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Street Parade Zurich 2005

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To je standardni evropski (ako ne i svetski) mobilni WC. Ne znam samo kako si ga snimio na slici. Tih WC-a nije bilo po gradu niti ih inače ima (barem ih ja nisam video). Ono je slika sa kamiona (većina u stvari).

You're all gonna die. Then you'll be dead for way longer than you're alive; like, that's mostly what you're ever gonna be. You're just dead people that didn't die yet...

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Ok Dule. Snimio sam skoro 2h video materijala i stavio na DVD. Pogledaćemo ga kada se budem vratio tako da neće

You're all gonna die. Then you'll be dead for way longer than you're alive; like, that's mostly what you're ever gonna be. You're just dead people that didn't die yet...

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