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Oh, shit!


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Aaaa! Ne mogu se povezem! Prvo sam primetio da ne mogu da se povezem na WoW forum. Kaze "Login Error". Sad mi, dok ulazim u WoW, sve vreme Handshakinguje... A bio sam danas online, od 13 do 17. Jedino gde mogu da se povezem kako treba je Account Managment.

Da nije do uplate? Treba da uplati 22 Dec u 04:30, a to je proslo. Uplatio sam u Rajfajzen banci (Ala sam gi spelovao, a? [:D] ), oko 14:00. Sve prethodne uplate su Expired, a ova je jos Pending...

Sta se desava? Help! It's getting dark! Chest pains... can't go on! Aaaah! I'm fading!!! Oh my god I can't hear u guys no more! Help! Is ne1 out there? For the love of all that's good and holy - HELP!!!

Anywayz - u cemu je fora? Hvala.

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