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Posle godinu dana drkanja, izgleda da im je doshlo iz dupeta u glavu. Trebalo bi da se ozvanichi tokom sledetje nedelje, kada tje biti odradjena i draft lutrija, te bismo za koji mesec mogli da uzhivamo u NHL box scoreovima, josh jednom fantasyu i slichnim vidovima zabave. A mozhda krenu da poklanjaju prenose svuda po svetu da bi povratili poljuljanu popularnost, pa nam se posretji da i hokej vidimo na TVu malo cheshtje... )


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Da, konachno su se setili da je vreme potpishu... :)

Od tih prenosa sam odavno digao ruke, samo se nadam da cemo ljubaznoshcu RTSa gledati prenose Olimpijade, poshto ce Bog hokeja-Mario Lemieux verovatno josh jednom zaigrati...

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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The luck of Lemieux: Crosby heads to Penguins as owner's career winds down

By ALAN ROBINSON, AP Sports Writer

July 22, 2005

PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Mario Lemieux saved hockey in Pittsburgh once as an exceptional rookie in 1984, then again 15 years later as an owner. Now Sidney Crosby gets his chance.

Crosby, hockey's most anticipated and intriguing prospect since Lemieux 21 years ago, landed in the Penguins' laps Friday with a fortuitous bounce of the pingpong balls that won Pittsburgh the NHL draft lottery.

The Penguins immediately said they would take the 17-year-old Crosby with the top pick in the July 30 draft, and just as before choosing Lemieux in 1984, would not entertain any offers for it.


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Ja mislim da ce kod nas pre pocheti kriket da prenose nego hokej:)

Davno davno je bilo nekih pokushaja na 3K, ali nishta od toga... Lepo je sto su se dogovorili, ali me to ne zanima mnogo, posto nisam pratio NHL od 98... :)

"You may go if you wish. But remember this: walk away now and you walk away from your crafts, your skills, your vocations; leaving the next generation with nothing but recycled, digitally-sampled techno-grooves, quasi-synth rhythms, pseudo-songs of violence-laden gangsta-rap, acid pop, and simpering, saccharine, soulless slush."

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Sidney Crosby u dresu Penguinsa nakon shto je draftovan. :)

Lemieux rekao da tje igrati josh 2-3 godine.

Pretpostavlja se da tje Crosby biti dovoljan mamac za pare da se izgradi nova dvorana, i Pensi ostanu u Pittsburghu.

U ponedeljak pochinje potpisivanje FA igracha. Kovalev prvi na listi mogutjih pridoshlica, od bivshih igracha pominju se i Jagr, Straka i Lang...

Go Pens!


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Forsberg ce konachno zaigrati za Philadelphiu, za tim koji ga je draftovao pre 13 godina, a onda genijalno trejdovao zajedno sa josh par odlichnih igracha za Lindrosa... ;)

Zbog salary capa, jedan od ljudi koji se najvishe zalagao za uvodjenje istog tokom pregovora, Jeremy Roenick ce najverovatnije biti trejdovan...

St. Louis trejdovao kapitena i MVP-a 2001. Chris Prongera u Edmonton za Eric Brewera, Doug Lyncha and Jeff Woywitku... Mozda i nije loshe za Blues to, ali kao navijachu tog tima, meni se ne svidja shto Pronger ide... :(

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Jocelyn Thibault je novi golman Pensa,

a novi LW je John LeClair...



LeClair-Beech (Malkin ako potpishe)-Recchi


LeClair-Lemieux-Palfy + Gonchar


Potpisao je i Steve Poapst, bivshi odbrambeni Capitalsa i Blackahwksa. Beskoristan je u napadu, ali kazhu da je odlichan u Penalti Killing postavama...

Nije to loshe... Josh jedan ozbiljan centar i jedan odbrambeni da se nadju i garantujem finale istoka. :)

Edited by Lex


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