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Nef :) prva faza


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bivshi workraftash = noob :) :) :)

ajde gl , samo ga smarajte posle 20 runova trebalo bi da uspete :) :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Pre 2 dana je Nefarian ubijen od strane Last Resort-a, najaci guild na Skullcrusheru. Sumnjam da ce dati neke informacija ali poseti forum na www.lrguild.org.

P.S. Obavezno idi na Inner Sanctum forum, ima topic na kojem momci traze pomoc kako da sitgnu do fazu2. IS ne pomazu bas ali rekli su da ima neko "hidden switch" i da Blizzard ima uvrnut smisao za humor :D

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Postoji video gilde "drama" kako radi nefariousa i mislim da imaju na sajtu neka uputstva ali nisam siguran dal imaju za njega bas ...

Jebiga ja sa mojom gildom na vaelu sad 5% best try :(

Edited by mohican



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Make 2 camps, 1 pure melee camp and 1 pure ae camp.

The melee camp will have 2 kill the mobs faster than they spawn.

Each gate has 2 kinds of spawns, "mini" dragons the small ones which dps need 2 focus fire and kill REALLY FAST and big ones.

Have 1 tank grab the big dragons as they spawn can deal with those later.

Ae camp:

Have a warrior or 2-3 to tank every mob which spawns, should be verry easy for them to do but keep them alive!.

After you gathered a nice amount of mobs let all the mages go in and ae, we usually have 4-5 mages and a warlock.

Things to focus on:

Dont start the ae too late, this will only drag the fight on since your gonna kill more mobs than needed at the ae camp. DPS camp gota go pure dps nothing fancy here kill kill kill kill, blame your rogues if it's going 2 slow

When nef lands have the mt ready 2 stop whatever he is doing and go meet the dragon dont forget 2 throw him a heal or so =)

/ps if you are a horde guild and do the razorgore encounter by having shamans kite them dont =) try to do it the other way..tank and kill might help ya with nef ;p we never kited that encounter so stage1 @ nef proved to be rather easy.


Ko laze taj i krade ko krade ima cokolade

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Hmm ne znam,izgleda da dosta zavisi i od srece.Prve nedelje imali smo crvene zmajeve koji rade aoe dot za po 1500 dmg u roku do 3 sec, i zeleni sa cleavom verovatno su svi teski ali ti crveni uf :) valjda su zmajevi random svake nedelje.Uglavnom bwl se cisti za 1 dan i to u nedelju i onda smaranje na nefa gde se retko skupi ceo raid jer svakog mrzi i nece da placa repair.Tako neku taktiku smo vec probali ali eto taj aoe dot nas sabije.. bice bolje kad se uvezbamo.

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