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NBA 2005/06 - official topic


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znam da je rano, ali malo da bachimo pogled na tabele i prokomentarishemo start

Eastern Conference Standings

Atlantic W L

Philadelphia 3 3

New Jersey 3 4

Boston 2 3

New York 0 5

Toronto 0 5

Central W L

Detroit 6 0

Milwaukee 4 1

Cleveland 4 2

Indiana 4 2

Chicago 3 2

Southeast W L

Washington 5 1

Miami 4 3

Orlando 2 3

Charlotte 2 5

Atlanta 0 6

Western Conference Standings

Southwest W L

San Antonio 5 2

Dallas 4 2 .667

Memphis 4 3

New Orl/OKC 2 3

Houston 2 3

Northwest W L

Minnesota 3 2

Utah 4 3

Portland 2 3

Denver 2 4

Seattle 1 4

Pacific W L

LA Clippers 5 1

Golden State 4 3

Phoenix 3 3

LA Lakers 3 3

Sacramento 2 4

najvetja negativna iznenadjenja su losh start sacramenta i denvera, a pozitivna dobar start washingtona i i clippersa, kao i chinjenica da su hornetsi i pored svih nedatja i promena koje su ih zadesile uspeli da postanu respektabilan protivnik. miami i houston losh start duguju povredama najboljih igracha. minnesota se za sada dobro drzi, a moram priznati da sam poprilichno razocharan nedostatkom napretka mladih igracha atlante.

My koong-foo is the best

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Josh da Clippersi imaju nekog boljeg trenera, ko zna shta bi bilo :)

Mene je negativno iznenadio SA, mislio da mogu chak i do 70 pobeda ove godine... Mada, ko zna...

Za sada, najpozitivnije iznenadjenje mi je Washington, chije se dovodjenje Butlera umesto Hughesa pokazalo kao vrlo pametno za sada...

Denver ce uci u ritam, Sac neka crkne :D

Takodje me je malo razocharao GSW, ochekivao sam bolje igre od njih...

Od igracha, ubedljivo najvece iznenadjenje za sada mi je igra Okura...

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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13. XI 2005.

Seattle SuperSonics 126 (Lewis 41 8 2, Collison 20 12, Allen 19 4 4)

at Toronto Raptors 121 OT (James 36 5 2, Villanueva 26 12 2, Bosh 21 11 5)

Cleveland Cavaliers 108 (James 26 5 3, Hughes 22 9 7, Ilgauskas 20 5 1)

at Orlando Magic 100 OT (Francis 22 6 7, Howard 21 16 3, Turkoglu 17 3 3)

Los Angeles Clippers 108 (Brand 32 11, Mobley 23 2 2, Maggette 20 6 3)

at Philadelphia '76ers 113 (Iverson 28 4 10, Nailon 21 6, Salmons 14 3 4)

Houston Rockets 82 (Swift 17 4, Mcgrady 14 4 3, Ming 14 10 2)

at Boston Celtics 102 (LaFrentz 32 8, Pierce 19 7 10, Davis 19 7 4)

New York Knicks 105 (Frye 19 6, Marbury 17 2 7, Curry 16 8)

at Sacramento Kings 95 (Stojakovic 31 8 2, Bibby 18 2 7, Abdur-Rahim 14 13 6)

Minnesota Timberwolves 91 (Szczerbiak 20 1 5, Garnett 19 9 3, McCants 14 2 1)

at Denver Nuggets 102 (Anthony 23 6 5, Camby 18 22 7bl, Johnson 17 4 5)


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M. Jaric 24min 3-6fg, 1-2 3pt, 5ast, 2to, 2pf, 7pts

P. Stojakovic 45min 8-17fg, 4-11 3pt, 11-12ft, 8reb, 2ast, 1to, 3pf, 31pts

Z. Rebraca 17min 3-6fg, 2-2ft, 2reb, 1ast, 1to, 2pf, 8pts

S. Pavlovic DNP

V. Radmanovic 13min 2-4fg, 2-3 3pt, 2-2ft, 1reb, 1to, 1st, 1pf, 8pts

peja se, izgleda, vratja u all-star formu, ali dvojica kljuchnih saigracha bibby i miller nastavljaju da podbacuju. rezultat je josh jedna blamaza i to kod kutje, iako su kingsi godinama vazili za tim koji daleko bolje igra kod kutje

glasine o odlasku stephon marburya iz new yorkea su sve cheshtje, a kao mogutja destinacija(po meni i najverovatnija) pominje se i njegov povratak u t-wolvese koji pokushavaju da sastave sho kvalitetniji tim i na taj nachin ubede garmetta da ostane. ovaj scenario nikako ne bi pogodovao jaritju

My koong-foo is the best

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po njegovoj dosadasnjoj igri moglo bi se reci

da je mozda jednu stepenicu ili dve vishe od prethodne sezone ... sto znaci

da ce ove sezone biti mnogo bolji ... treba mu dati samo malo vishe minutaze ...

Gospode Boze, o chemu ti prichash...

Rezultati od 14/11/05

LA Lakers 73 (KB 18, Mihm 11 i 10, Kwame 7 i 8)

Memphis 85 (Gasol 20 i 10, Battier 11 i 11, Jones 16, Miller 13)

New York 73 (Crawford 20, Q 12, Curry 10 i 9, Steph 10, 5 i 5)

Utah 62 (Williams 18, 3 i 5, Okur 12 i 6, Palacio 8, 6 i 6)

Chicago 82 (Nocioni 17, 4 i 3, Pargo 12, 4 i 6, Deng 11 i 5)

Golden State 100 (J-Rich 32 i 6, Murphy 15 i 7, Junior 15 i 6)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Rezultati od 15/11/05

Washington 99 (Jamison 26 i 12, Arenas 18, 5, 8 i 3, Butler 14)

Cleveland 114 (James 37, 10 i 4, Hughes 22, 4 i 8, Marshall 16 i 6)

Charlotte 77 (Bogans 18, May 15 i 10, Brezec 8 i 7)

Orlando 85 (Howard 21 i 20, Battie 11 i 12, Stevenson 16, Francis 13, 5 i 6)

Toronto 92 (Villanueva 27 i 13, Rose 15, 4 i 5, Bosh 19 i 17)

Philadelphia 104 (AI 34, 2 i 12, Webber 28, 16 i 5, Salmons 16)

New Orl/OKC 102 (Brown 24 i 12, West 16 i 10, Paul 16, 2 i 10)

Miami 109 OT (Wade 25, 4 i 10, Toine 21 i 6, J-Will 17 i 4, Haslem 12 i 9)

Boston 100 (Davis 31, 5 i 9, Pierce 23 i 7, Blount 15)

Detroit 115 (Billups 25, 4 i 10, Rip 25, Sheed 20 i 14, Prince 15, 3 i 4)

Seattle 99 (Lewis 29 i 6, Allen 19, 6 i 4, Ridnour 13)

New Jersey 109 (Krstic 25 i 8, Jefferson 19 i 11, VC 19, 4 i 3, Padgett 13 i 9)

Houston 94 (T-Mac 25, 8 i 4, Yao 13 i 7, Skip 13, 4 i 3)

Minnesota 89 (KG 25, 4 i 4, Wally 12, 5 i 4, Kandi 10 i 6)

Atlanta 79 (Harrington 23 i 9, Johnson 12, Salim 11)

San Antonio 103 (Manu 24, 3, 2 i 5, TD 23, 7 i 3, Parker 18, 3 i 8)

Denver 80 (Melo 24, Miller 17, 4, 5 i 3, Camby 11 i 9)

Dallas 83 (Dirk 35 i 7, Daniels 17, 6 i 3, Diop 4, 16 i 6 bl)

Utah 83 (Palacio 19, 2 i 6, Williams 12, 2 i 4, Brown 9, Ostertag 9)

Sacramento 119 (Bibby 25, Peja 21, 3 i 6, Bonzi 15, 11 i 7)

Milwaukee 85 (Ford 15, 4, 3 i 4, Redd 15, Simmons 13)

LA Clippers 109 (Brand 20 i 11, Cassell 23, 2 i 9, Maggette 21 i 4, Ewing 12)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Z. Rebraca 16min, 2-3fg, 2-2ft, 2reb, 2ast, 1st, 1blk, 3pf, 6pts

P. Stojakovic 33min, 8-14fg, 2-6 3pt, 3-3ft, 3reb, 6ast, 2st, 1pf, 21pt

M. Jaric 26min, 0-3fg, 0-2 3pt, 5-6ft, 4reb, 7ast, 2to, 2st, 2pf, 5pts

V. Radmanovic 19min, 4-10fg, 3-7 3pt, 1reb, 2ast, 2blk, 2pf, 11pts

N. Krstic 38min, 9-14fg, 7-10ft, 8reb, 3to, 1st, 2pf, 25pts

D. Milicic 5min, 2-3fg, 3reb, 1to, 1pf, 4pts

S. Pavlovic 1min, 1reb

min - minuti

fg - shut iz igre

ft - slobodna bacanja

3pt - shut za 3

reb - skokovi

ast - asistencije

to - izgubljene lopte

st - ukradene lopte

pf - faulovi

pts - poeni

DNP - nije igrao

proshlu notj su, sho se tiche nashih igracha, obelezile odlichne partije peje i krstitja u pobedama svojih ekipa, dodushe protiv ne bash preterano jakih ekipa

darko je ponovo igrao nakon 2 utakmice na kojima nije ulazio u igru

radman nastavlja pritisak na trenera putem medija, nije pomogao ni poluchasovni razgovor sa kapitenom ray alenom koji je proshlog leta bio slobodan agent, tako da je u svakom sluchaju imao sha da mu savetuje

My koong-foo is the best

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Rezultati od 16/11/05

Philadelphia 121 (AI 42, Webber 21, 8 i 7, Iguodala 26 i 10)

Toronto 115 (James 38, 2 i 9, Bosh 23 i 10, Villanueva 13 i 5)

Seattle 113 (Allen 32, 7 i 3, Ridnour 15, 3 i 13, Lewis 22, 8 i 6, Collison 19, 13 i 3)

Boston 100 (Pierce 22, 6 i 3, Davis 21, 4 i 9, LaFrentz 14 i 5, Blount 10 i 8)

Indiana 90 (Ron Ron 27, 7 i 6, JO 17 i 8, S Jack 18)

Charlotte 122 (Rush 35, 6-7 za 3, Okafor 20, 12 i 4, Felton 18, 5, 10 i 5)

Denver 91 (Melo 31 i 5, Camby 15 i 15, Miller 15, 9 i 6, Boykins 10, Watson 10)

New Orl/OKC 81 (Paul 18, 9 i 3, West 16 i 9, Snyder 11, 4 i 5, Andersen 10 i 6)

Memphis 115 (Damon 26, 3 i 7, Miller 24 i 8, Battier 18 i 12, Gasol 14, 10 i 7)

Phoenix 103 (Marion 23 i 11, Barbosa 17, 6 i 4, Nash 17, 1, 13 i 3)

New York 92 (Frye 21, 3 i 3, Curry 17 i 7, Crawford 12, Lee 10 i 11)

LA Lakers 97 (KB 42, 5 i 3, Mihm 14 i 9, Odom 13, 9 i 6)

Chicago 93 (Sweetney 24 i 14, Nocioni 18 i 7, Gordon 15)

Portland 96 (Zach 22 i 10, Dixon 16, Miles 14 i 5, Ratliff 11 i 6)

Milwaukee 90 (Redd 27, Simmons 20 i 11, Ford 9, 4 i 13, Smith 9 i 13)

Golden State 87 (J Rich 21 i 8, Pietrus 18 i 4, B Diddy 11, 6 i 7, 4-21 FG)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Z. Cabarkapa 6min, 0-3fg, 1-2ft, 1reb, 1pts

V. Radmanovic 17min, 3-6fg, 0-2 3ft, 2reb, 1ast, 1st, 1blk, 3pf, 6pts

St. Paul Pioneer Press - Timberwolves point guard Marko Jaric was distressed when he learned that former NBA star Vlade Divac is facing a charge of evading the army's draft in their native country of Serbia-Montenegro.

The Associated Press reported that Divac, 37, was obliged by law to join compulsory six-month military service by age 35, the state prosecutors' office said Wednesday. Divac, who played 16 years in the NBA before retiring recently, could face a one-year prison sentence in Serbia-Montenegro if he does not join the army soon, legal experts told the Associated Press.

"I can expect anything from that government in that country," said Jaric, who is not sure whether he could face the same issue as Divac in the future. "They have no appreciation anymore for anybody. … Vlade Divac is a legend over there. The guy is more popular than the president of the country.'"

Jaric, 27, signed a six-year contract with the Wolves this offseason. If bound by law to serve in the military, he would need to think about fulfilling the commitment not long after his Wolves contract ends.

Jaric said he thinks other factors might mean he would not have to serve in the military.

"I have two passports," Jaric said after Wednesday's practice. "I have a Greek nationality. I have a Greek and Yugoslavian passport. I'm in a different situation than Vlade. I don't know what's going to happen."

Edited by KalElen_

My koong-foo is the best

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Rezultati od 17/11/05

Washington 98 (Arenas 33, 5 i 5, 6 TO, Butler 15 i 8, Haywood 14 i 5)

Minnesota 109 (KG 25, 13 i 9, Hudson 16, 4 i 7, Wally 17, 7 i 5, Frahm 16)

Atlanta 78 (Zaza 21, 12 i 3, Harrington 15 i 10, Johnson 18)

Dallas 87 (Howard 25 i 4, Dirk 20 i 13, Terry 12, Daniels 11, 4 i 4)

Houston 80 (T-Mac 27, 12 i 4, Yao 19 i 7, Head 11)

San Antonio 86 (TD 19, 9 i 4, Parker 17, 1 i 8, 6 TO, Horry 16 i 6, Manu 15 i 7)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Rezultati od 18/11/05

Orlando 84 (Francis 21, 2 i 5, Howard 10 i 15, Dooling 13)

Cleveland 102 (Z 22 i 11, Bron 16, 6 i 4, Gooden 15 i 10, Damon 15, 1 i 4)

Charlotte 85 (Rush 20, May 14 i 7, Okafor 14 i 10, Brezec 12 i 6)

Indiana 93 (JO 29, 18, 3 i 3, Tinsley 12, 5 i 11, Croshere 15 i 11)

Toronto 93 (Bosh 24, 14 i 4, Peterson 16, Villanueva 18 i 6, James 12, 3 i 7)

Boston 100 (Pierce 26, 11 i 5, Davis 26, 5 i 7, Blount 14 i 6)

Philadelphia 96 (AI 33, 5 i 5, Webber 21 i 10, Iguodala 11 i 10)

Miami 106 (Wade 32, 9 i 10, Toine 26 i 7, Posey 12, 7 i 4, Zo 13 i 7)

Atlanta 92 (Salim 30 i 4, Johnson 21, Harrington 14 i 10)

New Orl/OKC 95 (Paul 25, 7, 12 i 5, Andersen 10 i 18, Nachbar 12)

New York 86 (Frye 22 i 8, Crawford 17, Robinson 14, 2 i 3)

Denver 95 (Melo 25, 5 i 3, Camby 20 i 13, Miller 12, 7 i 10)

Utah 94 (Okur 29 i 9, Williams 21, 5 i 3, Humphries 16 i 10)

Phoenix 102 (House 31, 4 i 4, Barbosa 18, Nash 6, 4 i 10)

Detroit 78 (Rip 19 i 5, Ben 5 i 16, Sheed 14, 3 i 4)

Houston 70 (Yao 20 i 11, 9 TO, Wesley 14, 9 i 6, T-Mac 6, 13 i 4, 3-16 FG)

Golden State 91 (J-Rich 28 i 7, Davis 16, 6 i 11, Murphy 13 i 10)

Portland 80 (Telfair 20, Miles 15, 8 i 3, Zach 13 i 13)

Milwaukee 82 (Smith 21 i 7, Redd 18 i 3, Magloire 10 i 14)

Sacramento 103 (Peja 19, 7 i 6, Reef 16, 7 i 6, Miller 16, 8 i 8)

Chicago 84 (Deng 16 i 4, Sweetney 13, 11 i 3,

Seattle 98 (Lewis 27 i 6, Allen 27, 8 i 5, Ridnour 10, 3 i 4)

LA Clippers 97 (Brand 23, 14 i 3, Maggette 21 i 5, Mobley 20, 4 i 4)

LA Lakers 91 (KB 36, 4 i 5, Odom 18, 6 i 5, Mihm 12 i 9)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Z. Rebraca 3min, 1-1fg, 2pf, 2pts

V. Radmanovic 22min, 2-8fg, 1-3 3pt, 1-1ft, 4reb, 3ast, 1st, 2blk, 2pf, 6pts

P. Stojakovic 39min, 6-12fg, 0-3 3pt, 7-8ft, 7reb, 6ast, 1to, 3pf, 19pts

Z. Cabarkapa DNP

D. Milicic 6min, 0-2fg, 1reb, 2blk, 1pf, 0pts

S. Pavlovic 5min, 1-2fg, 2-2ft, 4pts

My koong-foo is the best

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Rezultati od 19/11/05

New Orl/OKC 98 (West 34 i 8, Paul 21, 5 i 8, Nachbar 11)

Orlando 95 (Hedo 22, 4 i 3, Dooling 22, Francis 21, 2 i 5, Howard 16 i 17)

Cleveland 123 (Bron 36, 11 i 10, Hughes 37, 6 i 4, Gooden 16 i 13)

Philadelphia 120 (AI 37, 2 i 12, Webber 26, 11 i 4, Iguodala 17 i 8)

Washington 83 (Jamison 23, 13, 3 i 6, Arenas 17, Haywood 13 i 9)

New Jersey 89 (VC 19, 6 i 5, R-Jeff 16, 13 i 5, Kidd 12, 5 i 4)

Charlotte 89 (Felton 15, Okafor 11 i 10, Rush 13 i 4)

Minnesota 102 (KG 19, 11 i 5, Kandi 18 i 8, Wally 15)

Detroit 82 (Rip 18, Billups 12, Sheed 12)

Dallas 119 (Howard 26 i 8, Dirk 23 i 8, Dampier 16 i 14, Daniels 15, 2 i 6)

Phoenix 91 (Marion 22, 15 i 3, Nash 14, 8 i 10, 6 TO, Barbosa 14)

San Antonio 97 (TD 24, 13, 2, 3 i 3, Parker 19 i 5, Manu 15 i 6)

Memphis 80 (Miller 18 i 8, Damon 14, 5 i 5, Gasol 14, 7, 4 i 6 bl)

Utah 72 (Williams 21, 4 i 10, Harpring 13 i 8, Okur 13, 4 i 3)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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D. Milicic 16min, 2-4fg, 2reb, 2to, 1blk, 4pf, 4pts

M. Jaric 20min, 2-4fg, 1-2 3pt, 3reb, 2ast, 3to, 1st, 4pf, 5pts

N. Krstic 22min, 5-8fg, 1-2ft, 4reb, 5to, 1blk, 6pf, 11pts

ne izostavljam ja nikoga(barem ne namerno). NJ je igrao samo 2 tekme ove nedelje, pa ti se mozda zato chini da ga izotavljam. inache nije mu nisha

My koong-foo is the best

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