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Haumarush - the plan by Blizzard


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As there's a lot of threads on the topic of Haumarush right now I'll create this sticky one to keep the official info in one easy-to-find place.


Haumarush is currently having a very long login queue. This was expected, and it's also expected that the queue will decrease over the next few days.

Realm cap

The realm cap (i.e. the number of players that are allowed to log in at the same time) is currently set low to prevent flooding of the starting areas. As players level up a bit and more to new areas we'll increase the cap in steps until it's on par with the other realms.

Another realm

We're not currently planning on opening another realm, but will continue to monitor the situation over the next few days. Note that we aim for new realms to have a thriving population also months from now, when the novelty of a fresh realm has worn off.

Realm forum

We plan on adding the Haumarush realm forum early on Thursday August 18th.

Update Aug 17th - 19:20 CEST

About an hour and a half ago we increased the cap on Haumarush to allow more people to log on. We expect to increase the cap again tomorrow.

Update Aug 17th - 22:45 CEST

Just a quick assurance that I will discuss the opening of another English PvP realm with the tech guys tomorrow. No promise that there will be one - only that we'll consider it thoroughly.


sada vidite zashto je toliki queue, realm cap je bio stavljen na minimum a mozete da vidite da tje svakim danom to menjati. evo recimo ja sada imam queue 150, shto je okej bar za mene =) + postoji shansa da tje otvoriti josh jedan en pvp server.

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pa moj ortak je na us low serveru i kod njih je vec dugo vecina igraca lvl 60 sa epic opremom tako da je bezveze kretati na slicnim serverima.

mi svi i idemo na ovaj novi zbog toga sto tamo svi krecu od nule pa su vece sanse da budes neko i nesto (i char i guilda)

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pa moj ortak je na us low serveru i kod njih je vec dugo vecina igraca lvl 60 sa epic opremom tako da je bezveze kretati na slicnim serverima.

mi svi i idemo na ovaj novi zbog toga sto tamo svi krecu od nule pa su vece sanse da budes neko i nesto (i char i guilda)

nije mi jasno, kakve veze ima shto neko vec ima epika.. poenta je da na kraju igre pichish raidove a ne da stojish ispred ah-a sa svojim epic mountom i itemima pf..

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nije mi jasno, kakve veze ima shto neko vec ima epika.. poenta je da na kraju igre pichish raidove a ne da stojish ispred ah-a sa svojim epic mountom i itemima pf..

sad si me sjebo skroz.. nista ne kapiram... zar nismo svi krenuli na novi server zato sto je fresh i svi smo low lvl, sto znaci i allija pa nemogu da te smaraju lvl 60 likovi sa endgame equip.

to sto si ti gore napisao smo mogli na bilo kom serveru... heck mogu na svom serveru da ostanem da bi pichio raidove sad kad sam 60.

osim ako ti mislis da krenemo na bilo kom serveru (low) samo zbog ove nase gilde... u tom slucaju ja bi otpao i pozeleo vam srecu

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08/18 - Realm Unavailable (Haumarush) | 8/18/2005 1:07:31 PM PDT


Haumarush is currently unavailable as we are working to solve some issues with this realm. We will restore this realm as soon as possible

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


• crno nam se piše

• belo nam se šmrče

• mind over matter

• jebo sam vam mater

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cant help but find this a little bit funny.. :P

u seriously sat there all day waiting to get on so that u can lvl a char to about lvl 15, when u see sumin like "5000th in que" this is a general sign for u to go and do sumin else, it really is not blizzards fault that this server (which is intended for new players) got flooded by bored lvl 60s that want to power lvl to 60 again so they can get bored even quicker.

and then the whiners come out with the old "shoot me now" and "die blizz uve ruined my life" technique.if i was blizz id shut down the server all the time just to see the reactions of u forum kiddies.

Happy queing.

ahaha kakav kralj :D

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ovo postaje tuzhno jbt:

Cmon I NEED to level more! Who knows how many people are ahead of me now I slept for 2 hours.

p.s. Yes I know it's sad you don't need to tell me I'm sick and addicted :)

p.p.s elfengirl if you read this. Don't you ever sleep?! grats on 25

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Update Aug 18th - 19:25 CEST

Since it's a hot topic and extremely annoying for those in the queue (and their friends), I figured I should add that the GMs are acting on people running in circles or into walls to stay connected.

tako da.. pazite se trchanja :P

Edited by Sa1Nt
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evo novih informacija..

Update Aug 18th - 13:45 CEST

The question of bringing up another realm will be decided this afternoon. We've gathered all relevant data and forwarded it to everybody who has a say in the matter.

We also plan to increae the realm cap further this afternoon. This will be the second of three steps to bring the realm up to the same cap as the other realms. The final step is likely to happen tomorrow afternoon or just after the weekend.

And for the Germans reading this, the above goes for a possible new German realm and Terrodar too. As you probably know, Vaneck is at the Games Convention in Leipzig and unfortunately can't spend much time on the forums these days.

Update Aug 18th - 14:30 CEST

The new realm forums have been delayed, most likely until tomorrow. We'll wait to see whether we decide to open two more realms, as we don't want to reboot the forums twice if we can avoid it.

Update Aug 18th - 19:00 CEST

We will not be opening a new realm today, but still keep the option very much open for tomorrow.

As the starting areas are now less crowded the population cap on on the new realms (Haumarush and Terrodar) will most likely be increased again later today as planned.

Update Aug 18th - 19:25 CEST

Since it's a hot topic and extremely annoying for those in the queue (and their friends), I figured I should add that the GMs are acting on people running in circles or into walls to stay connected.

kako stvari stoje, 99% tje da dignu ovih dana novi pvp server.. opushteno samo!

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