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Igra li neko?

Ja sam poceo od kako je igra postala Open Beta i mogu reci da je igra skroz ok. Nema nekog vaaauu efekta ali je malo osvezenje za danasnje MMOe.

Enivjez, najvise mi se svidja to sto je igra kao UT(ne stari vec ovi moderniji sa "nabudzenim" odelima) samo sto ima i PVE i PVP :)

PVE je blago reci smesan. Ima interesantnih misija, ali se sve svode na to da doneses nesto negde(u vrlo maloj zoni) s' time sto cim se pokupi "objektive" te misije neprijatelji se spawnuju skoro svugde, pa ako se misija nalazi u zatvorenom prostoru moze da dodje do poteskoca oko izbegavanja neprijateljske paljbe jer neki NPCji imaju nezgodna oruzja koja kad zveknu zabole mnogo xD

PVP je ko svaki FPS PVP. Trenutno ima TDM, Harvester, Sabotage i neki fudbal(zaboravih kako se zove, ali je to standardni CTF s' time sto se "lopta" nosi do protivnickog gola). Harvester i Sabotage jos nisam igrao, izgleda da se ljudi ne prijavljuju or somthin'. PVP je ok, mada kad dodju "premade" timovi postaje izrazito teze da se nesto uradi, pogotovo ako imaju T2 battleframeove.


Ko hoce moze da me add, nick: Greedr pa da trckaramo i otkrivamo svet, pvnujemo nubove i generalno radimo sprdacine :D




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  • 11 months later...

u je ko zna šta sam hteo da napišem ... hteo sam zapravo da kažem da je na papiru bila ok, da je u osnovi imala potencijal i to mi se dopalo, ali pored toga ništa spec i onda prosto nije bilo interesa da se igra duže.

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ja sam bio u beti aktivan par meseci pre godinu ipo dana...pve rudimentaran, grafika dopadljiva, pvp veoma dinamican, pogotovo kada se nabace visi tierovi specijalizovanih frameova...ali ono, kad nestane novelty faktor posle prvih par nedelja nema necega da zadrzi igraca na duze staze...bar sam ja imao takav utisak...

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  • 2 weeks later...

ja igram vec 2-3h :P

cini mi se da je igra dosta poboljsana od bete, nema nekog random lag-a, i sve je nekako techno bez glitcheva i ostalih nezgodacija

ubacili su misije i promenili research i manufacture(bar od onda kad sam ja poslednji put ovo igrao)




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jedan dobar FF review

When I first started playing, back in early 2012, my first impression was overwhemingly positive. Although the progression system was quite close to the current one (level based gear with module slots), the game showed enormous promise to become its own "thing". 
It started with 0.5, where the new tech tree involved a much more horizontal progression, which was less about inflating numbers and more broadifying your combat options. It also brought in a constraint system (fixed at the time), which forced you to make decisions about the gear you could equip. It sounds like a bad thing on paper, but it actually made you *think* about your character. You could decide exactly how to build it, how to specialize it. Your character was truly one you'd call your own.
Another milestone passed, and the tech tree was refined in a deep, complex crafting system while the character progression focused on constraints (which became upgradeable through gained experience and collected resources). As your constraints improved, you could equip stronger, better gear (bringing some vertical progression) while making sure you could never equip all of the top quality ones at the same time.
It was an ideal diagonal progression system, one that I sincerely hoped would stay for good.

As for the world, well... we were promised an open, sandbox-ish world that would evolve and change through the players' actions, and for a time we had something quite close. 
Coral Forest used to be quite a dangerous place where watchtowers and other key points could fall to the Chosen any time if left undefended. Places like Sunken Harbor and Thump Dump could even be submerged by the Melding, and that had consequences, albeit temporary. 
Still, we really had the feeling that the region was the last bastion of humanity surrounded by an implacable force from another world.
And most importantly, anyone could contribute to an event (ares missions, thumpers, melding tornados and so on...) and be equally rewarded regardless of his own progression.
Everyone mattered.
Everywhere mattered.
Every*thing* mattered.

So, what happened?

Well, progression is now back to being level-based with slottable gear and no constraints. The consequence is you don't need to care about your character, you just pile up level after, equip that white Gun'O'Pwn because it's better than your old purple Gun'O'Whack you picked up 5 levels ago, you see numbers inflate exponentially and it doesn't mean crap because your enemies' health increased by the same factor, you follow the same jobs over and over since they're all variant of kill/fetch/escort (Yep, there are escort missions. The kind that makes you ragequit 99% of the time).

The crafting system has been simplified to the point of being dumbed down, yet at the same time required several times more material grinding than before, especially when some components can only be gotten through the goodwill of the RNG.
Said RNG also govern the result of your craft, so you are not even sure if the result is what you want.

The old open world has been segregated into level-based areas, so players too high or too low for an ares mission, job or whatever would be penalized in the rewards gained (that's right, if you are a lowbie and want to try something challenging, you are screwed).
Virtually all of the 'chosen war' aspect have been taken out of coral forest. No invasions, no incursions, a few strike teams every once in a while... the "last bastion of humanity" became a dull, unchanging place.

With the release patch, the game changed from an innovative, off-the-beaten-track MMOFPS into essentially WoW with guns. It had a lot of promise, but instead went the generic, unimaginative way.

I regularly played this game for two years and enjoyed the hell out of it. I just don't any more the way it is now.

For people who never played the beta, you might enjoy it. You just wouldn't realize how good it could have been.


igra u sustini nije losa, ali je mogla biti mnogo bolja, ja trenutno trckaram i otkrivam neke nove stvari koje nisam odradio u beti pa mi je za sad zanimljivo

neki ljudi se zale na zabagovane kvestove mada ja jos nisam naleteo na njih

najbolja stvar je sto sve moze da se kupi sa ingame keshom tako da igra nije p2w, cak ne postoji neko p2w oruzje koje je xyz puta bolje od bilo cega drugog

red beans("zlatna valuta") moze da se kupi na marketu, tamo je stavljaju svi "burzuji" pa se moze pazariti za kredite(minimalna cena je 1:100); krediti se uzimaju od prodaje stvari na marketu ili konverovanjem crystite(max je 1000 kredita dnevno, 1kred:25cry)

levelovanje je lako, malo je teze naci opremu i skilove(market jos nije dovoljno popunjen)

manufacture i research su malo cudno odradjeni, 's obzirom da sam igrao u beti ja sam dobio gomilu nekih poena za research i neke time poene(or sumthin') pa mi dozvoljava da bilo sta napravim ili istrazim za 10sekundi ali ako predjem kurzorom preko te stvari lepo pise koliko to nesto treba da se se napravi/istrazi

instanca koju sam radio mi je bila interesantna(kapiram da ce tako biti jos par puta dok je totalno ne izgrindam :P), boss nema neku preterano tesku mehaniku ali ako ste u squishy batlefrejmu onda se moze desiti da oneshotuje


enihuuu, odo da jos malo blejim u sarenilu :D




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Igrao sam danas malo, ovo je mnoooogo bolje nego zadnji put kada sam probao (sto je bilo bas bas davno), odlican je feel tokom napucavanja i kretanja. Koliko ce me drzati videcemo, ali ova ocena iz Pc gamer-a je smesna, a jos smesniji su ovi sa steam-a sto kukaju kakve su probleme imali u beti... Kakve veze ima kakva je igra bila pre 2 godine, bitno je kakva je sada, a to cemo tek moci znati sa sigurnoscu za par meseci.

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