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//Rocket Jump

bind x "vstr rjump"

set www "wait;wait;wait;wait"

set rjump_1 "set freelook 0;set cl_pitchspeed 999;+lookdown;vstr www;+attack;+moveup"

set rjump_2 "set cl_pitchspeed 140;-lookdown;set freelook 1;-attack;-moveup"

set rjump "vstr rjump_1;vstr www;vstr rjump_2;vstr www;centerview"

set demo "vstr kreni"

set kreni "g_synchronousclients 1;record;g_synchronousclients 0;set demo vstr stani"

set stani "stoprecord;set demo vstr kreni"

Analogija sa progamiranjem bi bila da uvodi

Edited by [oveRk1nd]
...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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@ovr pa znash vishe od mene :D

ovaj, pa da, to shto si rekao.. :P

video sam da se koristi u skriptama i da omogucava izvrshavanje gomile komandi u serijama.

eto taj roket dzamp primer

mislim da vstr znachi varibale string

evo ti primer iz mog cfga:


// modif multibind script I (team chat)

set normkeys "cg_drawgun 0; bind q weapon 5; bind e weapon 7; bind 1 say_team ^5-->^1RA; bind 2 say_team ^1-->^5QUAD; bind F9 connect; bind F10 connect; bind F11 screenshot; bind F12 time"

set altkeys  "bind q say_team ^7<-^3need ^7weapon; bind e say_team ^3fragged ^7at^5(^7#C^5); bind 1 say_team ^1-->^2RG; bind 2 say_team ^5-->^6RL; bind F9 connect; bind F10 connect; bind F11 connect; bind F12 connect"

+modif1 vstr altkeys

-modif1 vstr normkeys

bind c +modif1

bind enter +modif1

seta cg_execVstr modif1

npr. ovde se deshava da dok C taster nije pritisnut tasteri q, e, 1, 2, f9, f10, f11, f12 imaju jednu funkciju; kada drzish taster C i pritiskash q, e, 1, 2, f9, f10, f11 i f12 oni imaju potpuno drugu funkciju;

varijable su definisane u dva stringa kao normkeys i altkeys naziv nove komande je modif1 (proizvoljno izabran) a vstr je komanda koja oznachava funkciju koju ce imati normkeys i altkeys - gde je funkcija promena bindova za gornje tastere dok je pritisnut bind komande modif, u dve serije norm i alt..

ala sam se i----o :P

znachi ovo gore je ono kako sam ja shvatio da radi, da li je tako ne znam :/

skini moj cfg, imash u njemu vstr upotrebljen i za tajmer skriptu, malo mozganja i shetanja po konfizima za tajmer i ukapiraces kako vstr moze jos da se iskoristi..

mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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Quake 2 aliases involves two parts. First, the "alias" command binds an alias (a sequence of commands separated by semicolons (;)) to a command name: alias cmdname "content"

Due to parsing, the content is often within double-quotes ("), so that any embedded semicolons is stored with the alias, rather than treated as a command separator as the alias command is being parsed. The "alias" command creates a new entry in the commands lookup table, specially tagged to indicate an alias rather than a binding to an internal function. Once established, the alias may be used as a normal built-in command. Whenever the alias is executed, it appends a copy of its contents into the command buffer.


Quake 3 eliminates the "alias" command in favor of the "vstr" command. The "vstr" command is a built-in command, which treats its first parameter as the name of a cvar, then appends a copy of the content of the cvar into the command buffer. The nature of the "vstr" command means the "alias" command can be removed, and the "set" command be used to create alias-type commands. Also, the command lookup table is not cluttered with each set of custom scripted commands.

Alias znaju i kanterasi .. quake engine ;)

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Rmb svaka čast. Znao sam da postoji i u Q2 slična komanda ali mi se nije dalo da kopam koja je.

Koliko ja znam na svim velikim turnirima zabranjene su skripte. I za rj, i tajmer, i okret 180 stepeni i slično. Mora da se igra.


...Од рођења спремна стоји, мене чека моја рака,
Да однесе све што имам у дубину у дубоку.


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@ovr ali ti nikad nisi igrao veliki turnir ;)

Clanbase rules:


18. Cheating and Anti-cheating

The use of the Rocketjump script called "Ninja" is forbidden in this cup and considered a cheat. This also includes all other ninja-alike advanced RocketJump scripts.

chat sa CB adminima:


(13:26:46) ((


mizantrop iz Singidunuma


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