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Patch 1.6.1


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- World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.6.1 (2005-08-02)



- Spell casting is no longer interrupted when leaving combat.


- Improved Shield Block - Fixed a bug where Rank 3 of the talent was not granting the extra block.

- Bloodthirst - Damage bonus increased to 40% of attack power.


- The Oil of Immolation effect is no longer affected by bonuses to spell damage from items.

Raids & Dungeons

- Blackwing Lair

Several encounters in Blackwing Lair now cause the front gate to close, preventing players from zoning out or joining an in-progress battle.

The Razorgore encounter has been changed slightly to make it less "random". The spawning should be more consistent throughout the fight.

The timer for Vaelastrasz the Corrupt is now more persistent. You can no longer reset the one-hour time limit for beating him by leaving the instance. Also, Vaelastrasz the Corrupt will not respawn for 12 hours if he has not been beaten when the timer expires.

The drakes in Blackwing Lair will no longer leave the lab.


Lowered experience values for Creeping Sludge.


- Increased the maximum number of sounds which can be played simultaneously. This will fix problems where some sounds could be dropped in very busy situations.

- Fixed WoW Error Reporter so that it doesn't crash under Mac OS X 10.4 when trying to send an error report.

- Worked around an issue where you would lose your Expose/Dashboard preferences if you crashed or asserted while in fullscreen mode on Mac OS X 10.4.

- Fixed the "blockWidth", "srec", and "bitnum < m_numBits" assertions bugs that would crash the game.

- Fixed a bug involving corpses near the player that could result in a crash ("BusError").


- World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.6.1 (2005-08-02)


patch inache ima 4.1mb, ali josh uvek nije izashla eu verzija.. za par sati tje sigurno, rekli su da je u 11h gotov mejtens.

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Bloodthirst - Damage bonus increased to 40% of attack power.

idalje izgleda jadno za zadnji talent, 30 ragea za tupav skill ! A taj heal shto su pre stavili bolje da nisu , samo iritira, woow izlecio sam se za 20 hp-a <--(ovo je kad unapredish skill ,lol ) i izlecicu se za josh toliko sledecih 5 napada wooow jezzaa, blah !!! [puke4]

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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pimpin cuti ! To je zadnji skill i za 30 ragea bi trebalo da bude 2x bolji, tih 200 dmg dobijem za 20 ragea sa Heroic Strike + josh koliko nepotrebnih talenta treba da prodjem da bi stigao do Bloodthirsta .

@coll znash koliko warriora ide na dual wield, mozda 5 % , zashto ? zato shto idalje sux !

Edited by Immortalis

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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Ni ja ne mogu da ga skinem , kaze ne da zbog fire walaa , sere sve sam iskljucio ... ajde pls


Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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pimpin cuti ! To je zadnji skill i za 30 ragea bi trebalo da bude 2x bolji, tih 200 dmg dobijem za 20 ragea sa Heroic Strike + josh koliko nepotrebnih talenta treba da prodjem da bi stigao do Bloodthirsta .

@coll znash koliko warriora ide na dual wield, mozda 5 % , zashto ? zato shto idalje sux !

nije. samo treba znati za sta si dobar za sta ne. Realno svaki furry warr koji je pripravljen na dual w treba da koristi 2h kada ide pvp jer do pvp dual w nije mnogo dobar. Mada mi imam lika koji pici dual w sa epic swordama iz molten cora = teh pain.

Na gold_grind/harvest je dual w keva ...

sex, drugs and bio food!

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Samo da pitam poshto vidim da ste pocheli da smarate i da se svadjate , mogu li ja da efikasno koristim 2 h weapon ako mi je fury primarty tech tree , arms secondary ? Koliko je to efikasno u p vs e i koliko u p vs p ?


Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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btw BT je instant sto heroic nije ! A sto se mene tiche to ima velikog znachaja ... sto se tiche kolichine ragea koju zahteva , jgb kada imash 31 poen na fury tebi se tako jebeno lepo puti isti da to i nije takav problem ... svakako da sada BT sabija ... i vishe ga volim od MSa :) ... jednostavnoo zato sto nije zanimljivo igrati wara posle sorserke koji nije fury :) :) ... a da btw dual wield smara :)

Is the destiny of mankind controlled by some transcendental entity or law? Is it like the Hand of God hovering above? At least it is true that man has no control, even over his own will

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Ja sa shamanom i rockbitterom imam oko 900-1000 Attack power......mozda i preko 1k....sa windfury imam oko 400 ali kad se upali WF pa onih ~700ap bonusa.....joj :)

Pre neki dan lik usao na ortakov nalog koji igra sa rogueom, ima nekoliko nightslayer stvarcica ovo ono.....pitam ga ja koliki attack power a on kaze oko 470.....znaci kad se nisam prevrno sa stolice......

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savet za skidanje - pustite da se skida i izadjite na 40 minuta iz sobe =o))

iskakatje prozori tipa "ej, tracker te po 8549ti put upozorava da je ovo ilegalan download" i "uja, detektovali smo da koristish firewall pa klikni ovde kako bi josh vishe usporio download" - na te prozore apsolutno ne obratjate pazhnju jer u pozadini download curka brzinom od 0-4kbps...

posle lepo dodjete u sobu i ono se i skinulo i instaliralo i mozhete da se vratite svom frostsaber grindu...o bozhe...opet sam rekao previshe ...


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