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"'Mad Max' fan convoy ends in arrests SAN ANTONIO — Eleven "Mad Max" fans of were arrested after alarming motorists as they made their way to a movie marathon in a theatrical convoy in which they surrounded a tanker truck armed with fake machine guns.

As the group was headed to San Antonio from nearby from Boerne on Saturday morning, police received several calls from motorists who reported a "militia" surrounding a tanker truck, a police report states.

Police charged nine people with obstruction of a highway and two others with possession of prohibited knives in addition to obstruction of a highway.

One of the organizers of the convoy, Chris Fenner, said the arrests were unfair. He said he didn't know why anyone would have confused the costumed crew recreating a scene from "Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior" — set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland — with a real threat.

"I honestly don't know how that could be, because 'Road Warrior' was so over the top," he said.

About 25 people participated in the convoy and more than twice that number were expected to attend the movie marathon, which was canceled after the arrests."

haha koji likovi samo ih zamishljam u leather aarmoru masni prljavi bradati celavi besni namrgodjeni kako mlataraju laznim shotganovima i nozekanjama :))





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