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Might & Magic X

Al Bundy

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vajnovanje hejtovane i palamudjenje ovih vise od 10 godina se ipak isplatilo!  mogu mirno da se povucem svoju vlaznu pecinu i koegzistiram sa mojim soon to be released blagom, da ga mazim i pazim dok se sokovi zadovoljstva neobuzdano luce, kapilar na oku puca, suljevi se raskalasno odmaraju  a zila serulja se povlaci ostavljajuci suptilan ali ipak vidljiv oziljak da podseca nadolazeca pokoljenja koja je cena istrajnosti i pozrtvovanosti... all hail to the return of turn-based-isometric-squad based-rpgz-and-true-powa'- of-rpgz-with-actual-storry-and-cnc... zgut





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e ni osmica nije bila losa. jedino je 9tka bila teski krsh. ps. jel te dos igre mogu da se pokrecu na win-u?

e ni osmica nije bila losa. jedino je 9tka bila teski krsh.

ps. jel te dos igre mogu da se pokrecu na win-u?

Edited by qwert00

C programmers never die. They are just cast into void.

C# programmers don't die either. They get garbage collected

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Q&A koji se ticu gameplaya u Early Access-u na Steamu




1. I strongly miss monster respawn in the outdoor areas and monster nests which can be destroyed!


Actually, having a general respawn was never considered an option whereas implementing the nests was something we wanted to integrate into the game for some time. However, we refrained from implementing both out of the same reasons. We don’t want players to farm for XP just because it is possible or because they feel too powerless at the moment. Instead we would like the player to keep trying to best a challenge by adapting their tactics or by exploring the world and go looking for moderate challenges on which they can grow stronger. We want players to explore the world and to provide him/her with a sense of accomplishment by gradually “clearing” the world and its dungeons.


2. Are there quests that start in Act I, but can’t be finished (yet)? If that’s the case, please let us know, so we don’t chase our tails for nothing!


Yes, for example the “Sword of the Bounty Hunter” quest you receive from Hamato.



3. When leaving the town, there’s an island with a treasure chest on it in plain sight. While this is a neat visual, it suggests that I can get to the island to get the chest, but since I can’t, it’s ultimately disappointing.


The island will become more than just a neat visual during the course of the game. ;)

4. Statistics would be great: how many enemies killed, % of successful hits et cetera.


I think we are planning to implement global statistics, but not for the single player.



5. How about introducing bags that can hold additional items?


If your inventory gets too stuffed, that’s a sign that you might need a pack horse or should part with some redundant or even obsolete items.










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Ladno neko misli da je pametna ideja da zakljucas graficke opcije ako racunar nije u rangu predlozene konfiguracije. Nece da mi da promenim nivo tekstura sa medium na bilo sta vise od toga, ostalo isto, nema nekih Ultra High opcija a editovanje fajla rucno ostavi igru u hang modu. A igra izgleda ko govno na medium teksturama. Treba neko da im kaze da kvalitet tekstura nije nesto sto neko gleda da smanji kad igra igru vec AA i slicno da bi dobio na perfomansama. Krembili. 

Ljudi se dele na optimiste i one koji znaju bolje.

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Skinuo full igru narodne edicije.

Elem, igrao sam je do 5 ujutru kolko sam se udubio :) Stvarno me je igra vratila nazad 20 godina. Doduse sad sam se zakucao i ne znam sta da radim dalje.

Iz nekog razloga isplati se da u partiju vodis 4 maga bukvalno. Imam crusadera, warriora, druida i maga u partiju. I druid i Mag iznabadaju sve pre nego sto dodju do mene ne prijatelji, plus prave veci dmg sa tim magijama.


Vracam se u igru, posle cu mozda jos nesto da dodam. Ali svima preporucujem ko voli ovakve Turn Based RPG igre.

Inace pcworld dao 73% ocenu... :(


BTW Ko je skinuo reloaded verziju. ACT 1 je zakljucan i kad treba da letite u Elemental Forge on vam je iskljucen... Here is the fix


Editujte fajl M&M_Legacy_Install_FolderStreamingAssetsDialogLevDialog.xml


Imate na vise mesta liniju:

  <condition xsi:type="PrivilegeUnlockedCondition" privilegeID="1001" failState="DISABLED" />


Obrisite te linije. Snimite fajl. I nastavite igru.

Edited by Silencer
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koliko je dobra igra, zakucao sam preko 4 sata prvi put kada sam pokrenuo :) ne pamtim kad sam zakucao toliko na nekoj igri u poslednje vreme


vidim da je ispeglana, a i za sitne pare moze da se nadje kod dilera na rur-u :D  a to me podseti da treba da mu i uplatim igru [:D]





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