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Paladin talents in 1.9


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Hm...chini se da se ovo pretvara u josh jedan anti-pala thread...Ljudi lepo pitaju za build,i odmah krece crap tipa :"Paladin je njesra...etc.".Ako hocete da budete kontraproduktivni...izvolite.

Ja sam i dalje za Ret/prot.. S obzirom da ne mogu da dobijem vise iole pristojan heal,idem na DMG+minorni heal,pa kako bude.

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Hm...chini se da se ovo pretvara u josh jedan anti-pala thread...Ljudi lepo pitaju za build,i odmah krece crap tipa :"Paladin je njesra...etc.".Ako hocete da budete kontraproduktivni...izvolite.

Ja sam i dalje za Ret/prot.. S obzirom da ne mogu da dobijem vise iole pristojan heal,idem na DMG+minorni heal,pa kako bude.

To je kod pale nezgodno. Pogubis konce na pola.

Ili da se odlucis kao udarach, ali to je pitanje kakav i sa malo heala. Nekada dobar ako usere soc i reck. Ili da se odlucis na full Holly + Retr, bez BOK-a, i da kombinujes holly shock sa socom i wrathom i da imas poprilicnoo jak heal(ovu kombinaciju sam napravio pre 4 meseca i sa njom igram jos uvek do patca 1.9, pa cu videti sta dalje), ali mislim da pala mora da ima holy i retr u sebi.

Edited by posmatraci
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evo mog talent builda najzad sam ga nekako sklopio :P


Improved Blessing of Might 5/5

Deflection 5/5

Conviction 5/5

Seal of Command 1/1

Pursuit of Justice 2/2

Eye for an Eye 2/2

Improved Retribution Aura 2/2

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization 3/3

Sanctity Aura 1/1


Improved Devotion Aura 5/5

Precision 3/3

Guardian's Favor 2/2

Blessing of Kings 1/1

Improved Righteous Fury 1/3

Anticipation 5/5

Improved Hammer of Justice 3/3

Reckoning 5/5

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evo mog talent builda najzad sam ga nekako sklopio :P


Improved Blessing of Might 5/5

Deflection 5/5

Conviction 5/5

Seal of Command 1/1

Pursuit of Justice 2/2

Eye for an Eye 2/2

Improved Retribution Aura 2/2

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization 3/3

Sanctity Aura 1/1


Improved Devotion Aura 5/5

Precision 3/3

Guardian's Favor 2/2

Blessing of Kings 1/1

Improved Righteous Fury 1/3

Anticipation 5/5

Improved Hammer of Justice 3/3

Reckoning 5/5

Nemas nista u Holy??? Hm, hm, hm

Evo ga moj:

Holy Talents - 31 points

Spiritual Focus - rank 5/5

Improved Holy Light - rank 3/3

Illumination - rank 5/5

Improved Blessing of Wisdom - rank 5/5

Divine Favor - rank 1/1

Improved Seal of Righteousness - rank 5/5

Divine Wisdom - rank 5/5

Sanctity Aura - rank 1/1

Holy Shock - rank 1/1

Retribution Talents - 20 points

Improved Blessing of Might - rank 5/5

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization - rank 5/5

Vengeance - rank 5/5

Seal of Command - rank 1/1

Improved Retribution Aura - rank 4/5

Ja sam bacio vecinu na holy. Nemoze pala da bude dobar udarach. Bolje kombinovati holy i soc. Jace je.

Edited by posmatraci
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e, super, ne mora vise da zaobilazi...


ma sta ja to pricham ... lol lol lol


dobrodoshao old skul pali u warrior wode:)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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pa da ... sada pogledam i vidim i marko kraljevic je bio pala a musa kesedzija je bio drood ...

kaze ono borishese se od jutra do podne bela pena na usta im izalazi krvca na oci udarila al ne popusta ni jedan ni drugi dok ne dodje vila iz potaje dade pali malo pomoci i ovaj ga pobedi predvecer :) ima ce sta da se prica pokolenjima koja dolaze ... to mogu samo pala i drood :) :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Ubacili su 3 nova sp. talent, malo izmesali stablo i konacno pala da na nesto lici.

I dalje mi je glavno holy stablo, dok je retrib, tu za ispomoc.

Odlicna kombinacija Holy+retrib, sa ovim novim sp. koji je ubacen u retrib. VINDICATION koji povecava strainght i agility i CONVICTION koji sa SOCom povecava crit, tako da pala konacno udara kako treba.

Holy Talents (31 points)

Divine Strength - 5/5 points

Increases your Strength by 10%.

Divine Intellect - 5/5 points

Increases your total Intellect by 10%.

Spiritual Focus - 5/5 points

Gives your Flash of Light and Holy Light spells a 70% chance to not lose casting time when you take damage.

Consecration - 1/1 point

Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 64 Holy damage over 8 seconds to enemies who enter the area.

Healing Light - 3/3 points

Increases the amount healed by your Holy Light and Flash of Light spells by 12%.

Improved Lay on Hands - 2/2 points

Gives the target of your Lay on Hands spell a 30% bonus to their armor value from items for 2 minutes. In addition, the cooldown of your Lay on Hands spell is reduced by 20 min.

Improved Blessing of Wisdom - 2/2 points

Increases the effect of your Blessing of Wisdom spell by 20%.

Illumination - 5/5 points

After getting a critical effect from your Flash of Light or Holy Light spell, gives you a 100% chance to gain Mana equal to the base cost of the spell.

Divine Favor - 1/1 point

When activated, gives your next Flash of Light or Holy Light spell a 100% critical effect chance.

Holy Power - 1/5 point

Increases the critical effect chance of your Holy spells by 1%.

Holy Shock - 1/1 point

Blasts the target with Holy energy, causing 204 to 221 Holy damage.

Level 48: 279 to 302 damage

Level 56: 365 to 396 damage

Protection Talents (0 points)

Retribution Talents (20 points)

Improved Blessing of Might - 5/5 points

Increases the Attack Power bonus of your Blessing of Might by 20%.

Benediction - 5/5 points

Reduces the Mana cost of your Retribution spells by 15%.

Vindication - 3/3 points

Gives the Paladin's damaging melee attacks a chance to reduce the target's Strength and Agility by 15% for 10 seconds.

Conviction - 5/5 points

Increases your chance to get a critical strike with melee weapons by 5%.

Seal of Command - 1/1 point

Gives the Paladin a chance to deal additional Holy damage equal to 70% of the damage of the attack. Only one Seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Lasts 30 seconds.

Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy, instantly causing 45 to 49 Holy damage. 137 to 147 if the target is stunned.

Level 30: 64-70 damage. 194-210 stunned

Level 40: 82-90 damage. 248-270 stunned

Level 50: 85-95 damage. 257-284 stunned

Level 60: 105-116 damage. 315-348 stunned

Pursuit of Justice - 1/2 point

Increases movement and mounted movement speed by 4%. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

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