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ajde brate plz pre nego shto otvorish JOSH JEDAN topic tipa "za koliko se prodaje 6 slot torba kod vendora", barem malo razmisli da li ce imati smisla onome koji to chita da ne pomisli da si "glup", pa stalno neke glupe spike izviru iz tvojih prstiju :P

pokushavam da se suzdrzim od hejta :p

Edited by SoulstormM
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Oglasi se ^^

crveni kristal je na 56 / 34 coords

moracete da ukljucite shield i da protrchite pored 10 furbolga ... posle se odmorite malo i ponovite to par puta ...

btw quest je zabagovan za neke ( a tu sam i ja baksuz uvek ) , dobijem ja mach u invitenory ali se ne vidi !!! Koji bug jebote

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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And btw... Vi se ubili od zajebavanja ali ja nas'o mac! A dobijes i armor set ako dovoljno jako zavalis glavu u kristal...

Elem, itemi su sledeci:

[biggins Goggles Of Fire Protection]

[biggins Shoulderpads Of Tight Latex]

[biggins Breastcover Of Oily Rubber]

[biggins Bracers Of Precise Timing]

[biggins Gloves Of Smooth Entry]

[biggins Belt Of Pleasure And Pain]

[biggins Hot Pants Of Potency]

[biggins High-Heels Of Dominance]

Imam i [biggins Neckchain Of Eternal Overabundance Of Currency], al' to je van seta...

I naravno, mac... Ne bih bas da otkrivam sta sve mogu itemi, nasluti se malko, je l'? Samo jedna stvar - ima mac jos jednu upotrebu, a da nije attack... P sad vi vidite kako cete...

A evo ga i moj lvl 6 Paladin:


Edited by termos
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