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NHL 2006


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eo ja sam igrao ^^

sto se tiche grafike, slicno kao u 2005, mada ima par novih stvari

igranje, imash svoj aim prilikom pucanja, sto je novo

par novih poteza i laksa kontrola u odnosu na 2k5

a i smanjili su nenormalno checkovanje od strane AI-a sto je isto bilo u 2k5

interfejs isti ko u 2k5

josh nesto ? :)

btw igru sam skinuo preko torrenta

blabla, signa, blabla

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Citao sam danas na netu zanimljiv editorijal oko Hokejaskih igara koje stizhu ... na konto toga da nisu bas updateovane za ovu sezonu. Evo iskopah ga:

Video game players will need to become virtual general managers if they want their favourite new hockey games to accurately reflect the new-look NHL.

Even worse news? None of the new games will feature 17-year-old phenom Sidney Crosby.

Game makers have been in a scramble the past few months to make changes to their NHL games to keep up with the flurry of rule and roster changes the league has adopted since the lockout ended.

The rule changes, made on July 22 to speed up the sport and win back disgruntled fans who faced a cancelled 2004-2005 season because of a labour dispute, include a bigger attack zone, smaller goalie pads, the elimination of two-line passes and the addition of shootouts to settle draws.

In addition, the new labour deal led to a frenzy of personnel changes, as teams swapped and dropped millionaire players from Dany Heatley to Eric Lindros to Teemu Selanne.

These changes came just as the video game world was about the release its NHL games for the season. Of the three released on Tuesday (Sept. 6) -- including EA Sports' NHL '06, 2K Sports' NHL 2K6 and 989 Sports' Gretzky NHL 2006 -- all were in the final stages of development when labour dispute ended, and none say they were able to make all the changes.

EA Sports says that 90 per cent of players in the game are on the correct teams, and die-hard fans can choose to either download a patch with the remaining 10 per cent, or trade players themselves within the game as if they were league GMs.

Both 989 Sports and 2K Games, creators of Gretzky NHL 2006 and NHL 2K6 respectively, said they did not have enough time to make all the roster changes; teams will look just like they did in last year's version of their games.

"We will feature all the rule changes made by the NHL, but for our PlayStation 2 product, we are not going to have the roster changes," said Gretzky NHL 2006 senior producer David Perkinson. "We are going to ship with the rosters we had at the start of last season."

The developers say the sheer quantity of trades in the league made it impossible to keep up. All three titles will feature downloadable rosters so gamers can play a game that actually reflects the NHL.

"It's very important to the league and its players, who are our partners, that we reflect what's going on in the world of hockey," Perkinson said. "If you're going to put out a hockey simulation you have to adapt, regardless of whether it's difficult or not."

Still, none of these next-generation titles feature Pittsburgh Penguins' No. 1 draft pick Sidney Crosby, hailed as the successor to Mario Lemieux. That's because of an NHLPA rule that says no player can be depicted in an officially licensed game until he's set foot on ice in a regular season NHL game.

Games released later in the year, such as the Xbox 360 version of NHL 2K6 and the PSP version of Gretzky NHL 2006, will feature Crosby likenesses.

Game makers have handled the rule changes better.

Some of July 22's rule changes (such as eliminating the two-line pass rule and penalty shoot-outs) were already a part of international hockey rules, and thus have been options in video games for years.

But others, like the new restricted area behind the nets where the goalie is allowed to play the puck, required new graphics, artificial intelligence changes, penalty scenes and audio commentary.

"I don't want to say it was simple, because our team laboured over it quite a bit, but we were able to make them," EA Sports' Brian Coleman says.

"This was just a special occasion because of the lockout and changes to the sport."

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Kad bre izadje..?

A bas sam ovih dana teo da jurim NHL 2k5 da se sigram na svom novom dzojpedu sto kupih (posto sam vec instalirao sve zive sportske igre), al onda cu ipak da skinem 2k6... :)

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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Igrao sam malo, i evo nekih osnovnih utisaka, cisto da upotpunim ovako rechitog kolegu Luku:

- Sistem ciljanja na gol nije losh, sad stvarno ide tamo gde hoces, nije "random" kao pre.

- Golmani su nesto bolji nego u prethodnim verzijama

- Grafika i efekti (led koji se "troshi"), nije losha fora

- Driblinzi i slicno sada bas zahtevaju da imate dzojped ali su efektniji

- Nema toliko bodichekova kao pre

- EA Trax sux, hocemo mogucnost ubacivanja sopstvenih numera ;)

Sigurno sam nesto zaboravio, dodacu kasnije.

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Aj pa da krenem, nisam igrao NHL od 2002 verzije, mislim nisam ozbiljno igrao, tipa 10 partija po verziji a od 99-2002 sam igrao po 3-4 full sezone redovno, malo sam se uzeleo pauze u igrama pa se sada pokusavam vratiti na nhl [8D]

Kontam da sam zardjao strasno ali... Na easy dobijam sve partije 5-1 6-1 7-1... Na medium gubim sve 5-2 6-3 7-5... Nisam se puno zezao sa taktikama i ostalim zajebancijama, jednostavno sam prekirao dinasty, uzeo Phoenix i igram sve po difoltu. Onda odem na play now, sve ista podesavanja i tekme budu strasne (na medium) 3-2 protiv detroita, pa onda izgubim 4-1, pa pobedim 3-0, pa 2-3... Opet udjem na dinasty, opet sve tekme gubim sa 2-3 razlika... I sve tekme su po sledecem receptu, prva trecina 1-1 ili 1-2, druga trecina 0-3 ili 0-4, i onda treca mi daju nula ili jedan, a ja onda u zadnja 2 minuta tekme dam uvek 2 ili 3 gola i tako stalno... Mislim, igrao sam jedno 4-5 partija, nemoguce [:D] Nisu ukljucena ona Hero sranja (ma sta god to znacilo). Nije sada da se ja nerviram sto gubim, vec me nervira sto stalno gubim na isti nacin, secam se u 2001, gubio sam celu sezonu ali je svaka tekma bila razlicita [8D]

Ono je odlicno sto ima kao meta pa mozes da odredjujes gde ce pak da ide, znaci extra stvar, dosta je bilo random sranja... Mada, igram play now i to je ukljuceno, prebacim se na dinasty i toga nema, iskreno, nije bas da sam nesto i trazio jer sam zurio da odigram sto vise tekmi, znam da mi je shot stavljen na manual ali toga i dalje nema.

Gde nestadose oni lepi filmovi pre pocetka igre ? Jel to zato sto nije bilo hokeja prosle godine pa nisu imali sta da stave, mislim 2 cedeja, secam se pre je na jedan cedej stala vrlo lepa animacija + recimo animacija svakog stadiona i slicno... Blah [:)]

I WTF, nije moguce staviti shift, crtl i space pod kotrolama, smaraju, pa to su mi glavna 3 dugmeta, odbijam da kupim dzojpad... Ili cu bas bas morati ? [:)] Probao sam to cudo na PES-u i nikako da se snadjem, ali bas nikako [:)]

Koja je razlika izmedju Dinasty moda i Season moda ? Mislim, zasto lepo nisu dali mogucnost (kao pre) da lepo igram samo sezonu i onda 2006, pa 2007 i tako dalje, evo igrao sam sada ponovo na medium, gubim sve tekme opusteno, odradim SIM 2 sezone, moj tim napreduje sa 84 (cini mi se) na 94 i prva tekma u trecoj sezoni, protiv Vankuvera (od kojih sam gubio) i pobedim 6-1... Sto je najgore, dajem 4 gola po sred gola, nekim prodorima sa strane i onda ubacivanjem na drugu stativu i sut u golmana i go... A sa druge strane sklanjam odbrambene igrace i ovi momci uz Vankuvera se ubise od sutanja, znaci 36 suteva i jedva dali jedan go... A 2 sezone pre toga mi daju 5 komada iz 20 suteva...

Ako je ovo napavljeno da ja igram 2-3 sezone i onda lepo gubim i gubim i onda kao napredujem odjednom i onda pocinjem da pobedujem i budem superioran, cemu onda igranje... Ako je vec tako napravljeno, onda cu lepo da nadjem nekog, odigram jednom nedeljno 2 sata u LAN-u i cao...

Mozda gresim, mozda i ne, dajem igri jos malo sanse, probacu malo da se zezam sa podesavanjima... Sta uostalom znaci ono pravilo kod ofsajda "delayed" ? I zasto imam metu u "play now" utakmicama a nemam u "dinasty" modu ? Lakiiiii pomagaj, daj mi tracak nade, reci mi da je nhl06 dobar, ocu da igram [8D] Ili jednostano da nadjem 2001 verziju i da igram ko covek [8D] Ili sam ja mozda prezahtevan [8D]

neko mi je ukrao kriglu...

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