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PC vs TV

Dakle za cim provodite vise vremena???  

79 members have voted

  1. 1. Dakle za cim provodite vise vremena???

    • 1. 90% TV 10% PC
    • 2. 80% TV 20% PC
    • 3. 70% TV 30% PC
    • 4. 60% TV 40% PC
    • 5. 50% TV 50% PC
    • 6. 40% TV 60% PC
    • 7. 30% TV 70% PC
    • 8. 20% TV 80% PC
    • 9. 10% TV 90% PC
    • 10. 100% komp

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Dakle racunase vreme samo provedeno za TV-om i PC-om dakle ako dnevno provodite 2.5 min za kompom i 2.5 min za tv glasacete 50% 50% dakle dnevno provedete 9 sati za kompom i 1 sat za tv-om glasacete 90% 10%.... ajmo da vidimo i rezultate :)

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onih 10% samo u slucaju kad kuci nemam net ili kad ima tekma na tv

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.

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Zar ti ne rece Djobe da nemas TV? :)

Ja inace na TVu gledam samo jednu seriju i jedan kviz, ujutru kad ustanem kao pogledam jutarnji program (mada ne obavezno) tako da ukupno u toku dana tv gledam tipa 40 minuta. Iako je cesto upaljen pa radi "u pozadini" pa ponekad bacim pogled.

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Ja imam TV kartu pa nekad stavim ekran od TV-a u neku malu rezoluciju i zakacim ga gre levo za desktop....kako da resim tu zackoljicu? :)

pa ako 20 sati dnevno gledash tv i 20 sati dnevno gledash i komp, onda je 50-50 jebo ga ti :)

Everytime I cross the line

I push the boundaries out a little...

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