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ARMA 2 DayZ mod

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Slucajno sam nabasao na ovaj mod pa vidim da ga ljudi opasno hvale, jel probao neko deluje interesantno?

One of the most original and intense mods I've ever played! DayZ gives us a true survival horror experience using the ArmA 2 engine! Lets take a look!

I spawned and look to the north and see a flare so i haul ass that way and keep in mind that everything is happening in nighttime so you can't see ANYTHING unless you have flares or chemlights.When i get close i see two guys coming out some brush so i lay down and crawl their way.I hear them on the mic "Did you hear that?" so i say "Friendly" and jump up,we exchange names and such and i ask where they are headed.They tell me they don't know so i ask them to join me on my way to Chernogorsk(huge city with tons of great loot but also lots of pkers) they tag along.

We head up the road half a km and pass a few villages and get a little bit of loot.About 15 minutes of more traveling and we see a little military area with tents,barb wire fences and sniper towers,so we cautiously head toward it but a few zombies come sprinting at us.6 zombies,and 6 rounds later we enter the area and we split up and look for loot.I find an m24 with 5 rounds in the sniper tower and another one of us finds an mp5 but unfortunately there was no bullets and a map.

After a 20 minute haul down the road we finally arrive at Cherno.We notice its REALLY quiet and are barely any zombies around.Looking in a warehouse we loot some nice little chemlights and one of my group members finds some ammo for his mp5.By now I'm a little beat up by previous encounters with zombies and my screen is shaking and i need some blood (gained by getting a transfusion with a blood pack or eating red meat).We see a huge building with multiple staircases and ladders and proceed to climb it.We get to the very top and throw flares in our N,S,E and W directions to get a better view.We don't see much so head down and look around some more.We come across a military tent and a little hut.The two enter the tent and i check out the hut,where i find a nice Enfield with some ammo and a large backpack that lets me carry more supplies.I give the sniper to the guy with no primary weapon and the guy with the mp5 finds a large backpack as well.

We go around the corner and see a rabbit in the road,so i shoot it,one group member guts it and removes a meat steak (which requires a hunting knife) and the other starts a campfire (which requires matches),he cooks the steak and gives it to me and it brings my blood up.The screen shaking is still present so one of my mates provides me with some painkillers which completely cure my shakes.After we look to our south and see a flare to our south and cautiously head that way,and drop our chemlights so we aren't spotted.We luckily come across a hospital and look for an entrance so we head around back.The other guy finds a medical which holds some blood packs,bandages,morphine and an epi pen.We're all a bit low on blood so we give one another a transfusion and are completely healed.

I notice that we lit up our vicinity with light so i say "Guys,it's really illuminated here,we should move out". Less than thirty seconds later i hear a *SNAP* and i'm on the ground bleeding out and unconscious.I hear my mates on the mic "Is he dead!?" and they think I'm dead and i can hear them coming up with a strategy.Now when you go unconscious an hour glass comes up on the screen and you have to wait for it to empty,but you can't talk while unconscious so i couldn't tell them to help me.You have a maximum of 12000 blood and that's where i was at since i just got the transfusion but i was bleeding out and my blood was rapidly decreasing.By the time i got up i was at 3000 blood,and i yell "Help! Help! Help!" One of squad mates says "Holy shit,we thought you were dead!"So we go around behind a fence and he gives me another transfusion.

Now were looking for the asshole that shot me and we get to a road and a field and to the left some backyards of houses.We see a flare towards the backyards but see no one.One of my guys says that he'll get his attention by running around with a chemlight attached to him.He runs across the road and dives for cover.After a few seconds i look towards the flare and i see a guy crouch walking near a house and i yell "He's to our 10!" I get my sights on him and squeeze off 3 rounds of my Enfield but the flare goes out and i can't see if it was a kill or not.I throw another one but am unable to see a body due to bushes and trash cans blocking my view.We walk about half way to where the guy was and hear another *Snap*,i dive for cover and hear two more.I then run behind a house to my left and look behind me and see one of my squad mates lying in the middle of the road,dead.My other mate has no more bullets for his mp5,and i see the body that i killed with the enfield earlier but its way to risky to check it for guns or bullets.We head to a little house behind us and luckily i find a winchester and tell my mate to pick up.Now we head for the front door which faces the road where we were fired on and we need to get to our other squadmates body because he has our bloodpacks on him.My mate says "Ok i'll run across the field with my red chemlight to distract him and you get to the body and get the supplies." We count to three and he takes 10 steps out toward the field and i sprint to the body and dive,i hear *SNAP* and i look over to my right and see a red chemlight in the field not moving,so i go to check the pack quickly and.....*SNAP* my screen turns red,i turn over and i'm dead.\

i video jedan za kraj.

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pa da, ima gomila igrača, a ono još je alfa... samo sam posle nešto video i kao valjda ne treba Combined Operations već može i samo sa Arrowheadom da se igra mod ali nisam nešto istraživao taj segment, samo čitam na RPS doživljaje :D ali deluje lepo, tj. deluje kao survival igra koja izgleda kako treba, a ne kao neki buđavi "zombi jer to mladi vole" dlc mod za CoD.


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pa uspeo sam da instaliram sve nije nimalo lako :P, usao u igru (nisam nikad do sada igrao armu) i atmosfera je jebeno predobra, jako dobro sve izgleda, setao sam se malo i onda sam skontao zombije, 2 krenula ka meni ja ih skinuo no problemo, uzeo da lootujem leseve kad me je presekao prvi metak, legao na pod i poceo da pravim kolutove da izbegnem koji hitac al nije pomoglo lik me izresetao x.X

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noc u igri je takva da se bukvalno nista ne vidi ako nemas night vision, postoje flareovi ali ako krenes da ih korstis privuku zombije i druge igrace koji te uglavnom napune olovom xD, dan i noc cycle se menja kao i ovaj nas in real life tako da je uvece igrati igru dosta tesko za sad se igra samo danju :P, serveri su svi generalno prepuno i dosta je tesko uci i disconnecti su chesti posto je jelte u alfi pa je sve dosta nestabilno i bagovito. Razne zanimljivosti mogu da se dese, moguce je prehladiti se i dobiti groznicu, dehidrirati, uzeti previse lekova pa upasti u nekakav delirijum, smrt vreba na svakom cosku bukvalno

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Radi ova opcija Operation Arrowhead + Arma 2 Free.

Svidja mi se, ali je mod prezahtevan, tanije moja masina je preslaba, armu igram manje vise bez problem na high, osim kada je veliki grad u pitanju tada smanjim detalje, ali mod je izdrkavanje, pasce nova masina vidim ja.

U svakom slucaju zanimljivo je, citam svi se zale na bandite, ja nisam imao tih problema, na svakog lika na koga sam naleteo bilo je povuci potegni ali niko nije pripucao, obicno smo se ili ignorisali ili krenuli zajedno da igramo. U jednom trenutku nas se naslo 6-7 tako, isli smo i skupljali ljude ako im treba pomoc.

Nocu sam probao da igram i krs je stvarno, nema poente igrati.

Edited by BISS
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