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The Vanishing of Ethan Carter

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Meni ovo deluje kao Dear Esther sa avanturističkim momentima. Okruženje i atmosfera su odlično odrađeni.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Izašla i odlična je igra. Što rekoše u introu, igra vas ne vodi za ruku, već sami pronalazite tragove, i sastavljate sled događaja tokom istrage. Okruženje kida kako je dobro odrađeno.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Prešao sam je danas, nije dugačka ali nema ni potrebe za tim pošto je perfektno ispričana i zaokružena priča. Dodatni plus je što ima par delova igre koji u potpunosti mogu da se ignorišu ili previde i da se i pored toga završi igra, ali njihov prelazak itekako utiče na atmosferu i bolje shavatanje priče.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Do jaja je okruženje, malo prebogato za moju mašinu ali jebiga tako smo u mogućnosti.


Temeljno sam se isparanoisao kroz šumu jer su me godine FPSova, action RPGova i MMOova uslovile da iza svakog žbuna, ispod svakog kamena, sa svakog drveta i iz svakog plićaka očekujem da me nešto napadne a ovde sam goloruk [:D]


Došao sam tek do prvih kuća i pošto sam sisica završiću je za vikend, pre podne sa puno sunca u sobi  [:D]

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jebote, smorio si sa kukanjem vise :D

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Izašao treći apdejt. Ako igrate Codex izdanje, trebaju vam sva tri peča jer nisu kumulativni.


Update 3:

- Added the fast travel option to the end area
- Added the option to remove any extra camera motion (e.g. head bob)
- Added the option to choose the way Save notification is displayed
- Slightly easier section in the old mine area
- Added the improved German translation (thx Tool8!)
- Smart/Still Crosshair improvements and bugfixes
- Gamepad vibration can now be turned off completely
- Launcher now correctly remembers and relies the settings
- Steam cloud saves officially launched
- Birds won't chirp during the witch's forest segment
- Tweaks of the music timings
- Fixes of menu behavior on gamepad
- Added a missing sound of de-materialization in certain spots
- Fix of the turbine sounds
- Fixes of the elevators behavior post save
- A couple of smaller bugfixes and improvements (menu, gameplay)
- Changed the sniper rifle spawn point to the center of the lake

Update 2:

- fixed savegame loading issues with water level and closed doors
- turning off the turbine turns off the sound as well
- "Saving scene" instead of "Saving" for clearer messaging
- nerfed the sniper rifle

Update 1:

- invert Y now works properly on both mouse and gamepad
- can configure arrows keys now as well
- odd line under the black bars removed in modes other than pure 16:9
- players can no longer fall into the elevator shaft
-  no longer attacks during the gate sequence
- story page after the  no longer appears post-section
- checkpoint loads improvements
- checkpoint now also auto-saves every time we read a story page or see the murder (useful as a pseudo-manual location save)
- players can no longer inspect items in the total darkness
- various small streaming and lighting improvements
- sniper rifle no scope damage tweaked from 3 to over 9000
- other minor fixes

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