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Kakva predivna, predivna igra, i samo za glupavi Xbox, šmrc

Uzeo sam da skidam video walkthrough i gledam na TVu, kolko mi se igra ovako nešto, buhuu

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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  • 2 months later...

OK, poterao sam igru. Hvala marko svakako :)

Nije compatibility mode, ali je uspelo ono da se promeni locale na english / united states.

Kontrole tj. raspored su ok, ali odziv haos, dosta igara od toga pati, posebno što kaže pesma, ono sprint pa da skočiš sa ivice ima 33% šanse da uspeš, u praksi 80% šanse da fejluješ :)

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Ja sam igrao jos malo.. i generalno je igra bas bagovita.

Desava se da ne iskacu one ikonice kod predmeta koji mogu da se koriste na primer... ili da propadnes kroz pod, ili da kamera samo stane i da nece da skroluje na sledeci ekran.

mislim, onaj koji je kupio ovo za neke pare, se zajebao.

Get smart or die dumb!

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Ako je samo to kod mene slučaj onda sam dobro "rolao kockice".

Doduše, imam i trip da meni se vraća u igru čim ga uključim (znači meni tokom igre, ne glavni meni) tako da na primer ne mogu da izađem iz igre osim "ubijanjem" kad se alt+tabujem pa desni klik na ikonicu :)

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Update 1.0

- The problem about the menu in game that disappeared immediately has been


- Another problem related to the navigation has been fixed.

- The crash in the Russian - Czech version has been fixed.

- The string when the connection to Internet fails has been changed removing

any reference to Xbox Live.

- The problem of the icon in the task-bar has been fixed.

- Some minor graphic glitches have been fixed.

- The limitation to 30 FPS has been changed and now the game is running at

60 FPS.

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