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Vas Soundtrack

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OK,zamislite da ste postali neki veliki baja u zivotu,pa hoce da urade film o vasem zivotu.Taj film bi morao da ima soundtrack zar ne?

Navedite 5 pesama koje bi ste voleli dapuste u takvom filmu(pustite text,nego sam zvuk ili raspolozenje koje pesma oznacave)

Litri i litri piva(i drugih alkoholnih napitaka) ucinise me prilico sporim,pa cu pustiti moj mozak da kazemoje predlige...

Moj mozak: Ok, ako naprave film o tvom zivotu,neka kometa ce da zvekne zemlju,al ajde evo predloga:

1. Pro Pain-In for the kill

2. Metallica- Nothing else maters

3. Soulfly- back to h primitive

4. Motorhead-Bomber

5. Rancid-Start now


What?! The land of the free? Who ever told u that is your enemy

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1.KillswitchEngage - Self Revolution

2.Unearth - Failure

3.Glass Casket - In between the sheets

4.Funeral for a friend - Monsters

5.All that Remains - Vicious Betrayal

film je uglavnom o promasaju....

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Ok,zamislite da postanete neki opasan baja u zivotu,te da hoce da snime film po vama.Taj film bi trebao da ima soundtrack,zar ne? Navedite 5 pesama koje bi ste voleli da se uvrste u soundtrack...(nije toliko bitan text,vec zvuk ili raspolozenje koje pesma izaziva)

S obzirom na litre i litre piva(kao i ostalih alkoholnih tekucina),malo sam spor,pa cu pustiti svoj mozak da predlozi za mene...

Moj mozak: Ok,ako urade film po tebi,neka kometa ce da zvekne u Zemlju,ali aj.evo predloga:

1. Pro Pain-In for the kill

2. Soulfly-Back to the primitive

3. AC DC-U shook me all night long

4. Guns 'n' Roses-Don't cry

5. The Doors-This is the end [yeahdude][yeahdude][yeahdude]

Oh fuck,pogresan odsek u forumu,Ivane banuj ovo...

Edited by Rancid Blade


What?! The land of the free? Who ever told u that is your enemy

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  rockdudbg said:
led zeppelin-stairway to heaven

kraljevski apartman-izgubljen u vremenu

alogia-iznad vremena


the doors-THE END

covece, i meni je pao zeppelin na pamet,ali verovatno cu u pakao

  byp_ said:
Jimi Hendrix - Voodoo Child.

Erykah Badu feat. The Roots - You got me.

Full Moon - Ja se vracam u svoj hram.

Damien Rice - Blowers daughter.

DLM - Ubise Pabla.

JAAAOOOOOJ RODJACE, 5+,ma 10+ za Hendrixa [yeahdude]


What?! The land of the free? Who ever told u that is your enemy

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kapiram... kad bi to bio film :)

damien rice - (pocetak filma)

prodigy - firestarter ( za scenu jebanja)

nightwish - she's my sin - (neka jurnjava kolima :)

marilyn manson - use your fist and not your mouth (za neko shibanje)

hammerfall - in memoriam (odjava / moja smrt:)

kad ne bi bio to film.. onda bilo kojih 5 pesama od prodigy (obavezno firestarter)

Get smart or die dumb!

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