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steam problem ?


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Pa evo sad sam isao kao da ne znam username i ukucao sam mail i poslali su mi ovo

Dear Steam User,

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration. It is being sent in response to a query made by a Steam user to discover all account names associated with this email address.

Steam account name: urosristic96

You can use the above account name to log in to Steam. If you can't remember your password, click on the "Retrieve lost account" button on the Steam login screen.

The Steam Support Team


Onda sam ukucao da mi je username urosristic96 i treba da ukucam kod i secret answer i poslali su mi ovo na mail :

Dear urosristic96,

This is an automated message generated by Steam account administration to help you reset your Steam password.

Please enter the following code into the 'Verification Code' field of the 'Forgotten Password' dialog. (Enter the code exactly as written. You can use copy/paste operations to enter the code):


Please also enter the *answer* to the following question into the 'Secret Answer' field of the same dialog:

What is the name of your pet?

IMPORTANT: Please do not reply to this message to attempt to reset your password -- that won't work. You must enter the above information into the Steam application.

The Steam Support Team


I ja ukucam kod , ali ne znam secret answer i sad nzm sta da radim jer probao sam samo kod i nece mora oba , a i sad ne razumem odakle me meni username urosristic96 ako je bio onaj :S

Dečko ima problem sa steam-om pa sam u njegovo ime napisao, ne može da se uloguje, a juče je pristupao nalogu, da li zna neko o čemu se radi ?

p.s. ima verifikacioni kod.

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"Juce sam bio najbrzi u jednoj nagradnoj igri i dobio sam steam , kada sam juce usao sve je bilo ok i radilo , danas ja probam da udjem i pise mi ono ili da username nije tacan ili pw nije tacan , ja idem retrieve lost acc i kliknem da znam username , ukucam username(username je kuracpalaccc)i ono mi izbaci da ne postoji taj username , ja onda uzmem i opet idem retrieve lost acc ali sad kliknem da ne znam username i ukucam svoj mail i oni mi posalju da je username ( urosristic96 ) nzm kako ali sad mi je odjednom taj username bio i ja onda idem opet da znam username i ukucam ga i onda mi izbaci da ukucam verification cod i secret answer ( oni su mi kod poslali na mail i poslali su mi da je tajno pitanje kako mi se zvao prvi kucni ljubimac ) i ja nisam znao secret answer...i sad nzm kako da vratim acc.Inace acc je na mom mailu verifikovan i sve , nzm kako se ovo desilo :S"

Evo opet citiram dečka, koliko sam ja razumeo tražio mu je i to sigurnosno pitanje i nije mogao da povrati acc.. Nadam se da sada razumeš o čemu se radi, mada i meni nije najjasnije, ne znam šta se desilo..

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