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World of Roguecraft


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A Look at World of Roguecraft by Vostok


Reagants, yes the flash powders are 25c, and they better be considering that we can burn through a stack in few games of AB, or when soloing quests/faction. And he doesn't mention that if we want to make 10 of our poisons it's going to cost about 1g and after the lowered hit-rate of our poisons in patch 1.7 we need to apply the same poison to both weapons if we want it to proc regularly, which will burn through them fast as well. And he didn't say anything about our most expensive reagent, blind powder. Depending on what server you play on a stack of fadeleaf can sell anywhere from 4g-12g. Pretty convenient of him to leave all of that out.

And at lvl 60 he says we're still the most powerful class. How about the fact that our "finishing move" even with a full 5 combo points, at the maximum damage potential it can do in it's range, will still never hit 1,000 unless you put talents into it (which only increase damage by 15% at most, still not more than 1.1k) and is still affected by armor. In his last video he claims that it's 1,500 which is blatantly false. He also says -nothing- about PvE.

His "complicated" section shows him with the best gear in the game, fighting people who were sitting around in EPL, not a care in the world, and were not prepared to be attacked. He says he only uses two buttons, what he doesn't say is that he uses more than one action bar, each with different abilities... with 2 buttons per bar. Not to mention the people he was fighting were quite obviously not utilizing their abilities.

The hunter didn't shadowmeld even though he was a NE, he put down a trap but left his pet on aggressive (stupid), he didn't use Wing Clip, and he didn't Feign Death... after he was attacked he used his default attack.

The next warrior didn't use anything but white damage, and a Rend at the end. Also Mute dodges no less than 7 times during the fight but the warrior doesn't -once- use Overpower.

The priest having been the victim of a Cheap Shot had about 45% HP when he used Psychic Scream (against an Undead with WotF and a Grunt PvP rank obviously with the trinket) so instead of healing himself or attempting to MC the rogue to buy him time, he opts to Mind Blast, allowing the rogue to get back to him and finish him off.

The mage has a pathetic amount of HP as you can tell if you watch how much damage she takes before she dies.

The warrior uses Deep Wound, Thunder Clap, and Intimidating Shout, instead of using his instant special attacks. The warrior backs away from Mute and lets him get out of combat, allowing him to restealth. Even after he lets Mute restealth and get another opener (giving a humongous advantage to Mute) Mute still wins with only 25% life left. He needs to get the first move -twice- to win, and can still only do it with 25% left.

The rogue he fought was in... wait for it... Tyr's Hand. What do you think a female NE rogue is doing in Tyr's Hand? Why don't you ask them and see if they understand English...

The mage he fought simply Polymorphed, then stood there like a rag-doll. He fought an incompitent mage and happened to get and Eviscerate crit, nothing special.

The pally blew his sheilds early, didn't use any seals until the very end of the fight, and then when he had about 20% HP and Mute had 40% the pally runs away and sucks down a few Sinister Strikes without putting up a fight.


He fights another warlock. A warlock vs a warlock. Obviously it's going to be long and drawn out, and not very eventful.

Picking Our Fights:

Sure we can choose when we want to fight, sometimes. Cloth wearers are our most-likely targets, because we can get in and out quickly (as long as we win) and if they're not paying attention to their surroundings then they'll make it easy for us to get the first shot.

Cloth, a mage can AoE out the ass to bring us out, or even if we do hit them, they can Frost Nova, Blink, Polymorph, etc. A warlock has the succubus and the felhunter, and in his "detecting stealth" demonstration he now has 5/5 camoflauge (increases stealth movement speed.) I'm sure it had nothing to do with trying to prove his point better. Priests can Psychic Scream, and MC.

Leather will be rogues and druids. I'm not going to explain how a rogue can fight another rogue. And if a druid gets hit they can shape-shift, root, or they can be stealthed in the first place with cat-form, and they can heal.

Mail, being horde I never fight shammys. Hunters have 100 ways to beat us, but most don't seem to utilize them. They can throw random Flares that have no animation to show where it is after they've been used, they can trap, Wing Clip, Scatter Shot, Feign Death, etc etc etc.

Plate, warriors are just extremely difficult for rogues in the first place, I'm sure most of them laugh if we attack them. Pallys have multiple shields, Concecration (to bring us out), LoH, and can heal, but pallys don't have much other than their armor and their shields against us.

If they're not experienced PvPing and are too startled to react appropriately it's their own fault. And heaven forbid if we're DoTed because we'll need to hide somewhere and hope for the best, having just lost our single saving attribute for being out in the open.

Warlock Crits:

In this section the crits they're getting are about what most rogues crit Ambushes for, except the warlock doesn't need to be stealthed, doesn't require a dagger mainhand, and doesn't need to be behind the target, and they can use it over and over. The crit for over 2k that he showed after less than 20 fights... 2,271 damage to be exact, I have never done in my entire playtime with my rogue, and I'm willing to bet that most 60 rogues have never seen that either. Sure rogues crit a hell of a lot, but what he doesn't mention is that most of it is our white damage, and more often than not it's our fast-speed offhand weapons, most of my personal crits are about 90 damage from my offhand dagger, big freaking deal. You can even see it in his video. Look at how many of his crits are white damage, and under 100 points. Yes he's getting a lot of crits from backstab, because he's got talent points to increase his crit chance, and also because his target is very graciously letting him stand behind him for the duration of the fight. How many people do you think have the courtesy to let a rogue stand behind them for an entire fight without moving? Anyone who has even a little experience PvPing will do a decent job keep someone in front of them, especially against a rogue.

Rock - Paper - Scissors:

Funny fucking analogy. Simple as that.

My Thoughts:

Does anyone else find it silly that people can watch -one- shoddy video and all of a sudden they know more about our class than we do?

By the way, I thought the video was extremely funny, and the production quality is probably better than anything I've ever seen on here. The segments were great, the acting was great, the lines were hilarious, and the choice of music was excellent. I enjoyed the hell out of watching this video, but that's all it was... entertainment.

Edited by stinger
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eto ne bih ni ja bolje napisao... [:D]

moj build? nema veze koji build koristim... patch se odnosi na opremu i bonus od attack powera

koristim backstab PvE build... koji odlichno finkcionishe i u pvp-u

sasvim solidan stunlock (bez preparationa)

Edited by pimpin`

uvek moze bolje...

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pa dobro lepo si pocheo nije za bacanje...

ali ja ti preporuchujem da na lvlu 60 uzmesh respec

pa 1-i put probaj sa 31 na assassination i na ostale shta mislish da bi ishlo uz to

pa 2-i put probaj sa 31 na combat i na ostale bla bla bla

pa 3-i put probaj sa 31 na subtley i na ostale .... znash

pa onda vidi shta ti se najvishe svidja i usput cesh videti skoro sve mogucnosti raznih specova

naravno probaj onaj spec sa cold blood i preparationom jer to je build koji se koristi na filmu

i za ubijanje 1na1 nema boljeg speca... ipak u duzem combatu nije toliko koristan

moj build je ono shto mislim da najvishe odgovara mom stilu igre i ne bih da otkrivam previshe

i sam cesh shvatiti usput shta ti se svidja najvishe

uvek moze bolje...

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Stinger> taj ko je napisao taj text nije rogua video ni na screenshotu. krol blade +dal rend offhand i shadowcraft armour best equipment in the game? o rly?

posle toga sere kako su likovi koje ubija sa dva dugmeta totalnin00bovi .... i jesu, ali to je sasvim nebitno, vecina likova kada traze zrtve (PEEEEKAAAY) nalece na n0bb0va pa opet moraju da iskoriste vise od dva dugmeta da bi je ubili ... rogue ne.

Warlock vs Warlock = 10 min fight

Rogue vs Rogue = 10 sec fight (osim ako neko nezapali ... )


Licno sam uradio test i sa mojim roguem sam isao sa dva dugmeta na likove (isite abilities koje je imao i mute u filcicu), i od 8 zrtvi 6 sam roknuo. Posle sam to uradio sa Warriorem (charge, hamstering u battle stance - intercept, execute u berserk stance) i od 8 likova samo 2 sam ubio.

Edited by coll

sex, drugs and bio food!

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Stinger> taj ko je napisao taj text nije rogua video ni na screenshotu. krol blade +dal rend offhand i shadowcraft armour best equipment in the game? o rly?

ochigledno se odnosi na equip izvan high-end instanci

Ladno si postovao u 6:45...jel spavas ti?? :)) nego nemojte opet vas dvoje da pocinjete plz

ja nishta nisam zapochinjao

ako ne zelim da kazem koji build koristim to je moja stvar

vec sam rekao da sam backstab rogue...

uvek moze bolje...

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ja sam govorio o tom buildu...

najveca beda je kad ukljuchi evasion... [roflmao]

khm khm mnogo se pravis pametan ... vidis da si se malo vise raspitao znao bi da warrior da bi zabo overpower mora prvo ovaj da mu evadeuje a sta se desi kad ovaj ne moze to da uradi ? golbal cd ? meta nije ispred ? meta predaleko ? poison ?

To je ono najgore .... prica se protiv wara nikako evasion ... neko iskoristi evasion na wara "loleoleoleol nooooooob" i slicno .... kad neko zna kako onda se i na waru koristi evasion btw ako lik nema improved overpower bolje da ga njime zabode nego executeom mortal strikeom ili tako necime ...

btw sta fali preparation cb bildu ? + u kombinaciji sa daggerima i ostalim talentima za iste koji mogu da se uklope u prep/cb build ... Ko kaze da ti moras sve da iskoristis na jednog ? cak stavise ovo je za peglanje sa vise likova pre nego za peglanje sa jednim ... 2 vanisha 2 evasiona 2 blinda 2 sprinta 2 cb-a + mogucnost za savrseni stunlock

btw2 lik koristi razlicite bildove na pocetku je combat spec zatim subtlety i na kraju prep/cb ...



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da mu evadeuje? jel to postoji u igri?

global cd? meta daleko?

Overpower (Rank 4)

5 Rage 5 yd range

Instant 5 sec cooldown

Requires Melee Weapon

Requires Battle Stance

Instantly overpower the enemy, causing weapon damage plus 35. Only useable after the target dodges. The Overpower cannot be blocked, dodged or parried.

Improved Overpower (Rank 2)


Increases the critical strike chance of your Overpower ability by 50%.

instant skill... svaki warrior ga spamuje ako imalo mozga ima

i koji to poison sprechava da uradish skill? rogue je melee i mora da ti pridje



Increases the rogue's chance to dodge by 50% for 15 sec.

+20-30% standardni dodge chance = 70-80% dodge => smrt

loloononolol nooob... jel se tako kaze?

i za warriora postoji nachin da se ubije ali to sigurno nije evasion...

ako dodjesh do execute-a bolje da sednesh i sachekash smrt

Edited by pimpin`

uvek moze bolje...

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Nisi procitao rec koju sam rekao

prvo mora zamahne pa da ga dodgeujes pa onda moze da iskoristi overpower .... oces da kazes da rogue nema nacina da prekine sledecu akciju posle njegovog missa ? gouge stunlock za pocetak .... druga stvar on ima cripling poison ..... ti mozes samo da protrcavas kroz njega i da NE stigne da odradi overpower !!!

U tome je poenta sto sam rekao noob .... ne stojis ispred vara upalis evasion i tuces ga !!!!



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prvo mora zamahne pa da ga dodgeujes pa onda moze da iskoristi overpower .... oces da kazes da rogue nema nacina da prekine sledecu akciju posle njegovog missa ? gouge stunlock za pocetak .... druga stvar on ima cripling poison ..... ti mozes samo da protrcavas kroz njega i da NE stigne da odradi overpower !!!

to koreanci nemogu da urade mohi. Znaci da se sevas pa da cekas da te on omasi pa cim omasi da stisnes gauge. E sad, prvo treba da imas energije za gauge, drugo gauge missuje mnogo, trece vecina wariora ima overpower dugme na misu i u borbi samo to stiska pa i tesko da ces uspeti gauge pre njegovog op da bacis.

jeste rogue ima cripling ali warr ima harmstring i onaj shout sto usporava (zaboravih ime) tako da tu rogue moze minimalnu prednost da ima samo ako ukljuci sprint i ako proxuje cripling na prvom udarcu.

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Ok onda svi oni rougovi na serveru na kom ja igram imaju i win button protiv warova koji ne uspevaju da ih zakace .....

u najmanju ruku sumljam da je takva situacija na tom serveru.

realno u najboljem slucaju za rogue-ve situacija na serveru moze da bude 50/50 protiv warriora, naravno govorim o svim okrsajima na serveru ne samo 1 duel.


ja sam imao isto 21/8/22 build sa jedinom razlikom u initiative (5) koji sam trejdovao za camouflage (5). Jao meni 1 na 1 sa nekim ally warriorom (osim ako nije tek stigao na lvl 60 pa ima neku crap opremu... ali i tada ima ice barbed) koga sretnem world wide i koji ima trunku pvp iskustva. Ruku na srce sretao sam i dosta likova koji nisu culi za promenu stance-a [:D]

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Mohi prica u neku ruku istinu. Posto imam i rogua i warra znam da rogue moze da rokne warra bez frke pod uslovom da je "sekiras" los :)

Poenta je u tome da ako rogue mora na pocetku da proceni sa kakavim warrom se bije, ako proceni da je to n00b, i da nema macro na overpower, onda je evasion koristan. Znaci nabaci evasion -> dodge -> gauge -> i bezi od warra .. overpower nestoji upaljen vecno. Ako je warr dobar i ima macra i zna sta radi ... rogue je mrtav. Ali tu se opet dolazi do poznate cinjenice: dobar igrac (slabiji class) sabija uvek loseg igraca (jaci class) :)

sex, drugs and bio food!

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