ovo valjda najzad resava pitanje koliko je grind dobar za levelovanje ...

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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pu, imba hunteri...

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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Nije samo to, treba isplanirati redosled questovanja i grindanja, jer mi obicni smrtnici pola vremena izgubimo na grifonu.

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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bolest kazem ja .. ja sam sa paladinom za 7 i po dana .. ali jbt 4 ... imba hunter :) imba questing ... pa to je ako znash sve questove koje ces unapred da radis i isplaniras sve na duze staze ide mnogo brzo :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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metar i po dana mi je trebalo sa warriorom do lvl 60....ali to je bilo bash gusht igranje...bez presija bez trcanja....a i bio mi je prvi char tako da sam se upoznavao sa geografijom sveta...Da sada opet krenem sa lvl 1 likom sumnjam da bi mi trebalo vishe od 10 -12 dana

Choke on it !!!

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procitao sam 21 stranu ,koliko i ima taj topic

e sad ono sto mene zanima je

da li neko moze da zakljuci koje talente ima po screenshot-oviima mozda :p >?

koje profesije uzima ,i kako stigne da ih lvluluje ako mi je main quest sto brzi lvl up.

zasto uvek troll-a ,nije valjda samo zbog onog berseka o_O

i jel neko zna neke kvestove koji daju do jaja bow/gun ili crosbow :o tj oruzija koja on uzima na lvlima ispod 60og

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