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Deadbreed is a fastpaced Hardcore Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
with RPG features where two 3 player teams engage in battles of life and death.
Tactical 3vs3 battles online versus players or AI combatants.
Choose your hero from a wide range of night-, half- and daybreed. Each hero has its own unique set of special abilities and plays differently depending on the way you equip them!
Heroes level up with matches – Earn experience to rank up the heroes you favor.
Artifact Items level up and wear down with matches – Earn experience to unlock upgrades and crafting relic slots for your artifacts.
Summon totem creatures to aid you in battle.
A team chosen Sentinel becomes the endgame bossfight challenge. The outcome of each match change your status with the Sentinels and affect their power.
Maps have customizable options like Dungeons, side- and PvP-Quests.



Trenutno je u zatvorenoj beti http://www.deadbreed.com/


"Im the great Cornholio, I need TP for my bunghole!"

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Zao mi je sto ova igra nema igraca. Kad je izasla, odnosno kad se pojavila u open beti, bilo je igraca i onda su odlazili jer im je gameplay komplikovan a i nije bilo tad puno heroja...

Bas bih voleo da igra povrati igrace i da moze da se igra jer igra po meni ima potencijal i svidja mi se ideja sa iteme i one posebe delove na mapi kad ulazite u tamnice, odnosno grobnice...

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