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Nije Indijski, jos tri preostaju... :)

How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas?
It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.
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Nije ni on, sad je pola-pola sansa da ce sledeci da ubode... :)

Edited by Zuzi
How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas?
It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.
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Jos jedan promasaj... :)

Nek postavlja ko oce.

How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas?
It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.
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У мајка му стара. Па узимајући у Обзир да је северни део Јужне Америке непрегледнији, а да ја ушће међу првима пронађено, онда је то Ориноко, с обзиром да су колонизатори дошли са Кариба...

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Ako mislimo na istu stvar (podeljena administrativna struktura), Juzna Afrika?

How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas?
It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.
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Postavio sam slicno pitanje, samo sto sam pitao koja drzava ima dva glavna grada... :)

Koja drzavna zastava je najstarija (bez ikakvih promena u dizajnu)?

Edited by Zuzi
How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas?
It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.
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Nije Indija.

Razmisljajte o drzavama koje nisu imale previse turbulentnih trenutaka u svojoj istoriji...

How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas?
It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.
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Nije ni Svajcarska ni Svedska, ali Protos je bas blizu... :)

How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas?
It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.
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Da, Danska je svoju zastavu zadrzala cak od 13. veka, taj dizajn su od nje posle preuzele sve nordijske zemlje.

Postavljaj Daki...

How long will this last, this delicious feeling of being alive, of having penetrated the veil which hides beauty and the wonders of celestial vistas?
It doesn't matter, as there can be nothing but gratitude for even a glimpse of what exists for those who can become open to it.
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