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zaboravih to da napomenem, al morash priznati da je bilo blizu da ode u k. :)

( [;)] )...

<font size="1"><font color="white">... I tako isho ja sam pustinjom sa bozarom u ruci...</font id="white"></font id="size1">

<font color="orange"><font size="1">..Give me a kiss to build the dream on

and my imagination will drive upon that

sweet heart i ask no more than this

a kiss to build the dream on....</font id="size1"></font id="orange">

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Ko debeli fredi kad dobije i triper i kaze doktorki "mislim da sam seo na prljavu dasku"


E moj Ivane, tako mlad a vec zarazen


"Moracu da ti dam duplu dozu, TAKO SI DEBEO!"

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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- zdravo, ja sam fredi

- ortaci me zovu radodajka

'oces kod mene da slusamo ploce i da se deljemo na mom vodenom krevetu?

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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'oces kod mene da slusamo ploce i da se deljemo na mom vodenom krevetu?

..."jooj, zena doktor, bas neprijatno.......<AHM> Dajte mi vasu najvecu kutiju

kurtona!!! <izlazi napolje>...ah, bilo je LACA !!!!" [:D] AHAHAHA, kad se samo setim !!!! LOL!



Унутра је сигурно читава експлозија радости и магије!

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