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Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress


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Probao bih ovo i vidim da mora da bude instaliran TW2 da bi ovo išlo preko njega. Pokrenuo malo dotičnu igru koju imam instaliranu od ranije, i sad mi čim počnem da igram traži neki key da ukucam inače ne pušta dalje da se igra. Kakva je procedura sa tim sada ako hoću da instaliram ovaj addon, da ne bih morao sve ispočetka da stavljam ako se nešto poremeti zbog tog keychecka.

"You're the first of the official death squads to whom we've been formally introduced... How do you do?"


"By my deeds I honour him, V8."


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Found a workaround to the serial problem that happens between each chapter ingame.

1. Continue as far as you can until you got no other option then to save and exit.

2. Open Run... in your start menu and type "regedit" without the " ".

3. Open the following directories:



-Reality Pump


-Serial Key

4. Find the Registered value and double click it and change it from 1 to 0.

5. Restart the game and load up the savegame made right before you got forced out.

6. Redo the serial again just as you did when you installed the game and it should work.

You will need to do this for each of the 5 chapters, but it should work for all without having to reinstall the game as a workaround. Not experience any problem with this method myself and I've done it for 2 chapters so far in 1.3. Just make sure TwoWorlds2.exe and TwoWorlds2_DX10.exe are blocked at all times and you do the phone activation process.

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Ja igrao jedno 2 sata. I nesto mi je jako tesko da se 'primim'. Voice acting je prilicno los (svi su preglumljeni). Glavnom protagonisti neki drugi lik daje glas u toku razgovora, ali kad otvara cest, zavrsava enemyje itd. cuje se glas od baje koji je davao glas u 'vanila' drugom delu sto zvuci smesno. Dijalozi su naivni (ok, ok naivniji od standarda u zanru).

Prica je ono....

Mislim lik je ubijao zmajeve, Gandahare,krsio armije cele, spasavao svetove pre petnaest minuta ali se sada usrao jednog preglumljenog gusara i zbog toga mu radi kao potrcko???

Prca mi se za custom titulu!

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