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win 7 lan problem


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instalirao sam win 7 na lenovo g 550 i sistem je sam instalirao drajvere. problem je kad ubacim lan kabl, ne nalazi network. trazi neko vreme i onda kaze da nema mreze. odem troubleshooting i na kraju ispadne neki ip configuration problem. probao sam sa raznim drajverima sa svih mogucih sajtova, ukljucujuci i lenovo support, ne vredi, nema lana. wlan radi dobro kao i sve ostalo, tj svi ostali drajveri.

klik, help.

We are just a moment in time,

A blink of an eye,

A dream for the blind,

Visions from a dying brain,

I hope you don't understand....

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resio sam glupi problem, nije bilo ni u hardw, ni softw, reset sam ruter i proradilo je svuda. majmun sam sto to odmah nisam pokusao nego uvek nesto komplikovanije mislim da je i onda kopam bzvz i produbljujem enigmu. moze lock.

We are just a moment in time,

A blink of an eye,

A dream for the blind,

Visions from a dying brain,

I hope you don't understand....

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