Dule_smor Posted November 27, 2015 Author Report Share Posted November 27, 2015 Krenuo test server za 9.13http://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/pc-browser/46/version-913-public-test/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwerko Posted November 27, 2015 Report Share Posted November 27, 2015 (edited) Nije mi jasno sto tako cesto izbacuju patcheve, tj verovatno su se zeznuli s onim 10.0, pa sad ispade ide jedan za drugim, ali realno u ovom samo Cesi su novina. Aha, ovo može biti zabavno, spisak rebalansiranja tenkova za novi patch, naravno nije još finalno, ali tako idu u test server, dosta njih se poboljšava, uključujući i moj dragi T-44 koji mi je već gotivan :) Stavio sam u spoiler samo zbog velike dužine. Reveal hidden contents Changes to Vehicle CharacteristicsUSSRT-44-Penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100mm LB-1 gun increased from 175mm to 183mmT-54 first prototype:-Penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm D-10T-K gun increased from 175mm to 183mmSU-100M1:-Penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm LB-1S gun increased from 175mm to 183mmT-54:-Penetration of the UBR-412 shell for the 100 mm LB-1 gun increased from 175mm to 183mmObject 430:-Durability increased from 1900 to 2000 HP-Durability of internal modules increased by 20%SU-122-54-Durability of internal modules increased by 20%-Reload time of the 122 mm M62-S2 gun for the SU-122/54 turret decreased from 9.2 s to 8.8 sT-10:-Traverse speed of the T-10 suspension increased from 28 to 30-Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the T-10 suspension decreased by 5%-Crossing capacity of the T-10 suspension on solid terrain increased by 8%-Medium terrain increased by 7%-Soft terrain increased by 4%-Traverse speed of the T-10M suspension increased from 30 to 32-Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the T-10M suspension decreased by 5%-Crossing capacity of the T-10M suspension on solid terrain increased by 9%-Medium terrain increased by 15%-Soft terrain increased by 5%KV-4:-Aiming time of the 107 mm ZiS-24 gun for the KV-4 turret reduced from 3.4 s to 3.1 s-Reload time of the 107 mm ZiS-24 gun for the KV-4 turret decreased from 11.4 s to 11 s-Aiming time of the 107 mm ZiS-24 gun for the KV-4-5 turret reduced from 3.4 s to 2.9 s-Reload time of the 107 mm ZiS-24 gun for the KV-4-5 turret decreased from 11.1 s to 10.3 s-Durability with the KV-4-5 turret increased from 1650 to 1700 HPSU-101:-Added the 122 mm M62-S2 gun USAM48A1 Patton:-Aiming time of the 105 mm Gun M68 for the M87 turret decreased from 2 s to 1.9 s-Reload time of the 105 mm Gun M68 for the M87 turret decreased from 8.8 s to 8.35 s-Dispersion on turret traverse of the 105 mm Gun M68 decreased by 33%-Penetration of the AP M77 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41 increased from 173mm to 181mmM26 Pershing:-Penetration of the AP M77 shell for the 90mm Gun T15E2M2 increased from 180mm to 190mmM46 Patton:-Penetration of the AP M77 shell for the 90mm Gun T15E2M2 increased from 180mm to 190mmT69:-Penetration of the AP M318 shell for the 90mm Gun T178 increased from 173mm to 181mmT95E2:-Penetration of the AP M318 shell for the 90 mm Gun M41E1 increased from 173mm to 181mmT95:-Durability increased from 1700 to 1800 HP-Durability of the Ford GAFM2A1 engine increased by 20%T28:-Durability increased from 1150 to 1500 HP-Durability of the Ford GAFM2A1 engine increased by 20%T28 Prototype:-Durability of the Ford GAFM2A1 engine increased by 20% GermanyFerdinand:-Reload time of the 12.8cm Pak 44 L/55 gun for the Ferdinand turret decreased from 12 s to 11.7 s-Durability increased from 1200 to 1500 HPLeopard Prototype A:-Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the Leopard Prototyp A1 suspension decreased by 9%-Dispersion of the Leopard Prototyp A1 suspension decreased by 9%-Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the Leopard Prototyp A2 suspension decreased by 10%-Aiming time of the 10.5cm L7A1 gun for the Porsche Standardpanzer turret decreased from 2.3 s to 2.1 s-Reload time of the 10.5cm L7A1 gun for the Porsche Standardpanzer turret decreased from 11.1 s to 10.3 s-Dispersion on turret traverse of the 10.5 cm L7A1 gun decreased by 12%-Traverse speed of the Porsche Standardpanzer turret increased from 36 deg/s to 37 deg/s-Durability increased from 1650 to 1700 HPJagdtiger:-Durability increased from 1800 to 2100 HPTiger II:-Dispersion of the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 gun decreased from 0.37m to 0.35m-Dispersion of the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/68 gun decreased from 0.34m to 0.31mVK 30.02 (D):-Traverse speed of the VK 30.02 (D) suspension increased from 38 to 39-Crossing capacity of the VK 30.02 (D) suspension on solid terrain increased by 8%-Medium terrain increased by 13%-Soft terrain increased by 8%-Traverse speed of the VK 30.02 (D) verstärkteketten suspension increased from 42 to 43-Crossing capacity of the VK 30.02 (D) verstärkteketten suspension on solid terrain increased by 9%-Medium terrain increased by 15%-Soft terrain increased by 9%FranceARL V39:-Crossing capacity of the ARL V39 suspension on solid terrain increased by 6%medium terrain increased by 6%soft terrain increased by 7%-Crossing capacity of the ARL V39 bis suspension on solid terrain increased by 7%medium terrain increased by 12%soft terrain increased by 7%-Aiming time of the 90mm AC DCA 45 gun for the ARL V39 turret decreased from 2.6 s to 2.1 sAMX M4 mle. 45:-Durability with the ARL 44 turret increased from 1100 to 1200 HP-Durability with the AMX M4 mle. 45 turret increased from 1200 to 1350 HPAMX 12 t: -Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the AMX 12 t 1er prototype suspension decreased by 12%-Crossing capacity of the AMX 12 t 1er prototype suspension on solid terrain increased by 9%-Medium terrain increased by 8%-Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the AMX 12 t 2e prototype suspension decreased by 13%-Crossing capacity of the AMX 12 t 2e prototype suspension on solid terrain increased by 10%-Medium terrain increased by 9%-Dispersion on turret traverse of the 75 mm SA49 gun decreased by 5%-Dispersion on turret traverse of the 75 mm SA50 gun decreased by 10%AMX 13 75:-Traverse speed of the AMX 13 Type 1R suspension increased from 38 to 40-Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the AMX 13 Type 1R suspension decreased by 5%-Traverse speed of the AMX 13 Type 2A suspension increased from 40 to 42-Dispersion on the move of the AMX 13 Type 2A suspension decreased by 10%-Dispersion on hull traverse of the AMX 13 Type 2A suspension decreased by 10%-Dispersion on turret traverse of the 75mm SA49 gun decreased by 11%-Dispersion on turret traverse of the 75mm SA50 gun decreased by 12%Lorraine 40 t:-Aiming time of the 100 mm SA47 gun for the Lorraine 40 t turret decreased from 3 s to 2.5 s-Aiming time of the 90 mm F3 gun for the Lorraine 40 t turret decreased from 2.7 s to 2.3 sBat.-Châtillon 25 t:-Aiming time of the 100 mm SA47 gun for the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret decreased from 2.7 s to 2.5 s-Aiming time of the 90 mm F3 gun for the Batignolles-Châtillon 25 t turret decreased from 2.7 s to 2.3 sChina121:-Crossing capacity of the 121 suspension on solid terrain increased by 12%medium terrain increased by 11%soft terrain increased by 11%-Dispersion on turret traverse of the 122 mm 60-122TG gun decreased by 14%-Gun depression angle increased from 3 deg to 3.5 deg113:-Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the 113 suspension decreased by 5%-Crossing capacity of the 113 suspension on solid terrain increased by 15%medium terrain increased by 14%soft terrain increased by 7%-Aiming time of the 122mm 60-122T gun for the 113 turret increased from 2.7 s to 2.8 s-Reload time of the 122mm 60-122T gun for the 113 turret decreased from 10.9 s to 10 s-Dispersion of the 122mm 60-122T gun increased from 0.36 to 0.37m-Gun depression angle increased from 4 deg to 5 degWZ-132: -Reload time of the 100mm 59-100T gun for the WZ-131-1 turret decreased from 8.5 s to 8.1 s-Reload time of the 100mm 59-100T gun for the WZ-132 turret decreased from 8.3 s to 7.7 s-Reload time of the 100mm 60-100T gun for the WZ-132 turret decreased from 7.9 s to 7.3 sWZ-131:-Crossing capacity of the WZ-131 suspension on soft terrain increased by 6%-Crossing capacity of the WZ-131 model 2 suspension on soft terrain increased by 7%-Aiming time of the 100mm 59-100T gun for the 132B turret decreased from 2.7 s to 2.6 s-Reload time of the 100mm 59-100T gun for the 132B turret decreased from 8.7 s to 8.3 s-Dispersion on turret traverse of the 85 mm 64-85T gun decreased by 17%WZ-111 model 1-4:-Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the WZ-111 suspension decreased by 13%-Dispersion on the move and on hull traverse of the WZ-111 model 4 suspension decreased by 14%T-34-2:-Aiming time of the 100 mm 59-100T gun for the T-34-2 model 2 turret decreased from 2.9 s to 2.8 s-Aiming time of the 122 mm 37-122JT gun for the T-34-2 model 2 turret decreased from 3.4 s to 3.1 s-Gun depression angle increased from 3 deg to 5 degT-34-3:-Gun depression angle increased from 3 deg to 5 degJapanType 5 Chi-Ri:-Durability of internal modules increased by 15% Edited November 27, 2015 by Zwerko Quote Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dule_smor Posted November 28, 2015 Author Report Share Posted November 28, 2015 uzasan je ovaj stock top na is3, 0.46 dispersion, pravo je mucenje igrati sa njim Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwerko Posted November 28, 2015 Report Share Posted November 28, 2015 Cek bre Dule, ali isti ti je top i na IS i na WZ-111, ne susreces se prvi put s njim? Imaj u vidu i da je najbolji top 0.40, ali realno kida, samo moras da skontas da neces bas snajpovati s IS-3 :) Quote Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dule_smor Posted November 28, 2015 Author Report Share Posted November 28, 2015 ne susrecem se prvi put, mada wz-111 nisam ni igrao otkad sam ga dobio:)...a na IS je ipak bilo lakse u partjama nizeg tiera igrati...jeste 0.4 top gun, al ipak je to bolje, a i penetracija mu je za 50 veca tako da kapiram da ce biti kul:) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwerko Posted November 29, 2015 Report Share Posted November 29, 2015 Taj najbolji top na IS-3 je medju najboljima od tier 8 heavy tenkovima uopste, bas zbog te penetracije. Zato se ja nikad nisam ni lozio na IS-6 kao premium, jeste solidan oklop ali se penetration topa ne moze meriti s IS-3. Mada ne mogu da kazem, i top na KV-4 ima dobar pen, ali nije taj osecaj velikog dmg iz svakog pucnja. Jedini koji ga jebe s topom bas zestoko je T34, ali je mnogo spor i bas los hull oklop, IS-3 mi je nekako sveukupno gledano najbolji tier 8 heavy. Quote Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dule_smor Posted November 29, 2015 Author Report Share Posted November 29, 2015 T34 car, jeste da je spor i reload je ogroman, al ima pen i alpha dmg kao neke desetke:)...btw, presao sam vise od pola puta do WTF aut E100, pre nove godine cu ga istraziti, samo necu imati para da ga kupim ofc i pored pikanja premiuma...morace da se prodaju neke osmice i devetke koje mi samo stoje, tipa lorrain i borsig mozda Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwerko Posted November 30, 2015 Report Share Posted November 30, 2015 Ja sam sad uzeo da grindam Centurion AX da bi posle radio misiju za FV4202. Ovaj Centurion I mi je super, bas mi nekako lepo legao, imam jos oko 90k XP da skupim za 7/1 ali u medjuvremenu grindam i free xp da ne bi igrao stock skroz. Inace najavili ponovo da ce tokom decembra biti onaj kalendar sa specijalnim popustima za premium tenkove, videcemo sta ce biti, bilo bi bas lepo kad bi ponudili Type-59 na kraju... Quote Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dule_smor Posted November 30, 2015 Author Report Share Posted November 30, 2015 videh, al ne verujem da ce to da urade, tako smo se i prosle godine lozili:) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kristian Posted November 30, 2015 Report Share Posted November 30, 2015 Ja isto idem ka Cent AX, imam oko 110k XP na 7/1, i mogu da kazem da mi je sigurno najbolji tenk do sada, pored T110E5. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwerko Posted December 1, 2015 Report Share Posted December 1, 2015 (edited) Mene samo interesuje koliko je tezak pocetni grind na 7/1? Imam vec dovoljno free xp za gusenice, dok stignem do njega cu mozda imati i drugi top, mada mi to ne deluje toliko problematicno jer i ovaj sa Centuriona I ima solidan pen. Znam da je poslednji top fenomenalan, ali jel i kupola pravi neku znacajnu razliku?Edit: Danas u ponudi T-28E sa F-30, otrcah do redakcije pa snimih video review ako nekoga interesuje :) Edited December 1, 2015 by Zwerko Quote Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kristian Posted December 1, 2015 Report Share Posted December 1, 2015 Mnooooogo je laksi stock grind, nego na recimo T54, jer imas 226 pen. Mnogo veci problem ce ti biti sto nemas engine, jer je tenk ogroman a spor, nego poslednju cev. Kupola je solidna, ume da bouncuje skoro sve od low tierova, dok recimo T62A me busi kroz cev sa 260+ penetracije, ne uvek, ali se desava. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dule_smor Posted December 1, 2015 Author Report Share Posted December 1, 2015 nek se nose sa ovim akcijama, svaki skuplji paket ima veci procenat popusta, tacno da te navuku da uzmes ono najskuplje logikom da si najjevtinije prosao:)https://eu.wargaming.net/shop/wot/main/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwerko Posted December 1, 2015 Report Share Posted December 1, 2015 On 12/1/2015 at 2:58 PM, Dule_smor said: nek se nose sa ovim akcijama, svaki skuplji paket ima veci procenat popusta, tacno da te navuku da uzmes ono najskuplje logikom da si najjevtinije prosao:)https://eu.wargaming.net/shop/wot/main/Mislim da ti je bolje da ako oces nesto da kupujes cekas tamo blize katolickom Bozicu, verovatno ce biti bolji paketi jer racunaju da ce ljudi da trose vise para. Doduse moguce je da budu i preskupi paketi :( On 12/1/2015 at 2:28 PM, kristijan said: Mnooooogo je laksi stock grind, nego na recimo T54, jer imas 226 pen. Mnogo veci problem ce ti biti sto nemas engine, jer je tenk ogroman a spor, nego poslednju cev. Kupola je solidna, ume da bouncuje skoro sve od low tierova, dok recimo T62A me busi kroz cev sa 260+ penetracije, ne uvek, ali se desava.Mislis da je onda bolje da freeXP potrosim na bolji motor umesto na drugu cevku? Pen je isti, samo drugi top ima boli ROF. Quote Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kristian Posted December 1, 2015 Report Share Posted December 1, 2015 Ima bolji RoF i preciznija je, tj brze ti skupi nisan. Ja sam uzeo prvo tu cev, pa kupolu, pa motor i tek na kraju poslednju cev. Jer sam se stvarno dvoumio kad mi je ostalo samo cev i motor da istrazim, pa gledam sta da uzmem prvo jer su obe koliko se secam preko 45k XP-a, ono, nije bas malo. I uzeo sam motor pre cevi. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Faramir Posted December 2, 2015 Report Share Posted December 2, 2015 (edited) C/P informacije za vas :For those of you behind a firewall, here's a list of all the festivities. There are discounts, tank sales (some of which are very enticing), and x5 first for the last few days of December, the 26th to the 30th.The first set of discounts is from December 1st to 15th:Barracks Slots are 50% offCrew Retraining and Skill Resets are 50% offCamo, Emblems, and Inscriptions are 50% offConsumables are 50% offThe second set of discounts is from December 15th to January 1st:Premium vehicles, tiers 2-5 are 50% offPremium vehicles, tiers 6-7 are 30% offPremium vehicles, tier 8 are 15% offRegular vehicles, tiers 8-10 are 15% offPremium account, 180 and 360 Days are both 15% offFree XP conversion is 1 gold for 35 XPThere are a total of 18 special tanks on sale. The first 9 tanks are on sale for one day each from December 1-9, the last 9 are on sale together for 12 days from December 12-24. Every package comes with one Garage Slot.December (list number is what day it's on sale for):9.44€: T-28-F30, 500 Gold23.62€: T-34-85M, 1,200 Gold94.52€: BT-SV, 21,000 Gold, 100% Crew28.35€: ISU-122S, 1,500 Gold, 100% Crew with Brothers in Arms23.62€: Cromwell B, 1,700 Gold, 100% Crew with Brothers in Arms51.04€: WZ-11128.35€: FV201 (A45), 1,300 Gold28.35€: IS-2, 1,000 Gold, 100% Crew with Brothers in Arms17.95€: T-34-85 Rudy, 100% Crew with Brothers in Arms, Szarik the dogThe following tanks are all on sale together, from December 13 to 25:28.35€: KV-220-2, 4,700 Gold28.35€: 105 leFH18B2, 4,700 Gold37.8€: M56 Scorpion, 3,500 Gold56.71€: IS-3A, 1,400 Gold47.25€: 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger, 1,200 Gold17.01€: TOG II*37.8€: KV-5, 1,250 Gold9.44€: T1432.13€: M4A1 Revalorisé[–]MeatheadMilitia *(wargaming employee) Insider tip, these are just our sales for the month. There are a few extra cool things coming out that we haven't published yet Edited December 2, 2015 by Faramir zaboravnost :) Quote ubij jednog - ubica si; ubij hiljadu - vojskovodja si; ubij milion - drzavnik si. A single death is tragedy, million is a statistic. - I.V.Stalin It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. NN 4ever Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwerko Posted December 2, 2015 Report Share Posted December 2, 2015 (edited) Videh to vec ali prosto nisam siguran koliko je tacno, danas su bas zagovnali ponudu :) Plus fali odredjeni broj dana tu, sto su moguce ove retardirane ponude. Inace, vrlo korisna stvar ako igrate vise partija ovih dana, lik je skapirao foru kako da dobijete 80k srebra dnevno onako ninasta :) http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/540040-how-to-get-80k-credits-per-day-p/Dakle ako igrate partije sa tier 8 ili visim tenkovima za dve pobede dobijate rentiranje crvenog IS-7, za 5 T-62 i na kraju za 10 AMX 50B. Uzmete te tenkove, prodate im svu municiju, sacekate da istekne rental period, prodate njih i onda ponovo odradite misiju da ih dobijete, dodju opet puni municije, onda opet ponoviti :) Nije lose 80k srebra dnevno, to je milionce za 12 dana, nit' oro' nit' kop'o :) Edited December 2, 2015 by Zwerko Quote Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dule_smor Posted December 4, 2015 Author Report Share Posted December 4, 2015 pa ocigledno da nije tacno, makar ovaj prvi deo:)...btw, al su se pretrgli za vikend akcijuhttp://worldoftanks.eu/en/news/pc-browser/44/weekend-special-0508-december-2015/ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dule_smor Posted December 5, 2015 Author Report Share Posted December 5, 2015 i naravno x3 dobijam samo za gejmove kad me arty odmah one-shotuje, jebem ti marfija Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sarb12k Posted December 7, 2015 Report Share Posted December 7, 2015 Vredili se muciti sa KV-4 zbog odlicnog ST-I tenka Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dule_smor Posted December 7, 2015 Author Report Share Posted December 7, 2015 lol, kv4 je isto odlican, makar kad igras protiv njega:) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
strokan Posted December 7, 2015 Report Share Posted December 7, 2015 вреди Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwerko Posted December 7, 2015 Report Share Posted December 7, 2015 KV-4 ima samo jednu manu a to je da je previse spor, ja ga zato ne mirisem previse jer mi prosto treba sto godina da promenim lokaciju ili tako nesto. S druge strane tenk je zver - ima solidno precizan top i penetraciju da mozes dosta da uradis u tier 10 bitkama sa standardnom municijom, a ako upadnes kao top tier onda dominiras. Malopre sam odigrao partiju lose i 4k blokirane stete :) Quote Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirotinjski_instinkt Posted December 7, 2015 Report Share Posted December 7, 2015 (edited) Pozdrav svima. Nakon godinu dana pauze opet sam počeo sa WOT-om. Malo sam ispao iz fazona, iako sam bio na 15k parija i izmedju plave i zelene boje što se tiče wn8. Elem, otvorio novi nalog i za oko mi zapadne T54 first prototype. Vozio ga par dana na test serveru, ali s obzirom da većina vozi tier 10 i tuku zlato maksimalno, nisam baš došao do nekog zaključka. Da li ga neko ood vas vozi i koliko često upada u tier 10 partije? Primetio sam da super zarađuje, ume da bounce-uje sve i svašta, malo trom, ali kompletan utisak je da apsolutno zaslužuje pažnju. Još mu dižu penetraciju standardne granate na 183, što je sasvim korektno protiv tier 9 ako se tuče u weakspot-ove. Edited December 7, 2015 by sirotinjski_instinkt Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zwerko Posted December 8, 2015 Report Share Posted December 8, 2015 Ja sam s njim odigrao bukvalno samo 2-3 partije ali deluje da je bas dosta slican kao i T-44. Problem probijanja nije toliko izrazen kod njih kao kod Super Pershinga na primer jer postoji sansa da zaobidjes nekoga pa da ga gadjas u bok ili pozadinu. Top isto oce da proda ponekad, ali opet nije ni namenjen kao neki snajper. Mislim da moze da bude interesantan premium ali je verovatno bolje da sacekas ako oces da kupujes sad oko katolickog Bozica ce verovatno biti neki popusti bolji ili mozda i u ovom kao mesecnom kalendaru. Quote Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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