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Item Set: The Elements


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Gledam na Allakhazamu setove i sada razmisljam za koju klasu je ovaj, Elements, prvenstveno? Jel' to Shaman set?

I josh neshto, ako se ovaj set stavi recimo na Huntera i kada se dobije set bonus "Improves your chance to get a critical strike with Nature spells by 2%" da li je taj chance for critical mogutj na spellove tipa Serpent Sting ("Stings the target, causing XX Nature damage over 15 sec. Only one Sting per Hunter can be active on any one target")??

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shaman sa tim punim setom je baja, Uopredi npr :

Breastplate of Valor

Binds when picked up

Chest Plate

657 Armor

+15 Strength

+10 Agility

+24 Stamina

+6 Spirit


Vest of Elements

Binds when picked up

Chest Mail

370 Armor

+13 Stamina

+20 Intellect

+20 Spirit

Durability 120 / 120

Requires Level 58

koliko je bolji elements da nepircam, onda uzmi u obzir da je shamy i bez ovoga dovoljno jak. Traziti neshto vishe za shamana je jedonstavno bezobrazno.

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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u principu svaki set je sranje manje vise :)

recimo magister je cisto govno, ne nosim ni jedan dio... mislim 2.5k hp lol, bonus za sve iteme +10 int [?] uzas

isto tako za maga i arcanist i nethewind su cisto pve setovi(bonusi su uzas), mozda za roga recimo nightslayer sa onih +10 energy i 500heala kad performa vanish

pvp setovi su pristojni

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combat regeneracija ne valja, mnogo bolje mogu da se iskoriste talenti kod warriora.

Maud neverujem da je ta teorija tacna, po toj logici shaman bi u svakoj borbi imao po proc. A da i jeste tacna, shta onda vredi tih 6 spirita, jel ako se % za proc povecava kao crit % sa agility onda je tih 6 spirita bezvredno, dok 6 stamine/streinghta u zamenu ne bi bilo za bacanje .

This video contains content from Jimmy Kimmel Live, who has decided to block it in your country.

[23:47] <manager-> jao dete jao dete :D


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