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ok, glup sam, razmišljao sam o letu kroz atmosferu kao o pravolinijskom a o tome nema govora pri tolikoj brzini.. no, pošto se leti u krug, odnosno menja se pravac vektora brzine, tu opet imamo ubrzanje, tako da nisam ispao baš totalno glup :)

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I pwned myself [|)]

Oh, well, can't have them all. Sorry Cali, bar za onaj drugi deo posta :)

Nego, ja sam bio u tripu da su Ameri Sadamu prodali F-15, dok su bili dobri sa njim, dakle pre nego

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Shto se iranskih F-14 tiche, oni su izvrshavali air2ground misije za vreme irachko-iranskog rata! Secam se da mi je cale bio u Bagdadu '82 i da su tada Iranci bombardovali Bagdad. Leteli su nisko Tomcatima iznad Tigra i Eufrata do Bagdada i imali su jedva dovoljno goriva da dolete tuda i nazad do Irana. Mnogi nisu doletali...

А в чем сила, брат?

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..skoro sam 100% siguran da sam nesto tako procitao o ruskim lovcima koji beze od F-14 cim ih snime.

s obzirom da sa rusima ameri nisu ratovali, to shto kazhu nije istina [:D]

realno, od vijetnamskog rata do danjashnice, americhka avijacija nije imala dostojnog vazdushnog protivnika, i zato slava F-14 nije otishla dalje od Top Guna.

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BTW, gledao sam juche emisiju o incidentu koji se desio '69 kada je korejski putnichki boeing 707 uleteo u rusku vazdushnu zonu oko finske granice: Rusi su pokushavali da ga spuste na neku pistu jedno 2 sata dok je ovaj leteo i nije se odazivao na upozorenja. Onda su se iznervirali i roknuli ga heat seeking raketom koja mu je otkinula vrh jednog krila. I posle svega toga, pilot je uspeo da spusti taj boing na zalednjeno jezero u Kareliji (nedaleko od Lenjingrada) i pri tom je samo jedan chovek poginuo i jedan umro od srchke! Skroz lud dogadjaj [:)]

А в чем сила, брат?

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Da, to je bio malo veci incident... Ali ako se pogleda realno - shta oni koj moj lete preko teritorije CCCP-a za vreme hladnog rata i ne odazivaju se!?! Shta bi se desilo da sada neki b747 uleti u americhki vazdushni prostor i prestane da se odaziva - mislim da bi bio oboren u roku od 5 min.

А в чем сила, брат?

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tachno tako. kamchatka i sahalin su bili poznati kao sovjetske i ruske strateske tacke i svako normalan bi znao da se takve zone stite po svaku cenu. Mada su to ameri maestralno ofarbali u humanitarni incident dok se malo zna da je americka avijacija oborila u , manje vishe slichnim okolnostima, jedan iranski putnicki avion

Edited by iguana

It's nice to be good, but it's nothing compared to being bad

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beše i onaj slučaj sa putničkim avionom koji liči na nekog preteču awacs-a, isto zalutao u ruske vode, isto oboren..

ne liči mnogo, ali dovoljno da ga pomešaju po noći..

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E, evo, stigoh kući u Sombor :) Ovako, knjiga je iz 1992, autor je Angel Ončevski i piše da su Iračani bežali u Migovima 29, a ne u F-15 :) Verovatno me zbunilo to što piše da su i Sirijski F-15 učestvovali na strani Amerikanaca...

Everything's just fine.

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Poshto ste ochigledno zavrshili sa aviJonima, a ovaj se vratio sa exit-a...

wulfgare, zanimljivo je da ?ene u proseku imaju bolju toleranciju na visok g.


It has also been shown that men have a higher tolerance to g's than women. Women fighter pilots have a lower g tolerance during menstruation so the time of the month will affect a women tolerance for high g endurance.


G tolerances of 102 women and 139 men were subjected to a Standard Medical Evaluation and the G Profiles were compared. Unpaired t-tests revealed that there was no significant difference between the women and men in either relaxed or straining G tolerance. Covariance analysis controlling for differences in tolerance due to age, height, weight, and activity status revealed that the women have marginally lower tolerance; the analysis also identified height as a factor having a strong negative influence on G tolerance, and weight as having a positive influence. When the women were matched only by height to the men in the comparison group, the women?s mean G tolerances were significantly lower than the men?s. On Standard Training G Profiles, 88% of 24 women and 80% of 213 men completed the runs, but this difference was not significant. G tolerances of 47 women were measured on the Medeval Profiles both during and between menses, but no significant differences related to menstruation were found


In the best-fit 13B/P, there was no significant gender difference in SACM endurance times.


Time-to-fatigue during the SACM (simulated aerial combat maneuver) was not significantly different between male and female subjects (250 +/- 97 and 246 +/- 149 s, respectively).

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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wulfgaer, ponekad se zaista pitam da li ti samo mrzish zene...

... ili ih bash prezirem? [:D]

[Malena Odlbrajt] Wulfgar... ne... mrzi... zene! [/Malena Oldbrajt] [:D]

Iovako same sebi konstantno kache kvalitete koje ne poseduju, ne treba josh i mi da im pomazemo.

Truth be told! Nishta vishe, nishta manje. Sad, shto njima istina ne odgovara, a mi ih zarko zelimo jebati pa klimamo glavom na svashta... [|)]

Vulfi sam kroji svoju odecu od kozhe ubijenih protivnika.

Pr0 wifebeaters know.

Never give up. Never give in.

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