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Bilo mi je extremno dosadno, pa sam shvrljao po sajtu SK gaminga, i naletim na ovu machku: http://www.sk-gaming.com/membergallery/485...comments/28757/

rofl. ;)

Komentar nekog slovenca:

This is a picture from economic high school in Celje,Slovenia I can verify that cause i got them mailed from someone from that school ty remove it, there are 14 more pictures of these girls if anyone wants a proof gimme email.
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xaxa prvo za sliku ;)

a tek onda za komentar slovenca koja likcina :D:D

pa boli uvo devojcice proculo se za njih od malih nogu ,sad jos i filmic da snime i uzivancija :P

a pazi ash-a :D



this is pic of some girl from SCG (serbia and montenegro) Oo

this girl and some friends of her... made a lot of "PORN" pictures in their class in front of their teacher (some high school) ...

and they were "banned" (:D) from school Oo

link Oo:


on 8th pic is ass of this girl Oo

9th pic : shes on the right side Oo and also on 3rd

masturbate now ... n0obs :D

-"Don't think, feel! It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Don't concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory."

-"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

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M@kER,Mar 4 2005, 15:21:00] nene najsmeshnije je shto su ribe uzhasne i jadne a svi se lozhe kako su dobre

Taj rad, svi su u nekom "al bi im metno" fazonu, a nisu ni za q.

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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Ne komentarisem da li ona subotom bere cvece i nosi boki ili se jebe po svakom cosku,uostalom otkud znas da je mala kurvica?Znaci svaka riba koja gotivi da se zajebava i koja je drugacija(citaj ludja) od ostalih je kurva???Ako ti gotivis "nema seksa pre braka" izvini onda...zao mi je...nisam znao...Prokomentarisao sam da je riba full sto se tice fizickog izgleda,a ti se uhvatio rvaku,pa rvaku...

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nije sigurno ONA stavila slike na net

ali se oblachi jadno

izgleda kao da nema nikakav karakter

a takve osobe sluzhe samo za jebanje

i josh jedna stvar

uzhasno je shto mozhda i nije takva ali stvari koje trenutno o njima lapo sveta pricha su nefine.. :\

neka osoba glupak hehe

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Ne komentarisem da li ona subotom bere cvece i nosi boki ili se jebe po svakom cosku,uostalom otkud znas da je mala kurvica?Znaci svaka riba koja gotivi da se zajebava i koja je drugacija(citaj ludja) od ostalih je kurva???Ako ti gotivis "nema seksa pre braka" izvini onda...zao mi je...nisam znao...Prokomentarisao sam da je riba full sto se tice fizickog izgleda,a ti se uhvatio rvaku,pa rvaku...

word, ne znam sta ste se istripovali svi i na proslom topiku kao "kurve"... mosh misliti

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