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ja samo da vam objasnim par komandi koje ne utichu na igru,nego eto tako,kucaju se:D

dakle kad neko izadje a ti zhelish da se nastavi ,kucash -allstay:)

kad izgurash push sa chaosom,ubijesh kulu i jednog heroja,ostane te 80 bezhish u bazu,dolazi ti viver(onaj shto vraca vreme) sa punim heltom(i istim lvlom -15) da te izleshinar ti se okrenesh bacish mu stan i zadash 5 udarca od toga 2 kritikala od po 470, onda kucash -GDESIPOSHAO!ahah koja scena:))

takodje me zanimaju novi modovi,i onaj -mm shta mu to dodje?

salt wat fish fresh wat fish?

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ja samo da vam objasnim par komandi koje ne utichu na igru,nego eto tako,kucaju se:D

dakle kad neko izadje a ti zhelish da se nastavi ,kucash -allstay:)

kad izgurash push sa chaosom,ubijesh kulu i jednog heroja,ostane te 80 bezhish u bazu,dolazi ti viver(onaj shto vraca vreme) sa punim heltom(i istim lvlom -15) da te izleshinar ti se okrenesh bacish mu stan i zadash 5 udarca od toga 2 kritikala od po 470, onda kucash -GDESIPOSHAO!ahah koja scena:))

takodje me zanimaju novi modovi,i onaj -mm shta mu to dodje?

-mm nije novi mod to ti je mirror match znaci to kucas i kucas -ar i kad vam se podele heroji 1 minut ne kupujes heroju nista da ne bi sve izgubio jer posle 1 min svi dobijete heroje koji su isti u smislu i jedna i druga strana imaju iste heroje koji se medjusobno razlikuju , dakle nije 10 istih heroja (al sam ti objasnio xD) ma probaj pa ces da vidis :P

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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ni -ctf mod nije los ... cilje je uzeti protivnicku zastavicu ...

About WW.

Germans (oh not Germans - Fashishsts(Gitler) hard to translate) kill many (OMG my english) kill many juice(Israel, hope i true translate this nation), but in WW2 dead millions russian. AND say me plz WHY germany and austria send israel money for that and in russia not?

I not racist, i live in peace and i want what european must be more loality to russians. Childerns never not must cry if they paerents wars


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u igri je 5 razlicitih heroja, znaci oba tima imaju iste heroje kao onaj drugi [roflmao]

dm je zanimljiv.... kad umres, izgubis lvl i dobijes NOVOG heroja...

slusaj njega on ti je sve objasnio

I am the centre of this universe.The wind of time is blowing through me,and it's all moving relative to me, it's all a figment of my mind in a world that I've designed. I'm charged with cosmic energy. Has the world gone mad or is it me? I am the creator of this universe,and all that it was meant to be,so that we might learn to see.This foolishness that lives in us and stupidity that we must suss ! How to banish from our minds,if you call this living I must be blind.Ma ja sam puko!

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For host:

All game modes are to be activated by the Host aka "Blue" player within a time period at start of game. Failing which, player of each side can only choose their own side heroes.

* All Random (-ar) - Each player is assigned random hero from any tavern.

* All p*ick [bez *][ (-ap) - Each player can select a hero from either your own taverns or the opponent's tavern.

* Reverse (-re) - Each player p*icks a hero for your opponent. Your opponents now get the five heroes p*icked by your team.

* Death Match (-dm) - If you die, you lose your hero permanently and experience but retain items.

* Item drop (-id) - Losing a random item instead of gold after death.

* Short mode (-sm) - heroes level up faster, towers are weaker, and you get 3 more gold every 7 seconds.

* Mirror match (-mm) - Each team gets identical heroes.

* Dupe mode (-du) - Normally, only one of each hero is allowed, this allows you to have more than one identical heroes in each team. Each player still only get one hero each.

* Team Random (-tr) - Every players is assigned a random hero from their ally taverns.

* Capture the flag (-ctf) - Instead of destroying the opponent's tree/throne, you bring back a flag from the enemy base to your base to win.

* Super Creeps (-sc) - Randomly spawns powerful creeps for each team, Sentinel = Siege Golem and Scourge = Hydra.

* Bottom Right Tavern (-new) - Allows players to select heroes that are newly introduced. In 6.12b, the hero available is Invoker.

For players:

* Random (-random) - assigns you a random hero.

* Repick (-repick) - If you random a hero, even after Host selected All Random mode, you are allowed to repick your hero once. Note that if you move your hero or buy anything, you can't repick anymore.

* unstuck (-unstuck) - transport your hero to the fountain after 50 seconds delay. It's used when you are stuck in a unmovable place. You can not move while transporting.

* Refresh (-refresh) - Only used for Phantom Assassin, it's used to fix her visual Blur effect after death.

* Recreate (-recreate) - recreates your hero after 200 seconds delay. Activate by typing -recreate with your hero near the fountain. This is used to fix various loss of control problems dealing with the following heroes: Dragon knight, Naix, Terrorblade and Lycanthrope. You retain all skills and items after recreation. You can not move during recreation.

* Check Movement (-movespeed) - this allows you to check your hero current max speed.

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Ovaj -du zvuci mocno, zamisli 5 litcheva :)

But I doubt there's a journey planned for me - As I own every moment of my life

And the blessed they shall call it blasphemy - But I know what I think is right

Still the sun and the stars will shine for me - For the pure I will fight

For no king I will die - For my thoughts I will live

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...i nisi rachunao damage reduction i hero spell reduction....

najbolji tim bi bio 5 clinkzova XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

@Lucky ajmo da dota danu u deusu da opalimo CTF i RE jednom...

kada drpish flag u ctf , svi te vide svo vreme i nemas manu... znaci furion sa boots of travel i sange and yasha imbalance... ne mogu da te stignu od movespeeda, a moze i neko bloodlust da ti baci XD

shto se tiche re-a , tim treba da razmisli koje ce heroje da pickuje, tako da ekipa bude lose slozena i da ima loshe heroje XD

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/1829/lol4thlk6.jpg kako pricati sa GM-om

Paladins are gay

Blizzard loves paladins

Therefore, Blizzard is gay

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