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naj igrach

Manda <die bitch>

naj superstar? :)))  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. naj superstar? :)))

    • 1. Vince Carter
    • 2. Ray Allen
    • 3. Allen Iverson
    • 4. Kobe Bryant
    • 5. Kevin Garnett
    • 6. Kenyon Martin
    • 7. Tracy McGrady
    • 8. Steve Francis
    • 9. Tim Duncan
    • 10. Dirk Nowitzki
    • 11. Paul Pierce
    • 12. Pau Gasol
    • 13. Shaquille O'Neal
    • 14. LeBron James

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;) Shta, ti svako veche gledash NBA utakmice uzivo? :)

Ja gledam kosarku uzivo... nasu kosarku....

Posto vidim da na ovom delu foruma imaju mozda 2 teme iz evropske kosarke....

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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LOL Pa ne verujem da si bio na vishe utakmica od mene ove sezone... ;)

Ja sam bio na 40+ utakmica, ti?

Evroliga + 90% Jadranske u Pioniru...

40 tekmi pa ti mora da si bio i na gostovanjima [:D] ... ili na ATLAS ligi...

NOVI SAD! prva stanica...

Vosa - KKP (tekma sezone...)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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Pushi ga Lex, dobro znash da sam shampion u ulazenju u najgluplje rasprave na svetu :)

15 Partizanovih&zvezdinih u GaY ligi, gostoavnje u Zelezniku, Euroliga, zvezdine u ULEBu, svakako vishe od 40... :)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Za Partizan...

Pa rekao si da ne mozes da se slozis sa covekom koji kaze da je Evropska kosarka bolja od NBA .... upravo jesi :)

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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Stein's hardware store

Steve Nash, if you can believe it, had only one scholarship offer from a Division I school.

It'll be an even bigger injustice if Nash doesn't have a like number of MVP trophies by next month.

As covered in this cyberspace in January, Nash would be the most unlikely MVP winner in NBA history. He's a 30-year-old Canadian who has never been mentioned as an MVP contender before, playing a position that almost never produces MVPs. And don't forget the capper: Santa Clara's gamble, years before he became a drive-and-kick king with that unmistakable mop of hair, is the only thing that spared Nash from a college career at God Knows Where U.

Yet all that only serves to make Nash's story even more special. In his ninth season, and in spite of his supposed defensive deficiencies, the league consensus has him as a virtual certainty to finish no worse than No. 2 in MVP voting to Miami's Shaquille O'Neal.

Which is why Nash, whenever he hears that, has the same response almost every time.

"In a way, just to get this close, I feel like I've already won," he says.

That's not enough for this voter. He has to win it for real because no other player in the league

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok slazem se da ima ljudi koji znaju o NBA vise od mene... ali ne mislis valjda da si alfa i omega NBA?

Doveo zadnji tim zapada....ej chovece!!!!

Taj najgori tim zapada je imao Meriona i Stodemajera.... Dosao je i povezao konce pa shta? Kad vec pratis nba zar nisi primetio da je normalno da poslednji tim nba sa dobrim potezima uprave bude medju najboljima...

Ekspertu koji je bio Sacramento kad su dosli divac, webber , pedja, jason w?

Ajde reci....

On ne moze da bude MVP... osim ako feniks ne osvoji prsten...

Evo ti odgovora na pitanje - ima 16 poena prosek.... svaka cast za asistencije 11...

On je Kanadjanin i ne moze da bude MVP prvenstva... a te price ovo ono sam i ja vise puta cuo za pedju kad je bio u zivotnoj formi i sta je bilo...

Moras i ti da shvatis da nisi jedini koji se razume - vise... [;)]

Ali ipak ako bude MVP NBA-a ja cu javno da ti kazem da si bio 101% u pravu...


#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Da, Big mi je u 5 omiljenih igracha u Ligi, shta ti tu nije jasno?

Ali ipak ako bude MVP NBA-a ja cu javno da ti kazem da si bio 101% u pravu...

Nego, moj post je bio usmeren kao ovome ;)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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Ben "The Closer" Gordon-Sixth Man of the Year, sve drugo je kradja... :)

Potpisujem [:D]

Does sponsors helping to you and your team or?

-Yes he support us at all but it was really tough to for him and because there is no sponsors.

kole ce prevesti.u redu je...

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Pa ovaj ti si uvek bio uz Shaq-a!

Pa Rob Horry mi je omiljeni igrach u celoj NBA ligi, a nisam ochekivao da ce on biti MVP... ;)

Do sada sam sva priznanja osim Defensive PoY-a pogodio, za ovo sam mislio ili Camby ili Ben, slaba je bila konkurencija... ;)

#3 Candace Parker

#5 Robert Horry

#13 Dejan Milojevic

#23 Mark Teixeira

#66 Mario Lemieux

#87 Sidney Crosby

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