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First synthetic transplant


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Crucially, the technique does not need a donor, and there is no risk of the organ being rejected. The surgeons stress a windpipe can also be made within days.

vrlo zanimljivo ... nadam se samo da je taj veštački materijal dovoljno dobar da neće na njega negativno uticati bilo šta iz samog organizma.

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This was then flown to Sweden and soaked in a solution of stem cells taken from the patient's bone marrow.

After two days, the millions of holes in the porous windpipe had been seeded with the patient's own tissue.

meni ovo nije jasno? taj rastvor je napunio rupe u staklenom modelu njegovim tkivom?

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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da, ali kako nastaje to njegovo tkivo, cime se hrani da izraste? nije to samo neka carobna tecnost sa njegovim celijama u koju su potopili modlu i ta-naaa!

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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verovatno taj materijal zamenjuje prirodnu hrskavicu i deluje kao kalup oko koga se kaleme celije epitela i veziva...a stem celije ce se same deliti ako imaju dovoljno hrane i faktore koji indukuju deobu i diferencijaciju u specificna tkiva...sa time se dosta napredovalo u poslednje vreme, uskoro cemo moci da uzgajamo jetre za sebe :tf:


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doktore, doktore :tf:

bas me zanima kako ce to ici sa drugim organima, ne znam da li ce moci kao sa traheom, modla i cepaj.

Don't think of understanding as a 'mental process' at all. Rather ask yourself: in what kind of case, under what circumstances do we say "now i can go on".



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