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nedlja popodne, 300 ljudi que, 20+minuta chekanje...i retardirani dvojnici koji CHEKAJU POZIV OD NEKOGA I ZVRCKAJU SVAKIH 5MIN na vrata!!!! aaaalo bre....idem u vasinu prvom prilikom opet da predajem po n+1vi put za razdvajanje...

i onda...tako nervoznom mi pukne veza, hvala telekome...

i sve to tako a ja na 8 kilova od sledeceg nivoa...da, nervozan sam...

takodje ovde cu da dodam jednu stvar za sve huntere, ogotovo za skin/leder huntere

F**K KVESTOVE POSLE 40og nivoa!!!!

znachi maud kao sto mi je rekao u petak, preko 50% kvestova u kvest buku mi je elite...i iako bih ja zharko zheleo da dizhem moj reputation sa raznim frakcijama - to traje vremena...sad ce neki retji - "ali kole u kcvestovima su najbolji itemi"

jeste, kazhem ja, kvestovi imaju iteme ali da li je tebi taj ajtem BASH neophodan u tom istorijskom trenutku za srbiju?!?! grind je bratjo iz raja izashao i ja sa bih to dokazao do preksutra ujutro cu 2 levela da odvalim + da budzhnem leder iznad 250 pomocu slavnog grinda...i onda kad rasprodam sve sto sam nashao grindovanjem na zhivotinjama imacu i pare za tog prokletog mounta...

POSLE kada sam level 60, raditju kvestove za rep i za ultimate iteme (idemo 5 huntera na kvest za Gorewood Bow =o))) izmedju kada bash zatreba neki item kupitju ga jer cu imati pare...

...zasto sve voo pricham? zato sto sam se sinotj super proveo u razorfen downsu, extra teamplay, mnogo zabavne borbe, ali nisam dobio NIJEDAN magichni item sem cloth chizmi koje mi je aru dao da prodam i izashlo je ispod 30k expa za preko 3 sata - PREKO 3 SATA! ja za 1 min sa sve downtimeom lotovanjem i skinovanjem ubijam 2 +1/same/-1 level zhivine oni mi donose 235 expa = 470 za minut = 4700 za 10 min = 28200expa na sat, zaokruzhimo sve to na 25k sto nas dovodi to toga da se za 3 sata zaradi preko 75k expa = 3/4 nivoa za nas low 40s likove

AKO se desi da ima neki kvest u kraju da trazhi da koljem to sho vec ionako ubijam za kozhe za lederworking - super, ali i to je kada je q zut uvek oko 3k expa = 7 min grinda...= faktichki se ne isplati da idem 10 min u grad da vratim q! (a ne znam sve kvestove napamet da znam da pouzimam 5 komada u istoj zoni, pozavrshavam ih i onda da ih vratim odjednom...)

i sta je moja poenta u svemu ovome?

poenta je da nakon sto pokupim skilove za peta i scaleove za armor - odoh u badlands da koljem i derem do 44og nivoam jer tamo ima lepo vendor u samoj kill zoni = nema shetkanja, samo grind i skin...jeste, pashtje mi dobijeni exp kada budem 2+ nivoa iznad zhivine ALI brate tada ih ubijam josh brzhe = exp gain je isti jer spawntime nije problem sa kolichinom vukova i machaka koje shetaju tamo...

jedini problem sa svim ovim je to sto sam se ovog setio prekasno tj na kraju vikenda i sada preko nedelje necu moci toliko uspeshno da prodajem u AH sve sto nashtancujem ali nema veze, treba biti goal oriented ;o))

i da, braco hunteri...vreme je polako da tejmujemo bangalasha...

vidimo se vecheras posle 23...

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...zasto sve voo pricham? zato sto sam se sinotj super proveo u razorfen downsu, extra teamplay, mnogo zabavne borbe, ali nisam dobio NIJEDAN magichni item sem cloth chizmi koje mi je aru dao da prodam i izashlo je ispod 30k expa za preko 3 sata - PREKO 3 SATA! ja za 1 min sa sve downtimeom lotovanjem i skinovanjem ubijam 2 +1/same/-1 level zhivine oni mi donose 235 expa = 470 za minut = 4700 za 10 min = 28200expa na sat, zaokruzhimo sve to na 25k sto nas dovodi to toga da se za 3 sata zaradi preko 75k expa = 3/4 nivoa za nas low 40s likove

Ja sam sinoc rokao mobove (video si koje bio si tamo) a fora je kada imash cosmos (ne znam mozda moze i bez njega) kada stavish strelicu na sad pishe ti koliko exp-a dobijash na sat! Pokazivalo mi je 15k-17k za sat. Ne moze 25-27k nikako.

btw celavi vreme ja da instalirash comos :-)

Craziness is directly related to having a vagina.


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Slazem se sa Koletom, ali...

U cemu je poenta to raditi, to je nesto najdosadnije na svetu. Tacno je da se tako najbrze leveluje, ali to nije prioritet ove igre jer se onda ona pretvara u singlplay. Da nema ljudi koji hoce samnom u party (Ljubavnica, Kole i Noom) smorio bih se ko zmaj. Verovatno to sve zavisi od coveka.

Jos jedna stvar, juce je Horda napravila ogroman raid preko Menethila, Auberdina do Darnassusa, jel bio neko tamo od high levela, ne znam, ali sumnjam, nisam ni ja otisao. Poenta je da li je to u redu. Dolazimo do smisla igranja igre narocito PvP. Ono sto je pozitivno to je da je atmosfera u guildu skoro uvek super.


nema vise zezanja


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Za sve koje smara da radwe questove i hoce pure grind ( Lista je pravljena za Hordu ) ;)

UPDATED: 1/12/2005 ; through level 56

Here are some of my best grind spots, and the levels I did them as a Rogue. Can other people share theirs? Exp per hour tracked with the Nurfed UI and reset before grinding.

10-13 Dreadmaw Crocolisks in the river between Durator and Barrens. 14,000 exp per hour

13-16 Southsea Bandits and Cannoneers south of Ratchet. 14,000 exp per hour

16-19 Theramore Marines outside Norwatch Keep. 16,000 exp per hour

19-22 South Barrens Stormhides and Quilboards. 18,000 exp per hour.

22-24 Bears and Spiders right outside Tarren Mill. 20,000 exp per hour

24-26 Centaur north of Freewind Post in 1,000 Needles (outside the cave) 20,000 exp per hour (lots of mining opportunities; Tin, Iron)

26-30 Centaur north of Freewind Post in 1,000 Needles (inside the cave) 20,000 exp per hour (lots of mining opportunities; Iron, Gold, some Mithril)

30-32 Roguefeather Harpies inside cave on south wall of 1,000 Needles. 20,000 exp per hour (lots of mining opportunities; Iron, Gold)

Note: The Kurzen areas are generally considered broken now; especially for Horde on PvP servers. But it's all I currently know at this level as the spot was so good at the time, that is all I did from 32-42.

32-37 Kurzen camp in North Stranglethorn Vale (outside cave) 26,000 -32,000 exp per hour. This actually got better as I went up in level as long as no one else was at the camp. At level 36, I tested about 1/4 of the level and my experience rate was 32,640 per hour when I had to stop and go sell.

37-42 Kurzen camp in North Stranglethorn (inside cave) 29,000 - 34,000 exp per hour; 5-7 gold per hour. Go in past the Kurzen Commandos and Kurzen Headhunters to the Elites and Witchdoctors. The Commandos have armor, and stun you when they are low on life, so they are poor experience, but the Elites and Witchdoctors inside are the same old no-armor experience givers. I told my guild this area is just a leveling field with juicy experiene berries waiting to be plucked. I'm currently 39 here, and still doing full levels in just about 2 hours of grinding.

I didn't grind as exclusively from here on out, so I'm going to shotgun a few spots and level ranges that felt "Good". I still measured exp per hour, but this was just after the last patch where they upgraded armor and HP on most monsters I grind on, so exp definitely slowed down.

42 - 45 Woodpaw Gnolls in Feralas, south of Camp Mojache. Stay away from the Trappers and Brutes IMO, and head further south to the Mystics and Reavers. I liked the area that was still on flat land with a couple of Alpha camps on raised mounds. I usually avoided the alphas as they tended to be bugged/grouped in a cluster of 3. Spell disruption is a must for the Mystics. I cleared about 24k exp per hour here typically.

42-44 Ogres in Feralas. Due north of camp Mojache in the mountains. The Mages are best if you have spell disruption, but I worked through all of them and they were all good experience. The Brutes will throw you, so make sure they don't throw you into an add. 20-24k exp per hour.

44 - 47/48 Dustbelcher Ogres in the Badlands. Now here is a good spot, and it may be good on PvP as well. I camped this cave for 3 hours one Saturday without seeing another player. The cave is in the Southwest corner of the bladlands past a bunch of Ogres. The reason why I say the cave, is that it's about 75% Ogre Mages, and if you have spell disruption, they go down easy. Very low hp and low armor even after the patch. The only reason I left at 48 is I could clear the spawn too quickly, and I wanted to do Tanaris quests.

48-52 Dunemaul Ogres in Tanaris (great Mageweave drops). I like the NE ruins for the early levels, as I could move around it in a circle. Once I got to 50, I liked the higher density in the actual Dunemaul Compound area.

52-56 Western Plaugelands. The field with the Skeletal Slayers right by the Bulwark. Great Runecloth drops, and actually I prefered to kill the melees here over the casters (casters seemed to have the same HP and armor as melees). I've been pulling 26k exp per hour or better here.

sex, drugs and bio food!

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