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Nedelja 8.1.

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Standard, kod stidze 17-20, moze i neko drugo vreme ako nekom ne odgovara...

Sad, uz malu slobodu pretpostavki mozda su raspolozivi

1. maha

2. hani

3. rejz

4. dante

5. hopsi

6. faust

... jel mogu ljudi sa ovog spiska i jel mozemo da nadjemo josh 2? :)

Edited by nt.Faust

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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ko je pominjao subotu? pa nedelja! :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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ok, i maha vjerojatno moze u nedelju... ajmo ljudi! ututut :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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Promenio sam ime topica u Nedelja 8.1., cisto da se ne zbunjuju ljudi. A za one "vesele" iz prvog posta ne znam o cemu pricas.

ma zezam se, ja sam se zbagovao, nego chisto kao da ne priznam krivicu i odmah je svalim na drugog :)

tnx za promenu naslova, btw :)

Edited by nt.Faust

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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ja mogu, najverovatnije



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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aj i ja sam za..... samo da mi neko kaze dal je stil jos kod verana.....nisam bio 100 godina....

p.s. ako ch1 procita ovo bolje da se pojavi da ga konacno operem kao woonu :P

p.s.2. kolko chuka igranja?

Hm, da, Stidza je i dalje tamo kod Verano motorsa. A cuka je 50 kinti, pa nas izadje 150.

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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ja dolazim



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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Ehm, dakle za sad su potvrdili

1. dante

2. faust

3. hopsi

4. hani

5. rejz

6. maha (?)

7. junkie (?)

shto znachi da nam fali 1 ako dolaze maha i junkie... nisam skontao jel dolaze ili ne iz spike.. :) tako da, ono, punz, qsur, nzn ko je od njih tu/raspoloziv... :)

*edit* a kako vidim da cemo konachno pikati, rezervisao sam... Znachi Stilgar, nedelja, 17-20... Jeeej :)

Edited by nt.Faust

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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kewl, znachi +1 i to je to... :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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pa majune vidis da fali, tj igras :))

ja se izvinjavam, ali ko je junkie, mislim jel on zna da igra?!? :) mozda bolje da zovnem qsketa ili cida :)



Ne daj nikom da te vredja, jer te niko ne


Pa ti si se stondirao i u igrici..


aniHANI, HANIma3x

Koji je sprat danas?!?

U slucaju nuzde POLULITI!!!



Kakav vam je batak?!?


Nemamo to trenutno!!!


-E brate jel imas kezva?!?

-Brate nemam pare..

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Hm, malo kasnish punz, istina... Mislim, meni je maha rekao da javim da ce Doca igrati, tako da kako izgleda nema mesta... :(

ili ako hani nadje josh nekog pa da igramo 5v5? i da bude josh 2 mesta kod stidze... :)

Edited by nt.Faust

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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e nemoj sad da bude ispala.... otkazao sam par vaznijih stvari zbog ovog..... znam da igram, mada nisam neko vreme pikao... mada 3 sata je mnooooogo vise nego dovoljno da se podmaze makina

ma pusti ti hanija... :) igrash ti chovek, samo da vidimo ako moze da ubacimo punza i josh nekog pa da bude 5 na 5...

1. maha

2. hani

3. hopsi

4. junkie

5. dante

6. faust

7. rejz

8. doca

+punz i ako ima josh jedan da bude zakonski 5v5... :)

I'm not one of these guys who, like, loved the internet 'till I found out there was pornography on it. Now, I am on the internet a lot. A LOT. I would say - out of the 22 hours that I am awake during the day, during any given day, I'm on the internet about 11 hours. I don't sleep much... Umm, anyway, you get the point.

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