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Girls in wow :)


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Poshto konachno na RuRu ima i zenske populacije, u "nekoj" kolichini, tj. pojavilo se par devojaka kojih pre nije bilo, zeleo bih da ih pitam, odakle vam ideja da dodjete ovamo ? Neko vam rekao da je zznje pa ste reshile da vidite kako je, poshto je jel'te 99.99% mushka populacija ili naleteli negde na link pa kao ajde....

Btw. nek odogovori k'o hoce, m&z, shta vas je dovelo ovde, a shta nateralo da ostanete.... ?

edit: pa 'ebem mu....nek neko od moderatora plz promeni ime, nisam ga promenio (izlapeo), a hteo sam da bude, Name:RuR girls, Description: and bojz too!

Edited by SoulstormM
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zashto me odbijash [roflmao]

@ topic

odakle ja ovde ? pa ja sam ovde rezident shto se vidi i po datumu i po postovima .. tako da to nema nikakve veze sa WoWom

a sad pravo pitanje je koliko uopshte ima devojaka koje igraju WoW i dolaze ovde .. mozda cirka 2 ako rachunash i Mlohija [roflmao]

• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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Ne verujem....devojke obavezno napišite koji ste level :)))

i za koju kintu idete u battleground? :)

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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